Expedition Everest Thrill Factor?


New Member
^^^ Now thinking about it it is more about 10 sec. (It seems faster after your first ride)

Like I said if you want to watch an on ride video on youtube it shows how much darkness/backwards there is. Some would say it ruins the ride for you but I watched it at least 5 times & it didn't ruin it for me at all it instead calmed any nerves I had about going on it.


The scariest ride i have been on, and i have been on a lot of rollercoasters is the wild mouse ride at blackpool pleasure beach it probably only goes 15-20 mph with like a 20 foot drop but i felt like i was going to die quote]

:lol::lol: So it's not only me who thought that?


Well-Known Member
Its got some kick to it. The thing I do tell people about EE is that whatever it does, it doesn't do it long. i.e.

1. Themed queue to the max - check
2. Slow part, long lift - check
3. Story, plot development - check
4. Backwards part, super fast, in the dark - check
5. More story, plot development - check
6. Big drop - check
7. Super fast forward part - check
8. Anamatronic - check

All of these sections have different sensory moments. They are short. If you don't like something, it will be over quick. If you do like something, it will leave you wanting more of it.


Well-Known Member
No matter how many times I watch the video, I know I'm gonna be really nervous. However, I think I'm gonna try Everest in January.

I'm really nervous for the backwards part, and pretty nervous for the big drop. But I'm definitely requesting to sit in the front, and I think I'll be fine. Thanks guys for your help.


Well-Known Member
The scariest ride i have been on, and i have been on a lot of rollercoasters is the wild mouse ride at blackpool pleasure beach it probably only goes 15-20 mph with like a 20 foot drop but i felt like i was going to die.

You're scared of that, in the same park as Pepsi Max? :lol:

Though I guess it is 50 years old now...
One, I have ridden EE countless times. But the first time, I must confess that I found the backwards section as unnerving as any ride I have been on... including hulk, rnrc, dd red blue. It lasts much longer than you expect it could (8-10 seconds) in total darkness backwards at 30-40mph in a double helix. In 4 seconds you will be asking yourself, WHEN IS THIS GOING TO STOP?!?! Since then, I just love to listen to the screems of others on the backward section even though it still holds a slight unnerve on me.

Other than unnerving, it shouldn't be missed, it is a top notch well thought out show/ride and very unique to all of Disney's holdings. If you have a weak head and a good heart, do it. If you have a strong head and a possible heart condition (get that ekg!). Please don't!

Do you know exactly what the backwards segment is in E:E? I remember at the end of the backwards section having the feeling of going up a tight helix, kinda emulating looping, or something like that. Do I make any sense?:p Hope you can help me.


Active Member
I personally feel that EE is a little overhyped...it is a great ride and all, but in my opinion, it's not everything folks have cracked it up to be.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I personally feel that EE is a little overhyped...it is a great ride and all, but in my opinion, it's not everything folks have cracked it up to be.
I'm at the other end of the spectrum. I find it to be everything it was hyped to be and more. That's the reality of any ride though, each individual takes away a different experience.

S. Paridon

Active Member
I must say that for all of the big talk about how thrilling EE is when we rode it...it wasn't nearly as bad as everyone said. It was exciting, yes, but scary...not a chance.

I loved it and we rode it over and over again when we were in AK. The last major dip/turn does indeed put some G's on you if you are sitting in the back of the train, as does the backwards drop if you are sitting in teh front of the train, but aside from some slight G effects it's not that big of a deal.

It is a NOT TO BE MISSED ride while in AK. Just try it, you will like it.

Pete C

Active Member
Everest is pretty much the ultimate family coaster. It has an intensity level that is just enough to give most people a real thrill without going over the top. At points, it has serious positive G-forces...more intense than even RnRC, but they don't last long enough to make you sick. Most people will be fine on E:E. Disney clearly made this ride in the post-Mission Space era and learned their lessons about how much their average guest can take.
I definitely feel like Everest is more thrilling than RnR. Like someone else said, RnR has maybe about 10 seconds of thrill at the beginning. The speed and the inversion are all in that. After that, its a pretty tame ride as far as coasters go.

The backwards part of everest is pretty intense, and the drop was not too bad. I think you should give it a try.....its a great ride


New Member
When the backwards part started, I was positive I had gone upside down. It felt like I had been on a corkscrew. I was slightly disoriented after this part. I barely had my head together when we had the big drop. It's kind of funny that this ride shook me up as much as it did since I love Tower of Terror, and Rock and Rollercoaster is my favorite ride. I also have no problem on Mission Space:Orange. Imagine my surprise when I discovered there was no upside part.


Active Member
My girlfriend still hasn't completely forgiven me for taking her on EE last month. I told her it shouldn't be worse than Big Thunder or Space Mountain (the later being the max on a thrill factor for her) and that it doesn't have any inversions (which she definitely won't do). RnR and ToT are no gos for her.

She was still shaking an hour after EE. It took sitting at the Flights of Wonder show to calm her down.

I, of course, loved the ride and expect to be in the single riders line our next trip.

Each person has their own personal threshold for these type rides. I'd suggest maybe you ride Space Mountain again before trying EE. If it doesn't bother you at all, then consider trying EE. If it pushes your threshold, then skip EE. But if you are going to skip the ride, at least walk through the que with the rest of your family when they are going to go on it. It is very well themed and worth the time standing in line just for itself.


I'm having the same problem as the OP; I'm just not sure if I can handle the ride. I like Mission Space (I'm okay with both versions), Test Track, BTM, and Splash Mountain. However, I've always been too scared for Space Mountain, ToT, RnRC, and EE.

I may try EE during my next trip in January, but I do have some questions.

1. What is the backwards part like? Is it really bad?
2. What is the ride like after the big drop?

In my opinion if you can handle Mission Space you can pretty much handle anything else in the resort.


Is it 5:00 yet?
The issue I have with certain rides/coasters is the parts that are in the dark. I like to see where I am going so my brain knows where the bottom is. So a lot of rides are off limits to me. I won't do Splash anymore because of the first drop inside the mountain( the dip drop one)..the time before last that I rode it I didn't remember it being completely dark. Maybe a bulb was burned out or something. The 50 ft drop isn't horribly bad because I can see the bottom. Space is the same way. I love the ride until that 30ft drop because I don't know when it is coming. I do not like the dropping feeling at all but to put it in the dark makes it 10 times worse for me...:shrug: So Everest isn't on my to do list..:(

EDIT: Even the small drop on Pirates freaks me out...because it is in the dark...it is very psychological...:shrug:
The issue I have with certain rides/coasters is the parts that are in the dark. I like to see where I am going so my brain knows where the bottom is. So a lot of rides are off limits to me. I won't do Splash anymore because of the first drop inside the mountain( the dip drop one)..the time before last that I rode it I didn't remember it being completely dark. Maybe a bulb was burned out or something. The 50 ft drop isn't horribly bad because I can see the bottom. Space is the same way. I love the ride until that 30ft drop because I don't know when it is coming. I do not like the dropping feeling at all but to put it in the dark makes it 10 times worse for me...:shrug: So Everest isn't on my to do list..:(

Definitely do not do everest then. Quite a bit of the ride is dark. And as evident by posting on this forum, quite a few people get disoriented going backwards in the dark for the reason you listed.....


Well-Known Member
You're scared of that, in the same park as Pepsi Max? :lol:

Though I guess it is 50 years old now...
Well roller coasters dont really scare me but that is probably the "scariest" one i have been on simply because it doesnt feel safe!

Pete C

Active Member
It's amazing how different rides affect people in different ways...there is really no way to predict. My girlfriend was able to handle Everest, just barely, but she hated Primeval Whirl because it didn't feel safe. Some won't like Everest because it goes backwards. Others might be fine on Everest, but hate Space Mountain because it is dark and has sudden drops. Then you have those that can't do any coasters but can ride Mission Space three times in a row and be fine. There is really only one way to find out...

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