At least you agree that those making more than 3 times the median income, 195,000 using your numbers are not middleclass. You have a very large range of middleclass 40k to 120k. I personally would put someone at 40k in the 4th quintile and not consider them middleclass. On the otherhand, my person view is any family that makes more than twice the median income is in the upper class. Yes, they are not in the middleclass, in fact according to the US Census Department the top 20% of US households make $131,350. How anyone can claims a family that makes more than 80% of all other families is middleclass is just wrong. In fact this is the breakdown of US income:So many flaws in this, where to start though I guess we could start with the fact that many are unaware that middle class is roughly $40,000 - $120,000, with the median middle class income being around $65,000. Median national income is roughly $34,000. So yes, if you make 3x that, you're still middle class. And regardless of that, within the scale of middle class, an on-site Disney vacation is doable. Even yearly, if you're on the upper end of the scale.
Annual household income in U.S. dollarsPercentage of U.S. householdsUnder 15,0009.1%15,000 to 24,9998%25,000 to 34,9998.3%35,000 to 49,99911.7%50,000 to 74,99916.5%75,000 to 99,99912.3%100,000 to 149,99915.5%150,000 to 199,9998.3%200,000 and over10.3%
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