Explain your avatar


New Member
Original Poster
I'm not really that new here, I just mostly lurk and enjoy other peoples posts. I've seen so many funny, creative, etc. avatars.
I thought it would be interesting to know why everyone chose the avatars they did, and what they mean to them.
I'll start...I have one of the generic ones that WDW Magic provides because 1.) I don't have a digital camera or scanner to post a pic of my own, 2.) I don't have the technical ability to create one.


New Member
I just really liked how mine came out... though, the more I look at it, the swan looks a little choppy...

Anyways.. I make avatars for KevinPage, so I'll have him come over her, and show off my hard work ;) His are like mini movie clips... I'll have him expain them :)


I usually use a photo because I like having faces to put with names.

Right now I have the logo from an upcoming Chi-town charity event. Since we have so many Illinois members here, I thought I'd help get the word out. :)

General Grizz

New Member
My first animated avatar! Alas, it will simplify soon.

Basically an ad for the upcoming D-Army. Expect better, ala revenge to Kevin Page and Gregory. ;)


New Member
General Grizz said:
My first animated avatar! Alas, it will simplify soon.

Basically an ad for the upcoming D-Army. Expect better, ala revenge to Kevin Page and Gregory. ;)
Ga! Revenge? Remember.. no Gregory, no D-Army ;) (I don't come up with the avatars, remember- I just create them!)

I like your avatar, though... You always have good avatars, Grizz :)

Anyways.. This weekend, we need to work on the D-Army... Or it will never be ready for "war"


Well-Known Member
since I change avatars so often, its hard but right now its a picture (not clear because its from online) of Ochre Point, the admissions and main building of my school


New Member
My current avatar is self-explanatory for those who know me. ;) For those who don't... I am OBSESSED with Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular.


Actually, I'm planning on changing my avatar in the near future. :p



Well-Known Member
I am right up there with you on the technical learning curve! I have always enjoyed creative use of media and pictures, but I have not always been up to speed on the newest digital technology.

So, my first avatar was a black and white picture of Walt (from "The Walt Disney Story," which really affected me as a child). Someone else here had it a couple of years ago.

Then, when Grizzly Hall became General Griz and started to form an "army" a few months ago to fight for traditional Disney values, I asked MKT to use some skills he had to change my B&W Walt to be in fatigues. I had that avatar until this week, when ...

I experimented with uploading photos and adjusting file size/dimensions, and...

I FINALLY CAME UP WITH MY OWN AVATAR! The one attached. Still shows Walt, but puts me right alongside! It was a picture taken a couple of years ago at MK.

So, there is hope still for you to master your own avatar. I did!

Until then, maybe you can ask MKT or Gregory to make one for you...

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
My current one is my favorite picture from the ones I took on my last trip. Previously, I had a picture of the Pyramid of Remembrance Living Memorial, which I helped dedicate. PM me if you want more info on it. I'm thinking of changing mine soon, too.


New Member
Mine is a pic of Barry Zito of the Oakland A's. I got an online journal recently and my friend noticed that I had no icon. We had been talking about baseball at the time because I was watching an A's game and she was making fun of me. (We are both HUGE yankee fans but I follow the A's too). She decided that she thought that he was cute so she googled him and found this picture. We both though it was so funny that I kept it and used it for my icon.


New Member
I've always liked pics of the actual person also, as I like having a face to put with the name and post. So that's why I used one of myself.

It's a couple pics of me in one of those photo booths during a night a debauchery and then my best friend Erin decided she wanted in the picture too.


New Member
prberk said:
I FINALLY CAME UP WITH MY OWN AVATAR! The one attached. Still shows Walt, but puts me right alongside! It was a picture taken a couple of years ago at MK.
Now I can see how you look like! :)
Mine is self explanatory... I think I was the first one to put my face on the avatar, but I´m like Erika, I like being able to associate faces with names on the forums.

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