Expedition Everest - Yeti Spotted! Videos Are Available!


Well-Known Member
jmaxwell007 said:
soooo, are the photos of the outside of EE that have been shared over the last 24 months illegal as well. im refering to the shots of the broken track by jose eber(after the lift hill) or all the inside photos by yensid1 that we saw......... those are just as much a spoiler as a video of basically outside material (since you can see anything inside: besides the projection)...... basically, im just saying if you are going to protest these videos.... you need to include any and all photos that have been taken that could also 'spoil' the surprise (ones from vantage points other than behind construction walls)

i just find your arguement a little contradictiing

This is one of the most logical arguments that anyone has made on this thread, and yet no one that has a "problem" with the ride videos has bothered to address this point. I find that interesting.

I for one have chosen (for now at least) to not watch the videos to make my ride in March the most fun experience possible for me personally. And that's all I'm concerned with. As far as I'm concerned, any one of you could wallpaper your house with blown up screen shots from the videos, and I wouldn't care. And I'm not certain why any of you DO.

A week from now, there's going to be TONS of ride video out there to watch. This person is just the first one to do it, and probably a few days early. Someone made a comment that the poster was trying to increase hits on his site. Mkay. Good for him. He got it first, more power to him. That's how business is run. Find a need, fill the need, reap the benefits... Even though in this case the benefits might only be the satisfaction of causing this discussion (which I would be pretty proud of starting)...

I think the people going nuts over this need to RELAX... And just don't watch the video. I don't see why it's any more difficult than that. We're a week away from this being being wide open on the net. It's not that big a deal. There are bigger fish to fry.



New Member
Original Poster
Here's a message from the person who sent me the videos:

"I frankly don't think I'm showing any trade secrets and that Disney could have done a better job on the ride. The only reason I rode the ride repeatedly was due to the short wait time otherwise had I ridden it with a long wait ahead of me I would have been greatly dissapointed. All in all I think that the videos just tease you enough to want to go ride it and actually see what the ride is like and see the small glimpse you get of the Yeti."

I'm glad we could help out those who won't be able to get on the ride any time soon. As for me... I'm even more excited to ride it in a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
I knew it wouldn't take long after the attraction had it's first previews for a video to pop up here in the forums. I think I will wait until I see it in person.


New Member
ok the good lord in heaven knows i hate to do this but which vid shows the yeti? and for the ppl who have seen the vids will you plz send me a pic of the yeti ? i got dial up and the first vid is in download still 2 hrs left and been downloading for 2 hrs!!!!!!! plz send me a pick!! and as far as some ppl not liking and some liking hey ppl lets not make this a bad thing!!! if you wanna see it look if not then dont. lets not get mad at ppl for doing what they love!!!!

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I have a few questions about the second video. Did anyone notice when the train comes to the first mangled track, you hear the yeti roar???? Also, watch it closely. You notice a claw or tail or something disappear behind the mountain, like it moves. It isn't track, and it isn't the angel of the camera, since the thing moves while the train is stopped. You clearly see it in the second video, behind the mountain peak to the left of the train. You do not see it at all in the first video.

Jose Eber

New Member
dxer07002 said:
I have a few questions about the second video. Did anyone notice when the trin comes to the first mangled track, you hear the yeti roar???? Also, watch it closely. YOu notice a claw or tail or something disappear behind the mountain, like it moves. It isn't track, and it isn't the angel of the camera, since the thing moves while the train is stopped. You clearly see it in the second video, behind the mountain peak to the left of the train. You do not see it at all in the first video.

Oh my, is THAT the AA bird?

That looks stupid! (you hear a roar then a squack from a bird).

LOL No wonder Joe asked that to be turned off.



New Member
dxer07002 said:
I have a few questions about the second video. Did anyone notice when the train comes to the first mangled track, you hear the yeti roar???? Also, watch it closely. You notice a claw or tail or something disappear behind the mountain, like it moves. It isn't track, and it isn't the angel of the camera, since the thing moves while the train is stopped. You clearly see it in the second video, behind the mountain peak to the left of the train. You do not see it at all in the first video.

Very cool! Although I deleted the clips so that I would never look at them again, I just downloaded it again to see what you were talking about. It looks like a bird. I remember someone saying something about a vulture. Ugh, apparently I want nothing to be a surprise during the preview.
Yeti needs a mani

I don't see how anyone could get a decent shot of the yeti from either of these videos b/c it goes by so fast and is very blurry. I totally saw the claw or big fingernail or whatever at the top of the mountain. It kind of looks like the end of a scythe so maybe its a ginormous yeti galvanized steel Lee press on nail?


Active Member
I have just downloaded the first clip and watched it and I am at 55% for the second clip.

The ride is pretty much all that I was expecting, without spoiling it too much (a bit late for that now :brick: ) there seems to have been a lot of fuss made over the Yeti - which can only be glimpsed for a few seconds at best.

Thanks for providing the links XSTech. I notice in the first clip, at the end of the ride as the car comes back towards the station, that the guy filming the ride makes no attempt to put away or hide his camera. They even seen to pass a Cast Member (in a red coat), so surely if recording was not allowed, the person in the red coat would have reported him.

In my opinion, the Tower of Terror or Splash Mountain is still the yardstick to measure rides against.


Well-Known Member
dxer07002 said:
I have a few questions about the second video. Did anyone notice when the train comes to the first mangled track, you hear the yeti roar???? Also, watch it closely. You notice a claw or tail or something disappear behind the mountain, like it moves. It isn't track, and it isn't the angel of the camera, since the thing moves while the train is stopped. You clearly see it in the second video, behind the mountain peak to the left of the train. You do not see it at all in the first video.

I think it's an eagle, BTW, you do see it in the 1st video, Watch as the train stars going backward, you can see it rise up from behind the peek. I think to give the illusion that the bird is flying upward :veryconfu


New Member
Nope im not gonna do it, not gonna download it, that would be stupid to have all my anticipation for this ride and then just watch a video of it. Nope, i promote abstinence....hahahahhahahah


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Buried20KLeague said:
This is one of the most logical arguments that anyone has made on this thread, and yet no one that has a "problem" with the ride videos has bothered to address this point. I find that interesting.

and im checking the tail/claw thing for myself....... so ill edit after downloading (again)


Well-Known Member
Seeing as I'm not going to ride it I have no qualms about watching it. Which I did. Looks ok in the video but I'm sure it'd be more exciting in person.


Active Member
mitchk said:
I think it's an eagle, BTW, you do see it in the 1st video, Watch as the train stars going backward, you can see it rise up from behind the peek. I think to give the illusion that the bird is flying upward :veryconfu
Well done!!

After reading your post, I watched that small segment of clip 1, as you say there is definately a bird taking off. I had to watch several times to notice it though!:hammer:

By the way, it is possible to watch both clips at the same time if you watch them both in the normal sized window. The animated Yeti looks much better in the 2nd clip as you can see it swooping down.


Well-Known Member
mitchk said:
I think it's an eagle, BTW, you do see it in the 1st video, Watch as the train stars going backward, you can see it rise up from behind the peek. I think to give the illusion that the bird is flying upward :veryconfu
I don't know. It doesn't look like a bird to be at all.

edit: Forget that. Now that I watched it again you are right. It looks exactly like a bird.


Well-Known Member
Jose Eber said:
^Why the hawk noise then?

Did you head over there today btw?

Yeah. I was there for about 2.5 hours this morning. Nothing new to report. Trains were running empty.

Also I edited my post. After watching it again you are right it is definitly a bird. I don't know what I was thinking.

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