Extreme Rumors of massive WDI Layoffs...


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I keep hearing this rumor about massive Layoffs at WDI after a certain "big guy" leaves WDI...

Is any of this true?! What is going on? Lee? Corrus? ANYONE?!

There were even rumors of Disney entirely shutting down WDI in WDW and the Celebration offices. What is up with that?!


Active Member
I'm not sure, I havent really heard anything about this.... It might be possible... I hope not, but with the economy, it just might happen. I don't know. Sorry I couldnt help!

(PS I havent been posting lately due to some internet problems. Its nice to be back on the boards!)


Well-Known Member
Don't know. With WDW finishing up some major projects within the next few months and probably taking some time off for any new projects until after the 50th (with the exception of continuing with Everest), there might not be the need for as many folks at WDI Florida as there were in the past year or so. Could it just be a reflection of that...assuming WDI Florida beefed up their ranks during the last few years to help/work on quite a few of the new additions across WDW, including preparations for the 50th.

Of course, ideas and designs for new projects take years to finalize, but maybe that doesn't require what is there right now and/or since most of the big guns come from WDI Burbank (right?)...so perhaps this could be similar to the layoffs that have occured in the past after Disney finishes building a new park?

Who's this "big guy" leaving though?

General Grizz

New Member
Family Man, I believe you got this info from my website. I'm looking into it. Once I find the source reliable, I'll post it. (I don't want someone pulling my leg).

I did not, however, post any info on entire offices being closed.

One detail I was told... the failure of "Stitch" was blamed on WDI in this case, hence their "poor performance" doesn't make them necessary...

Again, I was told a mass layoff, after a hauncho leaving, but details will come out when I can get this info straight.

P.S. This is WDI Florida


Well-Known Member
I don't know, but it would seem strange to me as they have just begun construction on a new 250,000 Sq. Ft WDI facility.


New Member
It wouldn't be hard to believe. Layoffs is one of the main reason I wouldn't work for the Disney company. Job sercurity is one of the big things I look for in a company and Disney isn't one of the companies that shines with it. Specially if Disney brings in a new management team after Eisner, a lot of times layoffs come with new management.


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
Family Man, I believe you got this info from my website. I'm looking into it. Once I find the source reliable, I'll post it. (I don't want someone pulling my leg).

I did not, however, post any info on entire offices being closed.

One detail I was told... the failure of "Stitch" was blamed on WDI in this case, hence their "poor performance" doesn't make them necessary...

Again, I was told a mass layoff, after a hauncho leaving, but details will come out when I can get this info straight.

P.S. This is WDI Florida

Are you talking the failure of SGE or Stitch as a character?
There is an amazing difference between the two to Stitch fans!


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. i wouldn't blame stitch on them... Only the people working on stitch.... (and the persion who budgeted the layover..)

I hope WDI FLA stays.... they are helpful and heck.. it's better to have them here.. if something breaks and needs help from an persion who helped build it.. .cheaper to have them over here than to fly them over....


Well-Known Member
Who needs Imagineers anyways??? Disney's next new park will consist of cloned attractions and fun fair rides! You don't need imagination!

In all seriousness however, if there are lay-offs, I'm guessing it is just a supply and demand thing. However, the possibility of expansion of Hong Kong, possibly a park in India, Matt Ouimet wanting to turn DCA around I still think there is a lot for WDI to do. Not to mention Epcots 25th, attractions at WDS Paris and I'm sure the Oriental Land Company will have money burning a hole in their pockets. Remember that parks such as Animal Kingdom were like 10 years from conception to opening, could WDI be Imagineering WDWs next new park for around 2015?

If there are lay-offs lets hope the good guys stay, and not the "yes men". As an aside, how long would Marty have left until retirement?

General Grizz

New Member
No, the big guy would be a WDI executive if this rumor turns out to be true. And I did mean Stitch's Great Escape.

Very, very bad rumor, though, for Disney and theme park fans.


New Member
Yeah, it wouldnt suprise me. When there arent any major plans in expansion at WDW, they cutback on the Imagineering payroll. I remember when I worked there and talked to an Imagineer and the downside of working for WDI was that if there arent any major projects or expansions planned for the future, they are usually one of the first departments to take a hit.


Premium Member
Imagineering has been a binge-and-purge organization for years now. They staff up when significant development efforts are going one, and then shrink down as those projects go into construction. With Hong Kong well underway, there isn't likely much design/development work left there so they don't need the same level of staffing. The same thing happened right around the opening of DLP.


Well-Known Member
After watching Disney for the last 12 years. it seems to me that their layoffs are pretty much in line with the rise and fall of the economy.

The American Tourist industry has been pretty good since about a year after 9/11 because most Americans were either afraid or nervous about taking overseas vacations, so subsequently, Disney World attendance has been on an upswing.

Disney is probably gambling that since the parks have hit pretty high numbers for attendance lately, that the next trend will be a downhill one with lower park attendance after this New celebration.

They also take into consideration that as there are less terrorist attacks, Americans are slowly returning to traveling to other countries and vacationing less locally.

It's all based on the economy, numbers and predictions.

Just my thoughts


All I have heard of is the usual round of layoffs that occur after a period of heavy activity...such as Everest, Mission:Space, Soarin, Hong Kong etc.

Blamed for Stitch?
Not surprising, though it really wasn't their fault. The original WDI proposal for the attraction was for a $25 million showstopper. Corporate penny-pinching and outside bidders drove it down to around $5-10 million. What kind of results can you expect from that? Hate to think a talented guy like Kevin Rafferty is gonna take the heat for that fiasco....

This "big guy" in question?
If it is who I think it must be, you would have to buy into the idea that he has some kind of major powers...which I don't believe he does. It ain't like he is the one preventing layoffs or anything. :veryconfu


New Member
Yes, it's true the head of WDI Florida is leaving to pursue other oppurtunities as many before him have also done, this isn't the first time. Also, the construction phases at WDW have peaks and valleys like everywhere else. This does not mean imagineers will be losing their jobs, they will simply be moved to other parks and projects around the world or WDI's headquarters in California to design the next round of attractions for WDW!


Disney World Purist
One thing that I have learned when i was trying to persue a career with Imagineering that we all have to remember is...

A lot of Imagineers are hired to work on one or several group projects and then are let go after their job is completed. Only the ones that stand out are kept on. You have a core group of higher up Imagineers that are there forever and others that drop like flies. I was once told that the average career of an Imagineer in the trenches is 4 to 6 years.

Something to think about.

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