Fall for us in Magic Friends


Well-Known Member
Well I guess I will run, have to work on DD's Halloween costume, she wants to be Elvis :ROFLOL: and I guess I will be making the getup (any ideas please tell)
Have a great weekend! :wave:


Active Member
Hello peeples.

Everyone at school is sick. Or most everyone. Sniffly, sore throat, stuffy nose and ears, etc. I'm among the ill.

Had a small crisis at school: one of the girls toilets broke, and the 5th floor became flooded. Guess what floor I was on at the time of the incident? The 5th. :lol:
To leave the floor, some kids had to wait for the janitors to mop some of the water up, but the room I was in was able to use an emergency staircase to get down to the lower levels. :lol:
We didn't have to evacuate, but the flooding came at a most inconvienent time: about 5 minutes before the changing of classes. :lol:
Luckily, once again, I was in a class that was block period.


Well-Known Member
Placecards are done on the computer, just need to print!
Moving on to making a picture collage for the placecard table.
Nothing big and it shouldn't be too complicated because I still have all the pics from the bride's book I made.
I'm pretty much talking to myself, I know. :D
Be back later. . .


Well-Known Member
Ack!!! I just spent almost 2 hours standing in the middle of Park Ave watching them film a scene for the S e x in the City movie!!! Saw all 4 girls but no Mr. Big :-( Will post some pics when I get home. From my phone so they're probably a little blurry. The ONE day I don't have my camera in my bag! Grrr...


Well-Known Member

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

My wizard costume arrived today!!! I thought I was just getting the wand cause they said the robe would take longer. But I got a big box when I came home today and went "That's too big for just a wand." I opened it up and pulled out a black and blue Ravenclaw robe!!! It's awesome! And the wand is sooooo cool! It's 16 inches made of elder wood and stuffed with a phoenix feather. I like immediately threw off my clothes and put on a white dress shirt and charcoal pants and Ravenclaw tie. Threw on the robe and took up the wand! I am soooo giddy right now. :D

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
*waits for Vince pics*

Love Anastasia's video debut!
What a cutie!
She's grown so much already!

*patiently waits for more Miss Maggie pics*


Well-Known Member
Today has been such a good day so far. Reason #1 is that the football team won today 28-14. And another is that I got to see one of my former teacher's new baby. She was soooooo cute, and tiny. Only 2 months old.

CNN Breaking News: Hysterical Woman Dragged Off the Set of S&TC Movie



Thanks for all the cheers about My Maggie news guys..I am in heaven..:)

I was woken up to mama this morning:kiss:

That is awsome....Mama.

Okay. . .
off to really get working on the placecards.
Happy Friday everyone!

Good luck!

OMG, you guys, I can't believe I just booked a trip to WDW for Christmas!!! I am nuts. DH was reluctantly on board, so I bought the plane tickets before he reconsidered. :D I am still freaking out, even though I booked it a couple hours ago. It is going to be slightly weird, though, not being home for XMas. I've never gone anywhere at that time of year. Whew, I need to take a chill pill.
I have the worst cold right now, too. I was in bed at 7:30 last night. Abby woke up with it today, too. Poor kid.

That is awsome! I was in Disney for Christmas last year, and it was such an amazing experience.

Placecards are done on the computer, just need to print!
Moving on to making a picture collage for the placecard table.
Nothing big and it shouldn't be too complicated because I still have all the pics from the bride's book I made.
I'm pretty much talking to myself, I know.
Be back later. . .

That's great!

Ooh ooh ooh! I just figured out how to post video to my blog!!!

That is all...

Yay! I am going to go see.



My wizard costume arrived today!!! I thought I was just getting the wand cause they said the robe would take longer. But I got a big box when I came home today and went "That's too big for just a wand." I opened it up and pulled out a black and blue Ravenclaw robe!!! It's awesome! And the wand is sooooo cool! It's 16 inches made of elder wood and stuffed with a phoenix feather. I like immediately threw off my clothes and put on a white dress shirt and charcoal pants and Ravenclaw tie. Threw on the robe and took up the wand! I am soooo giddy right now. :D


Yay!! Want to see pics.

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