Extraterrorestrial "ride"

ICP06 said:
Yeah, but even Tower of Terror isn't as scary as AE. And ToT is pretty intense. I remember seeing "some children may be scared by this ride" signs on the snow white ride... wherever that was... DL, I Think.

AE scared fourteen shades of *ahem* human waste products... out of me. I hated that attraction with a passion. It was, to me, about as un-Disney as you can get. Anything that makes an attraction more Disneyish is great in my opinion-can't wait to go visit Stitch next May.

Meanwhile, I'll contemplate that I saw grown adults screaming and later, crying in that attraction and ponder over why you're calling them little brats :p


I agree with you totally. I would take my kids on ToT before AE anyday if it was still around.

The problem with AE and Kids to me is that AE is a psychological thriller. Its using old and new stage tricks to cause a sensory overload fooling your brain into thinking something is messing with you when your perfectly safe. Its just like a good psychological thriller movie. I find those to be alot more scary because they don't necessarily show you the actions being committed they let your imagination fill in the blanks and that usually ends up scaring you more than they could ever do on film.

I believe this is why AE can be so terrifying for kids. They have a much bigger imagination than adults and this ride would really mess with them. My parents didn't take me on it when I was a kid. I finally rode it in 2000 and I was scared to death. I was literally crying on the ride. Hated it, hated it, hated it.

Give me the Tower of Terror anytime. :sohappy:



New Member
Dragonrider1227 said:
I'm glad they changed it. Though i'm getting REALLY tired of parents complaining about attractions being too scray despite all the warnings they plaster everywhere, :dazzle: I thought Extraterrorestral seemed a bit too much for the Magic Kingdom too me. Maybe it could've worked in Epcot or MGM but what's done is done and honestly, though i'm not a big Stich fan, you'd have a better chance getting me in Stiches ride than Extraterrorestral.

I think it would fit perfectly in MGM, especially with the original theme the building was supposed to have. I'll find the picture, I believe John Hench drew it.


New Member
I love Stitch :) I'm so glad they changed it, AE scared me! I walked out of there the first time I rode, my husband said I was ghost white, and a boy about 7 years old came out behind us begging his dad to take him on it again. I felt like such a wimp :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
This ride so should have gone in MGM. It would have been great for MGM and would have fit perfectly there. I'm sad they didn't put it there.

As for Stitch, it was fun and I laughed through it (though I hated the chili dog smell) but the ride was fun and the animatronic was wonderful. I liked the attraction, It doesn't have a great re-ride factor but it's still fun and not nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

I so wish I'd gotten to experience Alien Encounter though as I think I would have loved it and that's where most people get off not liking Stitch because it's not scary and realistic like AE was, but on its own, and if you had never ridden AE it's a fairly decent attraction.


New Member
We actually loved AE!! We were there with my 12 year old son and I'm not sure if I'd take really young kids on it but, I'm sorry it's gone. We will be going back and my son was looking forward to it.

Yes, it was scarry but, I'd rather be that kind of scared than get on some of the larger coasters at Universal! I don't do well with heights at all!! LOL! So with AE at least you could still get some of the "thrill" without going so far UP. Darn, I guess a lot of people complained? Really, I think with the signs they had up we would've avoided this ride had my son been younger.

Oh well, I'll cross my fingers that they will bring it back someday!;)


New Member
I never got a chance to ride AE but when i went in Oct. I rode SGE. This was the worst ride at disney. It was pointless(no real storyline) and discusting(Stitch burps on you and licks the back of your neck:hurl: ) I will never go on it again.

I encouge all of you to try it once. But Beware you probably won't like it!!!


New Member
I just watched a video of Alien Encounter, and I forgot how very funny it was. The humor was overshadowed by how scary it was, but the preshows were top-notch. Jeffrey Jones in particular, reprising the character of a clueless leader that he played in "Amadeus" and "Ferris Bueller" was simply hilarious, and is the true stereotypical CEO. Tim Curry was awesome as S.I.R.

"Profit is a biproduct that we have simply learned to deal with."


Well-Known Member
ctwhalerman said:
I just watched a video of Alien Encounter, and I forgot how very funny it was. The humor was overshadowed by how scary it was, but the preshows were top-notch.

Not everyone thought so :wave:

I'm glad you got to experience the attraction again from the magic of internet videos :)


New Member
I couldn't believe it when I heard they'd replaced it with Stitch. I shall hold comment as I won't be riding it again until October but I thought AE was great. True, I struggled to get my head round what it was doing in MK when it would have suited MGM or even Epcot way better.

And, as for all the people running out crying and screaming. Yes, it's intense and really gets the heart going but it's a ride within 'the happiest place on Earth'! C'mon people...you're safe...it's just a thrill ride!

I, for one, will miss it...


New Member
Space1205Mount said:
I never got a chance to ride AE but when i went in Oct. I rode SGE. This was the worst ride at disney. It was pointless(no real storyline) and discusting(Stitch burps on you and licks the back of your neck:hurl: ) I will never go on it again.

I encouge all of you to try it once. But Beware you probably won't like it!!!

And that, folks, is the real problem. AE had "reride" value. SGE does not.

As for the scare factor: What exactly made AE so darn scary? Well, it wasn't the show content as much as the fact that kids were made to sit in an isolated chair, with a restraint over their body, in the dark, while strange and frightening loud sounds played.

So what about SGE? It's SOOOOO much tamer, right?


In SGE kids are made to sit in an isolated chair, with a restraint over their body, in the dark, while strange and frightening loud sounds are played.

Sound familiar?

SGE is the ONLY attraction in the MK to have a "May Be Scary for Young Children" warning. No other attraction in the MK, including the HM and SWSA currently carries such a warning.

Each time I've been on SGE (exactly twice: the second time I had to convince myself the show wasn't as bad as I remembered... and failed) I've seen screaming kids leaving, just like I saw screaming kids leaving AE.

SGE is just (IMHO) another example of Disney replacing an effective attraction (and AE was very effective at what it did) with a dumbed-down version designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

'Course, that's my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Kronos said:
SGE is just (IMHO) another example of Disney replacing an effective attraction (and AE was very effective at what it did) with a dumbed-down version designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator

'Course I totally agree ;)


Active Member
The sensations are about the same, but your perception makes SGE seem much tamer. You still can't move, still get wet, and still get breathed/burped on, but it seemed terrifying when the story was that a man-eating alien was about to crunch you! SGE just made me want to gag with the chili dog burp smell. I enjoy the olfactory effects in ITTBAB and on Soarin', but SGE made me think of the few times I've walked past the dressing room after a football game on a 100F night........ugh!......love my students, but don't like smelling them!!


New Member
TinkerBelleRuth said:
We actually loved AE!! We were there with my 12 year old son and I'm not sure if I'd take really young kids on it but, I'm sorry it's gone. We will be going back and my son was looking forward to it.

Yes, it was scarry but, I'd rather be that kind of scared than get on some of the larger coasters at Universal! I don't do well with heights at all!! LOL! So with AE at least you could still get some of the "thrill" without going so far UP. Darn, I guess a lot of people complained? Really, I think with the signs they had up we would've avoided this ride had my son been younger.

Oh well, I'll cross my fingers that they will bring it back someday!;)

See that's why I'm on the bitter bandwagon that they got rid of it. Different strokes for different folks. Some people can be terrified on the Mummy but love the Hulk - should they get rid of the Mummy? Some people could be terrified on Expedition Everest but love ToT. Get rid of Everest? Some people could be terrified on It's a Small World (if they're scared of certain animatronic dolls like me :lookaroun) but love Space Mountain - get rid of Small World? no no no! No one loves EVERY ride, plain and simple. That's why u have different types of rides, which is what makes Disney so great. And I can't figure out for the life of me why on EARTH someone would take their small child on the ride, then have the NERVE to blame Disney that they got scared. I mean really, is ToT next? Mission Space? Rockin Rollercoaster? Stop the madness!


Active Member
You are not alone

And that, folks, is the real problem. AE had "reride" value. SGE does not.

As for the scare factor: What exactly made AE so darn scary? Well, it wasn't the show content as much as the fact that kids were made to sit in an isolated chair, with a restraint over their body, in the dark, while strange and frightening loud sounds played.

So what about SGE? It's SOOOOO much tamer, right?


In SGE kids are made to sit in an isolated chair, with a restraint over their body, in the dark, while strange and frightening loud sounds are played.

Sound familiar?

SGE is the ONLY attraction in the MK to have a "May Be Scary for Young Children" warning. No other attraction in the MK, including the HM and SWSA currently carries such a warning.

Each time I've been on SGE (exactly twice: the second time I had to convince myself the show wasn't as bad as I remembered... and failed) I've seen screaming kids leaving, just like I saw screaming kids leaving AE.

SGE is just (IMHO) another example of Disney replacing an effective attraction (and AE was very effective at what it did) with a dumbed-down version designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

'Course, that's my opinion.

AE was such a great ride that worked in every single way for a lot of people, both young and old. So what if it was "scary"? Not all the rides have to be like It's a Small World to appeal to everyone coming to the parks. I wish they had left that ride alone, or moved it to HS like others have suggested. Next thing you know ToT, Everest, RR and Dinosaur will be watered down so that lil' brats, excuse me...poor little sweet kids of all ages, can ride them too.


Well-Known Member
though I hated the chili dog smell

Figment the Skunk was much better than the chili dog burp! I find that scene funnier, by the way.

I really want to see Alien Encounter come back in some sort of way. Maybe they could put it nearby the Sci-Fi Drive In. That would seem fitting for Hollywood Studios. Or maybe they should replace Laugh Floor with Alien Encounter (although I like that ride). What do you guys think?

I remember seeing "some children may be scared by this ride" signs on the snow white ride... wherever that was... DL, I Think.
Oh, please take a picture of said sign!

Greenkai3000, please don't bump 5-year old topics. You may get banned if you continue to do so.


Well-Known Member
I will admit that I terribly want Alien Encounter to come back, maybe with a slightly updated storyline and a new film (although Tim Curry's voice would be an interesting choice to re-use).

I, for one, don't mind Stitch too much but even then, I skip the ride almost every time I visit the park. Once you've seen it, there really isn't any point in experiencing it again.

Also, the one time one I did decide to ride again not too long ago, the effects were really not working fully and the sound kept cutting out.

Looks like we need another fire. :lookaroun

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