I saw a side-by-side vid last night of the old and new show:
they cut some script from the "welcome to fantasmic" but even with the actual show beginning earlier, the intro sequence runs longer. The lotus flower-kaa-elephants scene that I so adored in 1.0 is much shorter than the new sequence they've included because now they have lion king music they've shoehorned in. By the time we get to the Columbia in the new show, it was over in the old show. The princess sequence runs longer, and I miss having the evil queen summon the magic mirror. I feel like this might have just been left on the editing room floor once somebody in entertainment proposed the recycling of the aladdin carpet. The nightmare sequence is shorter and tighter. No complaints there beyond the absence of the queen in the very beginning. Seeing them side by side, the show is more stable end to end, which some will think is a good thing and some will have a problem with. Overall, more action, and surprisingly, the scenes that feel shorter are oftentimes longer.