Disney is sort of a unicorn in their field in that it is tough to find an equivalent to compare it too. There are no direct equivalents to Disney P+R. The best comparison vessel would probably by Comcast (NBCUniversal). Unfortunatly I couldn't find any charts that are a well put together as the ones that
@ParentsOf4 created, but just throwing out numbers that I found, the numbers for them are in the $800 million dollar range for the past couple of years (Which has exceeded Disney). While both entities had significantly ramped up their capital spending prior to 9/11 and in its immediate aftermath both companies took a different approach. Disney killed everything, you can do a search of the board to find everything that was just gutted. NBCU/GE/Comcast got back on the horse a lot quicker and started their development engine back up again a lot quicker. Disney didn't start turning things around until 2008, and only then I believe because they were forced by their competitors to act.
In terms of looking at why things happened, you can pretty much overlay economic/political/etc worldwide or domestic events which correlate into how people are spending their money. The 90's was a Disney decade because of the economy and dot com bubble. The 2000's were a disaster thanks to 9/11. My point with my post is that
@jt04 would rather blindly heap praise on Bob Iger without looking as to how his response the post 9/11 envioornment was purely a too little, too late response to what Disney's competitors were doing. In doing so Iger's leadership allowed Disney missed an entire development cycle, one which you got tremendous growth at USO for example.