Fastpass: People can get desperate


New Member
Here are some of our recent FP experiences:

Generally we had great experiences and it really saved us a lot of time standing in lines and helped us get to go on more rides. Like after FantasyLand, I ran over and got FP for SpcMtn so we could ride it after ToonTown. When we got to Epcot in the AM, I went over and got FP for TT since there was already a 40 min wait, then went to MS which had no wait. When we were done, time for our TT ride! (Why were people waiting in line???)

Good story: We got FP for Living w/ Land which were for after our lunch ressie. When we were about to board, my DS age 6 saw the water and freaked out (He thought it was a log flume type ride and hates them) he wouldn't go on no matter what we told him. So DH and him sat out. When DS age 9 and I got off, older DS told him about it and he started crying because he missed it (sigh.....) So my DH went up to the CM at the FP line and explained the situation (he had already turned in their FP) and asked if the 2 of them could ride. The CM said, "Well, the rest of your family shouldn't have to wait for you, why don't you all go on again?", and waved us through. That was a Magical Moment. BTW, DS ended up loving the ride!

DS age 9 and I ended up being late on a couple of rides for our FP return....only place we had a problem was Soarin....CM refused to let us through......1st time I ever heard of that happening. But, I didn't argue with him.....we were late, plus we had already been on it once.

LOL.....We had extra FP for RNRC because my DS didn't want to ride it a second time, so we gave them to a man and daughter who were about to enter the 70 min plus line.....yes, we got the "3 heads" stare! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I was not aware that using fast passes late would ever be a problem. Last year we were doing the child swap at TOT. When I asked the cm for a ticket he asked me how many would be riding the 2nd time. I told him 3 and he just handed me 3 fast passes that had just been turned in. By the time we got back to ride it againg the time had well expired. If anyone had stopped us I would have been upset. Does it say on the tickets that they can ONLY be used between those times? I thought they said you can (or may) return to rides between the times.


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Mr.Pickles once used a Fastpass that was 7 months old, and was permited to ride. Mr.Pickles just asked th CM and the CM said ok. But then again Mr.Pickles is used to a lifestyle of privilege and luxury.

But Mr.Pickles finds that the Fastpass entrance for Soarin is the worst because people,( and Mr.Pickles uses that term very loosely ), will camp out in front of the Fastpass return waiting for their Fastpass to mature, and not let YOU through or make faces at you. This happens every time, and Mr.Pickles for one wish Disney would Police this area.


New Member
ive had experiences back when i worked at WDW and people would try to use their FP at different attractions where the got them, like using a Space Mountain FP to try to get on Winnie the Pooh, any experiences like that?


New Member
shoppingnut said:
The phrase dumb as dirt comes to mind. Unfortunately it would be too cost prohibitive to have a CM at every one.

I'm not sure how much people watching you do at the parks, but people really turn off their brains when they come to Disney. :brick:

There is a total lack of consideration for fellow park goers. Personally I hate that people insist on bringing their strollers EVERYWHERE. I also hate how parents will allow their kids to scream at top volume on the monorail. Fastpass is a huge problem. We always get stuck behind someone that has 15 tickets in their hands and trying to get fastpasses for their entire busload or they are blocking all of the fp machines arguing over how the FP system works. Smoking in the lines and all over the parks is a huge problem as well, CMs are tired of getting screamed at for asking guests to stop smoking.


New Member
GoofyMom2 said:
DS age 9 and I ended up being late on a couple of rides for our FP return....only place we had a problem was Soarin....CM refused to let us through......1st time I ever heard of that happening. But, I didn't argue with him.....we were late, plus we had already been on it once.

A CM cannot refuse to allow you entrance due to missing your FP time. Your fast pass is good from the time window written on the ticket until the park closes that day. If a CM denies you entrance, find a manager (they have blue ID cards and often wear lanyards with their names on the strap) or go to guest relations. Either way, they will make up for the clueless CM that caused the hassle in the first place. Sounds like that CM was either new or having a bad day.


New Member
mhead said:
I totally disagree.

Do you remember when WDW didn't have fastpasses? There were far fewer people just walking around and hanging out in the walkways. On days where the park is phase closing or the parks are packed, fastpasses aren't going to get you on a lot more rides. There are so many more people than fastpasses, you may get on 3 or 4 rides before you have to wait in line or shop in order to kill time before your next FP window comes up.


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vfxpro said:
A CM cannot refuse to allow you entrance due to missing your FP time. Your fast pass is good from the time window written on the ticket until the park closes that day. If a CM denies you entrance, find a manager (they have blue ID cards and often wear lanyards with their names on the strap) or go to guest relations. Either way, they will make up for the clueless CM that caused the hassle in the first place. Sounds like that CM was either new or having a bad day.

Not true. A CM can refuse your admission by FP ANYTIME after the expiration. DO they really ever do that? Not really. Except for one particular time for me.


Well-Known Member
vfxpro said:
A CM cannot refuse to allow you entrance due to missing your FP time. Your fast pass is good from the time window written on the ticket until the park closes that day. If a CM denies you entrance, find a manager (they have blue ID cards and often wear lanyards with their names on the strap) or go to guest relations. Either way, they will make up for the clueless CM that caused the hassle in the first place. Sounds like that CM was either new or having a bad day.

Things are less flexible over at Soarin' than they are at other Fastpass attractions. I was told I MUST return at the time indicated on my Fastpass (and YES, I was a Seasonal Cast Member at the time!) That's why there's a time on the FP, folks - that's how the system works.


Well-Known Member
Idiots idiots idiots...normally, when I see stuff like that, I motion to the cast member working at the fastpass machines to check it out -- of course, if there isn't one there at the time, you are sort of out of luck...


New Member
I have heard stories of guests offering CM's money to get a FastPass for a ride. Not only would the CM get fired if they did it, but that sure is a waste of money for the guest. Some guests get really desperate when it comes to FastPass and its funny to watch them camp out in front of the FP Return line waiting for the clock to strike so they can ride the attraction. That is why whenever I use FP, I wait until like 20 minutes into my time window to use it so I don't have to deal with as many guests.


Well-Known Member
A lot of times FP's are refused after the time window only during VERY peak times on high traffic attractions. Management may decide one day to enforce the hour window and not enforce it the next day.


Well-Known Member
OmegaKnight said:
I have heard stories of guests offering CM's money to get a FastPass for a ride. Not only would the CM get fired if they did it, but that sure is a waste of money for the guest. Some guests get really desperate when it comes to FastPass and its funny to watch them camp out in front of the FP Return line waiting for the clock to strike so they can ride the attraction. That is why whenever I use FP, I wait until like 20 minutes into my time window to use it so I don't have to deal with as many guests.

During Thanksgiving Day I was collecting fastpasses and probably had 1,500-2,000 in my pockets by the end of my rotation. I actually had kids trying to steal them out of my pockets as I walked off-stage to toss them. I even heard a parent say, "That's the guy who was collecting the pastpasses. See if you can grab some out of his pocket." Guess they didn't figure that I have good hearing.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
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dxwwf3 said:
Most CM's let you use them after the time. It has been reported that this is what they are supposed to do, but there are some CM's that take it upon themselves to make their own rules and won't let you in. But that's rare.
CM's who make their own rules should be fired on the spot :rolleyes:


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
TiggerRPh said:
Isn't there usually a CM around the machines...where were they?

not always... if the ride is understaffed, that's one of the first positions removed from rotation.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
MGMBoy said:
A lot of times FP's are refused after the time window only during VERY peak times on high traffic attractions. Management may decide one day to enforce the hour window and not enforce it the next day.
gotta love Disney consistency ;)


Premium Member
Since we are on the subject

Why do people feel compelled to turn around and walk back thru the line after they get their FastPass? Why not just keep walking forward?


New Member
I almost never use FP anymore. I usually go in the off-season anyways so I only get one when RnRC or ToT breaks and I want to get on the non broken one.


New Member
mrerk said:
Why do people feel compelled to turn around and walk back thru the line after they get their FastPass? Why not just keep walking forward?
I.E. RnRC. if they kept walking forward they would eventually dismember themselves on the chain.

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