Someone suggested a central mountain to this idea...
OK, boys and 'bout this idea. I agree that a Fantasyland revamping and upgrade would be very cool...and I also agree it needs to be a less "girly" addition, like a rollercoaster ride (or something similar) and that will acheive the more testosterone goal...But I liked the earlier suggestion of a central obvious motif in the form of a landmark. Just think about the foreground, we have the beautiful Cinderella castle, and in the background, how about that huge mountain from Fantasia with Chernabog as part of the ride theme. The coaster can go in and out of that scary mountain with pyrotechniques and all kinds of amazing possibilities. If not that, how about a scary fast ride through a rollercoaster type ride thru Maleficient's castle...granted, Maleficient's castle near Cinderella's castle may seem unusual since Maleficinet wasn't Cinderella's nemesis but why not...this is Fantasyland :fork: