Explain the appeal of Test Track


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Original Poster
Let me start by saying I found a thread from 2002 about your least favorite attraction and the answers were all over the place. Surpising to me, was the number of times IASW showed up, but thats not why I'm here.
For me, General Grizz hit it on the head when he said Test Track.

I feel a little guilty even posting this, because I don't tend to be very negative, but I've never really enjoyed Test Track. To me it seemed like an outdated ride in need of a technology rehab from the day it opened. (and, yes, I know its one of the most technologically sophisticated rides in existence)
I guess I just feel as though I was never really convinced by any of the "road tests" that they stage and never felt drawn into the story.

So, I'm asking all of you Test Track afficionados out there to tell me what it is about TT that really captures your imagination.

Convert me!


New Member
Most people who are disappointed with Test Track generally hear great things about it, hear the loud noise from the line, watch the "intimidating" pre-show, and everything is set up for this to be one intense thrill ride.

Fact is, Test Track is not a roller coaster, which disappoints people. Though it is the fastest ride on WDW property, it could've been made faster, and people are also disappointed with it for that reason.

I enjoy Test Track thoroughly. It is highly detailed and took an immense amount of work to get it as realistic as it is, I mean we aren't riding in a roller coaster train on a steel track, those cars and tires get worn down. The queue is very well themed, and the post area is interesting.

Although Test Track is not my favorite attraction at WDW, I appreciate the effort it took to complete it, and find it to be one of the most original attractions WDI has ever come up with. If you take the launch out of the hotel in ToT and stick it in an amusement park, no theming, it is not nearly as great of an attraction. To some extent, TT is the same way. Appreciate the surroundings and what it adds to an overall tame ride.


Active Member
I don't really know what I like about it, but I guess because I am not the M:S type, so it is one of the few "thrills" in Epcot I can experience. Don't get me wrong, Epcot does not need any more thrill rides. But I do like TT, it is pretty fun.

General Grizz

New Member
I've been much more accepting of Test Track since 2002, having ridden it a few times. It DOES have merit, although it lacks in the more futuristic approach, and I feel a lot can be done in the post show (i.e. the famous TransCenter was truly an experience back in the day, when original music was featured - that's Disney). The experience, however, is EXCELLENT for what it is.

I've realized I like Test Track much more than other attractions, although I don't consider it a favorite. It's appealing in the sense that it's a fast, fun ride for most thrill seekers. I just don't wish to see any other family-style attractions with great show quality (i.e. Spaceship Earth) see the same fate; the line has to be drawn.


Is it 5:00 yet?
I love Test Track! It is my favorite ride at WDW. It goes fast enough for me and has enough thrills for me. But for people who are into rides like Rockin Roller Coaster then it is probably not as thrilling. Different strokes for different folks. It is by far NOT the worst ride at WDW but everyone is entitled to their opinion.


Well-Known Member
dave2822 said:
Fact is, Test Track is not a roller coaster, which disappoints people. Though it is the fastest ride on WDW property, it could've been made faster, and people are also disappointed with it for that reason.

isnt rock n rollercoaster faster than test track?


New Member
I enjoy the educational aspect of the first half of the ride (showing us how the car is affected by bumps, brakes, shap turns, etc.) I worry that EPCOT is losing some of that.
Then I just flat out love speed. even 60 mph is fun for me. driving as fast as we can towards a wall and letting it open at the last second is so much fun.


Well-Known Member
RRnC reaches a top speed of 58 mph while test track ends up in the 64-65 range , test track is the fastest and its also the longest attraction at WDW.

edit: someone had to beat me by one minute in replying, lol


New Member
I'm looking for some help on convincing me to ride Test Track. As many times as I've been to epcot, I've never rode TT. I don't like roller coasters, and I don't really know what to expect on TT. The ending where you're zooming around the building seems scary to me!! Convince me to ride TT when I go in July..........can anyone tell me what it's like? Is the ending like a roller coaster? Details, I need details!!!!!!!


Active Member
LuckyBug said:
I'm looking for some help on convincing me to ride Test Track. As many times as I've been to epcot, I've never rode TT. I don't like roller coasters, and I don't really know what to expect on TT. The ending where you're zooming around the building seems scary to me!! Convince me to ride TT when I go in July..........can anyone tell me what it's like? Is the ending like a roller coaster? Details, I need details!!!!!!!
Let me be your persuader:
I hate most rollercoasters. (Exception being BTMRR.) I have never riden RnRC, and do not plan on doing so in the near future. TT is nothing like any rollercoaster that I have ever been on (I have been on many, although I didn't like them!) Please, go on TT, its really fun. I went on it for the first time Aug., and loved it. The quick zoom outside is really fun and not scary in the least.
Hope you have fun.


Well-Known Member
Test Track's appeal is that it's fast without being too thrilling like looping roller coasters. That's basically it. It would be way more attractive with a different theme though.

I personally hate the idea behind Test Track, it just doesn't fit in with EPCOT and it's just one big blatant Ad for GM.


I think it's just plain fun!!! I love the part when you're still indoors and you increase the speed as you go around the curves. And then when you first emerge outside. I think it's an incredible ride. You'd never find anything so creative and fun at any other theme park except Disney.


Well-Known Member
If i had to scrape the barrel for a reason why Test Track is awesome it would be that it allows you to do things on cars which are otherwise normally prohibited by law. i.e. go really fast and go on really fast, sharp turns.
It's a great ride (when it works)! Plus, you get to see a picture of how bad your sister's hair looks when they shoot that picture just before impact....


New Member
It's not my least favorite WDW attraction, but it's amongst my least favorites. Reading through this thread, almost everyone who really enjoys this attraction points the the "fast part." Some would prefer it to be faster. I get the feeling that most people "suffer" through all of the set-up just to get to the "punch-line." That doesn't make for a good attraction.

Two excellent examples of Disney attractions that feature a thrilling element at the end with equally outstanding set-up and storytelling are the Tower of Terror and Splash Mountain. These are complete Disney attractions.

I think Test Track was a novel idea, indeed unique. But, it just doesn't hit the mark on completeness.


New Member
I love TT but it lacks the luster of the main landmark rides of Disney, it just doesnt level out a sort of story or point mixed with thrill. It has both but either are very developed. I think that a ride should either be mixed like Splash mountain which has a great and in-depth story and a not-so-crying-scary thrill at the drop! On the other hand, ToT has mostly im-freeking-out thrill mixed in with a minimal but cool story! But TT is really just an ad for the car companies at the end, and does lack the super exciting feeling. I mean going around the track is fun and all but i just dont think it is enough thrill because it lacks a story. So if maybe they gave it a story(not cheesy) along with the real live tests. I dont really know its hard to explain but maybe in the next few years if "Cars" is a big hit they could do a overlay?? O well...:rolleyes:

But dont get me wrong! Test Track is my fav ride (havent tried Soaring) at Epcot no doubt! I just think it could be improved...:)

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