Extreme Home Makeover Disney Peeps


Original Poster
Yo. Just wanted to ask a question of the folks out here. Last night while extreme home makeover was on, once again they went to Walt Disney World. Does anyone know if these folks are waited on hand and foot while there? Do they get all inclusives like Dining Plan and Concierge sweets etc? Or just treated like us regular folk?


Well-Known Member
Don't know for sure, but since ABC is a Disney owned company....I am sure they get a little more extra then we would if we decided to pay our own hard earned money.


Original Poster
I was thinking that at least a couple of those familys would have there very first visit to WDW courtesy of ABC and as a result ... they would be hooked. Then they would grow to be addicts and post to the WDWMagic boards ...

so far, nothing.


Well-Known Member
I don't know everything they get to do. However, a few seasons ago I had a friend who was in guest relations and did VIP tours. She and one other tour guide were assigned to one of the families that was there. So I know they have personal tour guides. I also know this particular family did a fireworks cruise because I remember her talking about it. I don't recall what resort they stayed at though or what other things they did. I remember they had very full days though.


Original Poster
I was thinking they would get access to VIP Lounges etc. and get to hang out with the characters on their terms. Private photo shoot with Mickey and Minnie etc.

If you think about it ... they get a super vacation ... and a house.


Well-Known Member
Wow, a vacation and a new house for free, that is a dream come true.

The house may be free, but many people forget that their taxes go through the roof. I haven't heard anything specific about Home Makeover families, but I know that some other similar programs that have given houses to people who need them have been unable to keep the house once the tax bill came in the next year. All these people who went from a 1000 sq ft house to a 3000 sq ft house can't always afford to pay triple the tax. Esp the ones who are/were having money problems. Hence one of the reasons why alot of times they raise money for the families.


New Member
The house may be free, but many people forget that their taxes go through the roof. I haven't heard anything specific about Home Makeover families, but I know that some other similar programs that have given houses to people who need them have been unable to keep the house once the tax bill came in the next year. All these people who went from a 1000 sq ft house to a 3000 sq ft house can't always afford to pay triple the tax. Esp the ones who are/were having money problems. Hence one of the reasons why alot of times they raise money for the families.

That's exactly something we discussed in our house. I mean it's great they build a house and furnish it, but like you pointed out the increased square footage means a larger tax bill, AND larger utility bills! Most of these folks can afford those cost increases.

Plus imagine the target they may become to unsavory characters? :(


Well-Known Member
I was thinking they would get access to VIP Lounges etc. and get to hang out with the characters on their terms. Private photo shoot with Mickey and Minnie etc.

If you think about it ... they get a super vacation ... and a house.

And in some cases, a tax debt they can't afford.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
So far I have not heard of a single major problem with any of the Extreme Home winners. There have been a few minor issues (shower door not installed, no directions for new TV, etc) but all have been remedied. I believe there was one case in California of a family was suing Disney for using their images inappropriately but that appeared more like a case of an ambulance chasing lawyer looking for a payday. In the one Extreme home that I had direct involvement (Hastings FL) one of the local TV stations did a follow up report and the family was doing great. Mom still worked 2 jobs, they did a small budget for Christmas, and all the bills were getting paid. I am sure there is at least one example of the lucky family either squandering their winnings or not being able to make ends meet due to new expenses but I think if it was even an occasional thing our lovely "looking for the next negative story" media would have hit on it.
I have no knowledge of what new expenses the family has to deal with, but logically I just can't imagine ABC (let alone Disney) would go to all that trouble to help a family in dire need by building them a house, only to leave them with a morbid future of increased expenses that they can't handle. Doesn't make sense to me. I can't help but think that they would have already thought of that and took the proper steps to make sure that it wouldn't be a problem for the family.


New Member
So far I have not heard of a single major problem with any of the Extreme Home winners. There have been a few minor issues (shower door not installed, no directions for new TV, etc) but all have been remedied. I believe there was one case in California of a family was suing Disney for using their images inappropriately but that appeared more like a case of an ambulance chasing lawyer looking for a payday. In the one Extreme home that I had direct involvement (Hastings FL) one of the local TV stations did a follow up report and the family was doing great. Mom still worked 2 jobs, they did a small budget for Christmas, and all the bills were getting paid. I am sure there is at least one example of the lucky family either squandering their winnings or not being able to make ends meet due to new expenses but I think if it was even an occasional thing our lovely "looking for the next negative story" media would have hit on it.

I have read an article or two of families struggling after the makeover, thought not the local folks (KC has had 2 makeovers done in recent years), so I wondered how it did work for most of the people dealing with extra expenses. I think it's wonderful to watch and I definitely think it's great if doesn't add any additional burden to the families - which probably in most cases, it doesn't. :)

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I have read an article or two of families struggling after the makeover, thought not the local folks (KC has had 2 makeovers done in recent years), so I wondered how it did work for most of the people dealing with extra expenses. I think it's wonderful to watch and I definitely think it's great if doesn't add any additional burden to the families - which probably in most cases, it doesn't. :)
It is great to watch. It is not so great to be involved with one but the end result made it worth it.


There was one in my hometown wile I was on my CP. Its right down the street from my friend's house and I drove by the other day and it definatly stands out from the other houses in the area. A local news station was going to cover them monday but I'm back at school and forgot to tape it.


Well-Known Member
nothing they get on that show is free, they pay for with the life of a loved one or some other kind of tearjerking hardship. cost can be calculated so many different ways

I couldn't agree more. With the exception of the first season of the show where it wasn't about life's greatest hardships (and they still did home "makeovers" instead of rebuilds), there is not one family that I would want to change positions with to get a free house.

My family's health, well being, the success of my daughter and not being dealt a terribly unfair blow in life is all far more valuable to me than a new free house.

Every time I watch that show I'm a little more thankful for what I have and feel a little more worse about what other's have to go through.


The house may be free, but many people forget that their taxes go through the roof. I haven't heard anything specific about Home Makeover families, but I know that some other similar programs that have given houses to people who need them have been unable to keep the house once the tax bill came in the next year. All these people who went from a 1000 sq ft house to a 3000 sq ft house can't always afford to pay triple the tax. Esp the ones who are/were having money problems. Hence one of the reasons why alot of times they raise money for the families.

You are actually incorrect,the taxes do not go higher.We have worked on 4 EMHE houses,and we asked that question.Abc gets an exemption for the homes that were currently on the properties that keeps the property tax at the same amount.This is partially,but majorly due to the fact that all the materials to build the homes are donated or paid for by the sponsers. If the tax were based on the value of the homes,most were above $750,000.Just to give you an idea on the total value of the homes once finished including the furniture,appliances and everything else seen in the episodes so far.We were told the cheapest built to date was worth $1,300,000.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
You are actually incorrect,the taxes do not go higher.We have worked on 4 EMHE houses,and we asked that question.Abc gets an exemption for the homes that were currently on the properties that keeps the property tax at the same amount.This is partially,but majorly due to the fact that all the materials to build the homes are donated or paid for by the sponsers. If the tax were based on the value of the homes,most were above $750,000.Just to give you an idea on the total value of the homes once finished including the furniture,appliances and everything else seen in the episodes so far.We were told the cheapest built to date was worth $1,300,000.
Considering what I was told that super quick dry concrete used on the Hastings project cost per cubic yard I am not surprised by that number at all. Building fast ain't cheep.


New Member
Considering what I was told that super quick dry concrete used on the Hastings project cost per cubic yard I am not surprised by that number at all. Building fast ain't cheep.

I thought they only had that in Tom & Jerry and Looney Tunes cartoons. :lol:

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