Extra Magic Hours...good or bad?


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Exra magic hours always make me happy because of the second chance to ride EVERYTHING. I was talking to a friend and they said Extra magic hours just cause waits to be longer, and the earlier you get up or the later you fall asleep will leave less time for tomorrow. I would like some opinions to make my conclusion: Are Extra Magic Hours good or bad?
Personally, EMH is cool. I think lines are hit or miss. Some EMH have no lines and sometimes it is packed. I like the morning hours better than the night hours.


New Member
We never go. We tried the night ones on several trips and never had a good experience. One time in November and another time in August. Lines were way too long. Usually just ended up shopping or walking around the parks.


New Member
I do love the evening EMH (especially at MK) because you can do SO much in so little time. Although, I have missed a character breakfast after leaving MK at 1am!! :snore:

The concept is great though...just a little extra Disney magic for staying in one of the park resorts! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Well, if Im staying on property they are good. If Im staying off property then they're bad. But as far as crowds and stuff goes, it depends. If its a heavily crowded time of the year, then Id go, and say its worth it because you can do alot more in a day with an emh park if you know what you're doing. If its a less peak time, then I probably wouldnt go, because then I know itd be more crowded then at emh then it would be during the day. Also, it depends on how late they stay open. In april mk was open till like 2, and mgm until 1(on different nights ofcourse) so yea, it wasnt crowded during the last hour and half or so. So overall, yea, Id say they are good, when Im on site.


Active Member
I like them. I enjoy the evening ones. I like the thin crowds. It is cool when the crowds are really thin. It almost feels like they closed the park and forgot you were in there. It is just kind appealing to me.


Well-Known Member
I've never stayed on Disney property, but will for the first time this summer. I have gone to some of the special parties at night however, and I love to be in the parks later at night.

There's something magical about all the lights, and being one of the last people in the park that day. Even if you can't ride everything, or fit everything in, just being in the magic that is Disney after dark is great!

I think the EMH's are a really nice idea by Disney, and a fantastic bonus for staying on property. If you can take advantage of them, and go into the park early or stay late, use it as a relaxing time to take it all in. It's not necessary to use all of them, and rush through them. :)


Well-Known Member
I always suggest to most people if they are at all interested in using the morning EMH to use it for the day DAK is open. I always go straight for the Safari because they have just fed the animals and you get the most movement out of them. Other then that, because of the crowd I usually go with the idea of sleeping in usually wins out against me wanting to get up early and hit the ground running.

Now the evening hours are a different story....I will always take advantage of being in the parks later then what the majority of the crowd. Something about being in the parks at night give it a different feel and I just like being able to enjoy everything....of course this does change with the time you are going to be there.

Busy times you almost have to take advantage of both EMH to feel like you get your moneys worth....IMO


Well-Known Member
I think the EMH's are a really nice idea by Disney, and a fantastic bonus for staying on property. If you can take advantage of them, and go into the park early or stay late, use it as a relaxing time to take it all in. It's not necessary to use all of them, and rush through them. :)

It is a bonus to everyone !!!
When MK has EMH, the people that stay off site (me) go to MK the next morning at 9am and the lines are thin until atleast noon.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I always suggest to most people if they are at all interested in using the morning EMH to use it for the day DAK is open. I always go straight for the Safari because they have just fed the animals and you get the most movement out of them. Other then that, because of the crowd I usually go with the idea of sleeping in usually wins out against me wanting to get up early and hit the ground running.

Now the evening hours are a different story....I will always take advantage of being in the parks later then what the majority of the crowd. Something about being in the parks at night give it a different feel and I just like being able to enjoy everything....of course this does change with the time you are going to be there.

Busy times you almost have to take advantage of both EMH to feel like you get your moneys worth....IMO
Ditto. There is just something about being in MK until 2:00 a.m. We will generally make the next day a non-park day so we can sleep in.


Well-Known Member
Hi Matty! :wave:

I just wanted to echo my total agreement about the safari!

It's always the first thing I do in DAK, and the animals are out & about more than what I've seen in the afternoon/evening. That's something to take advantage of with EMH's if you can. :)


Well-Known Member
the earlier you get up or the later you fall asleep will leave less time for tomorrow.

I have read this several times and I'm not picking up what you're putting down.


I've been to AK during morning EMH and ridden EE repeatedly before the parks opens. It's absolutely wonderful first thing in the morning before the actual opening.


Well-Known Member
I've been to AK during morning EMH and ridden EE repeatedly before the parks opens. It's absolutely wonderful first thing in the morning before the actual opening.

When I went in Oct. we rode EE three or four times in a row with maybe a 10 min wait every time....It was defiantly worth getting up early for that morning...not to mention finally getting to see the Lions up and moving around.


Well-Known Member
When I went in Oct. we rode EE three or four times in a row with maybe a 10 min wait every time....It was defiantly worth getting up early for that morning...not to mention finally getting to see the Lions up and moving around.

YES maybe AK morning EMH is the very best - I don't know - but I've enjoyed AK EMH more that any other EMH at the parks.

I did go to EMH evening at EPCOT once and enjoyed he H E C K out of that too...maybe I just like Disney...?

I need to go back there and clarify....:lol:


Well-Known Member
We are big EMH fans. I love to get up early and get so much done before the crowds arrive. I agree with Safari and EE at DAK. At MK one day we go to Fantasyland and one day we go to BTM/Spl.Mt because those are my oldest daughter's favorites. At Epcot it is straight to Soarin' because we all love it and enjoy getting to do it 3-4 times in a row with little to no wait.
Now the evening EMH's are a different story. I have noticed in the summertime that it takes quite some time for the lines to thin down. But it is fun to be in the parks that late at night.


Well-Known Member
We haven't had problems with the evening EMH's at MK, and funny enough they tend to fall on the first night of our trip. Which works out great for us because we usually don't actually get into the MK til 4pm anyway, what with lunch, check-in, and the like. Now I was disappointed with Epcot's evening EMH. I was looking forward to Test Track and Soarin' but the lines were still kinda long.

I will say that as much as we'd like to do it, we'll never make it the morning EMH's. We've come close but I think arriving at the official opening is good enough for us. :D


Well-Known Member
YES maybe AK morning EMH is the very best - I don't know - but I've enjoyed AK EMH more that any other EMH at the parks.

I did go to EMH evening at EPCOT once and enjoyed he H E C K out of that too...maybe I just like Disney...?

I need to go back there and clarify....:lol:

I am with you....I need to test my theory a couple more times before I am ready to make a solid statement...:ROFLOL:


New Member
Since I always stay onsite, I have to say GOOD.

I love to go to early EMH. For evening EMH, I usually hit a different park for the afternoon/evening (even if they close earlier than the EMH park) because the crowds actuallly are LESS at the non EMH park.

Oh, no. Now I gave away my secret. Now I have to kill you.


Well-Known Member

I beleive that EMH actually are not that good. I stay on and off property but when we go to EMH it seems that everyone on disney property is going to that one park and increasing the wait times. I personally do not like it ,but if they did two parks it would be much better. I also go to EMH in the morn cuz it is helpful then ,but at night i go to an opposite park because it has way less people

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