EXTENDED Footage from Tigger video clearly shows it was a setup!


Account Suspended
Those are good points. But you're forgetting something. There were people down in front of him (the mother and the 2 little brothers). If he had wanted to step away, he would have knocked them over.

That's why I was saying he could have taken a step to the left. That space didn't appear to be blocked by anyone.

And 2nd, if he was being choked, he would not have had time to think to do something else, because he couldn't breathe.

That's why I made my second "if", which referred to if he had had time to think. My first "if" assumed that he didn't, and I said that if that was the case, I could understand his actions.


Account Suspended
ignoring chapps for politely playing Devil's Advocate? some of you people are way too sensitive.

:lol: :lol: I think it's funny they have to use a tool (i.e. putting me on their "ignore list") to help them do it. :lol: :lol: "sensitive" is an understatement. I'm amazed that contradicting opinions upset people so much.


I just wanted to know how someone got access to the full video because I don't understand why this family would want this additional footage shown? From everything I've seen the kid looked like he was up to something and Tiger's reaction at the end of the video definitely shows he was shaking the kid's hand. So again, as this looks like a setup of some sort or at the very least an attempt to cash in by the father after his son tried to mess with Tiger, why would they release the whole video showing Tiger trying to calm the situation by shaking the kid's hand at the end and the suspicious talk of the father in the beginning.


Account Suspended
I just wanted to know how someone got access to the full video because I don't understand why this family would want this additional footage shown? From everything I've seen the kid looked like he was up to something and Tiger's reaction at the end of the video definitely shows he was shaking the kid's hand. So again, as this looks like a setup of some sort or at the very least an attempt to cash in by the father after his son tried to mess with Tiger, why would they release the whole video showing Tiger trying to calm the situation by shaking the kid's hand at the end and the suspicious talk of the father in the beginning.

Maybe Tigger is shaking his hand because he feels bad for "losing it", which he still should be disciplined for if, in fact, that's what happened.

Also, what exactly is "suspicious" about what the father is saying? It sounds to me like he's politely apologizing for something.


Well-Known Member
Just a couple things.

1) I totally think the kid was up to no good.

2) I doubt it was a set up to have what happened happen as they would have made it seem worse like going down for the count but have no doubt after seeing the video they decided it was payday.

3) The CM did nothing wrong. I think the hit to the face was totally accidental.

4) Just because they were videoing instead of stand camera is not abnormal or at least not uncommon. Tons of people do it and use their video cameras like still cameras and you see tons of video of just standing around.

5) Chapps the ignore tool is used so they won't be alerted when you reply to the post. It will let them still know when a reply is made to a post other than from you.

6) I think that Disney should not give in one bit to them as they are lying. I would not think that Disney should sue as others have done as it will put them in a negative light and if the mother and small kids are affected by the suit it is not fair to them. That being said Disney should do everything possible to prove them wrong and make sure it is all over the place to make the dad and kid look like the jerks that they are.

I think that is it.


Well-Known Member
Why worry about it? If the title is misleading and you cant find exactly what you were looking for then check out of the thread and wait for another one to come up that says it has "more".

It does kinda put more pieces together. They should have shown this from the beginning.

I remember when I first heard of this, I thought Tigger had just walked up to a random little kid and punched him so hard that he fell backwards. But I was really wrong.


New Member
you know what's really terrible? The performer playing TIgger is probably going to be fired wether he's guilty or not. I think this is really something everyone should pay attention to. When you're in the service industry, all it takes is one white trash yokel to catch you on a bad day and you're unemployed.

everyone should look at this event and remember it the next time they think about giving a server, host, theme park performer, etc. a hard time. a job in the service industry is one of the hardest jobs available. Try to treat them all with respect please. They may be there to serve/entertain you, but they are certainly not there to take your abuse.

And on a side note, remember to tip your server! Other wise they will starve (seriously)


New Member
It a disgrace! Tigger was protecting 'himself' from exposure which would have ruined a lot more kids day out if he was 'uncovered'.

Wonder at what point the video stops, and whether the 'family' continued their day before deciding to involve the authorities? I noticed from the report that the police didn't interview Dad till 10pm.

Shame on you Monaco family - hope you get what you deserve to be banned from the happiest place on earth


From listening to multiple sources of the video, it seem to me that the Dad was provoking Tigger when we couldn't see it. From the path of what we see in the camera when we can only see the ground, the dad started over by his family and Tigger before heading back to take the next batch of video where the incident happened. The dad says something like, "Not the head, oh okay..." and "Sorry Tigger", this is then followed by whatever the boy was up to. My belief is that the dad had either patted Tigger on the head, or had done something to him that the cast member did not like. When this was followed by whatever the boy did, you can see why the cast member would react so quickly to it. I do believe that the Tigger "punch" was accidental. My initial thought after laying off and smacking someone, would not be instantly to shake his hand and pat him on the shoulder. If it's go time, then it's go time...no changing midstream. I think we are seeing a family who decided to have a little fun with a cast member and was rewarded with a liable excuse to take it to the next level.


New Member
One thing that can be said with 100% certitude is that the Dad can't take a video worth a urine hole in the snow. :eek:


Well-Known Member

Watch this video... this plays for about 10 seconds longer than the news shows and it CLEARLY SHOWS Tigger shaking the kids hand and patting him on the shoulder....

In my opinion, this is the best video of the event so far and come a LOT closer to "clearly" showing anything. :sohappy:

The father actually says "Sorry Tigger....Too Much?...I WAS IN YOUR HEAD!"

Then He sends the kid over to stick HIS hand inside Tiggers head.
When the kid gets his hand in there, Tigger moves, but you can see the kid's hand is STILL STUCK IN TIGGER'S HEAD!

Tigger's turns away and realizes He is taking the kid with him and brings his other hand up to counterbalance himself, hitting the kid in the head, who still - for some reason - has his hand behind Tigger's back.

What a LOSER family to set this up. :brick:

Ha. Ha. Funny NOT! :fork:

Arrest the old man for falsely reporting an incident. After seeing this version of the video, it looks like His own camera footage will be His worst nightmare!


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, this is the best video of the event so far and come a LOT closer to "clearly" showing anything. :sohappy:

The father actually says "Sorry Tigger....Too Much?...I WAS IN YOUR HEAD!"

Then He sends the kid over to stick HIS hand inside Tiggers head.
When the kid gets his hand in there, Tigger moves, but you can see the kid's hand is STILL STUCK IN TIGGER'S HEAD!

Tigger's turns away and realizes He is taking the kid with him and brings his other hand up to counterbalance himself, hitting the kid in the head, who still - for some reason - has his hand behind Tigger's back.

What a LOSER family to set this up. :brick:

Ha. Ha. Funny NOT! :fork:

Arrest the old man for falsely reporting an incident. After seeing this version of the video, it looks like His own camera footage will be His worst nightmare!

I was just thinking along this line a few moments ago. This 'arm lock' that Tigger puts on the kid... he's in a costume that is loose around his arm. The teen could have easily slipped his arm out, unless it was stuck in or on something behind Tigger's back.

Personally, from having known many characters and interacted with many characters, as well as being an annoying teen and interacting with annoying teens, and working in the retail and service industries with annoying teens, I feel that Tigger acted in a way that was appropriate for the situation. He could have been being choked, he could have been being caused some other pain, or he could have feared his costume was about to be removed or fall off. And, as Disney cast members, preserving the magic is basically your number two priority (after safety). And, to say Tigger was jeopordizing this kid's safety by his actions is a long shot, IMHO.

Also, I feel that Tigger may have already been wary due to comments made by the father (the whole 'in your head' thing) and when the son's hand got near the opening to the costume or in the costume, Tigger was prepared to remove the kid's hand and tried to do so by holding his arm and turning away, which SHOULD HAVE dislodged the teen's arm. I'm telling you, try it at home: have a friend grab your collar while giving you a one-armed hug. Hook your arm over theirs and turn your body towards them. You should break the hold on your collar unless they start running around and dancing behind you. Or, if their hand in inexorably caught up in your collar, hair, etc., you will both stumble and possibly fall into a heap on the floor, laughing and giddy with the realization that I just helped you solve the Tiggergate mystery. Props to whoever started using Tiggergate, too.

And, people, keep playing nice. This isn't about calling each other names, it's about hypothesizing and support and ideas.

Although, I think we should be able to call the family names....:lookaroun


New Member
havent we all had a bad day at work when we just want to punch someone!
i know i have

we forgetting its a person inside that costume, and perhaps they had just had enough, yes it might have been wrong on what ever tigger done (i dont know they Disny rules) but at the end of it if the employee hit him, there was a reason for it, until the employee makes a statement of somesort ,then we'll just have to wait till then


Well-Known Member
The employee has made a statement through his union representative, and it was that his costume was being pulled on, causing it to choke him, and he was merely trying to relieve the pressure being exerted on his throat.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
well, catching up on the nightly posts i see CHAPPS account was suspended. do you think CHAPPS was acyaully the dad on the boards?

*play suspenseful music*

ok, maybe not.... but i bet the mods are having a blast monitoring this craziness :rolleyes:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
well, catching up on the nightly posts i see CHAPPS account was suspended. do you think CHAPPS was acyaully the dad on the boards?

*play suspenseful music*

ok, maybe not.... but i bet the mods are having a blast monitoring this craziness :rolleyes:

I actually blocked him, didn't know he was suspended. Wow... I guess the mods found him to be too much of a problem??? I feel bad for the mods trying to restore order in these threads... They have done a wonderful job keeping things in line and keeping these threads open even though the lines were crossed many, many times.... :sohappy:

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