Expedition Everest "Secret"....


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Well, here is what I think is still maybe still sort of a "secret". If you notice the thick, flat part of the track on Expedition Everest, and you are wondering what that is there for, and you dont know what it is, just like I didn't know a couple of days ago, well, I'm gonna tell you. Supposedly the "Yeti" (Abominable Snowman), is going to pick you up, and drop you down the track a substantial distance. (Although I dont think it will drop you all the way down to the end) Now that I know that, I'm a little scared to go on it.

And one more thing... If have the Lion King 1/2, go on the special features disk, and click "Timon and Pumba's Virtual Safari 1.5 (I think that's what its called), and it has Timon and Pumba themed rides that are at Walt Disney World.(For example, Pirates of the Carribean, Timon and Pumba Style as in the characters(instead of people the characters are animals) Of the rides includes the Yeti and then you get to choose whether to go forwards or backwards. (You are on a big mountian).

Well, that's all for now...


Premium Member
Where did you hear this from? I think you might have been had a little :)

The Yeti is currently not set to do any picking up of any trains, it's more like the chase scene in CTX from what I have been told. There is going to be the top half of a yeti with moving arms, face etc, but it isnt going to pick up your train.


New Member
You can see pictures of Everest on the main page of this site. There are construction pictures and concept art of what Everest will look like when it's finished.

I've heard the rumor of the Yeti throwing the trains too. I guess we won't know if it's true until we ride it. Or maybe one of our forum members can fill us in. *PLEASE*


Premium Member
Originally posted by MagicalMonorail
You can see pictures of Everest on the main page of this site. There are construction pictures and concept art of what Everest will look like when it's finished.

I've heard the rumor of the Yeti throwing the trains too. I guess we won't know if it's true until we ride it. Or maybe one of our forum members can fill us in. *PLEASE*

Unfortunately this rumor was thrown around by some people who were HEAVILY speculating.

While it would be a nice effect, can you really see how an animatronic figure can realistically pick up and throw a train the size of a Big Thunder Railroad train?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
Unfortunately this rumor was thrown around by some people who were HEAVILY speculating.

While it would be a nice effect, can you really see how an animatronic figure can realistically pick up and throw a train the size of a Big Thunder Railroad train?

Well, Kong "sorta" did... :D

But really...to agree with Steve on this point...do you know how much of a logistical nightmare it would be to do this??? The train would physically have to leave the tracks...all safety precautions taken to secure it to the tracks would have to be void at this location. Disney would not take this chance.


New Member
I see what you're saying Steve. I didn't think the AA would actually pick the train up. I just thought they would simulate it somehow by making the track rise, giving the illusion it was picking you up. Even without the throw, Expedition: Everest should be awesome.


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Well-Known Member
Make the track move (similar to the Catastophe Canyon platforms)


Install hydrolics between the coaster car bogies and seats. Therefore the train actually doesn't leave the track... but it feels like it is being lifted up.

I favour the later. The train could slowly rise up, then drop down again with a thump...perhaps even whilst moving forwards. It would be the natural progression by intergrating EMV stuff into coaster trains.


New Member
Since it is a long, flat section of the track, could it possibly be that the Yeti "picks up' just the front car and the entire section of track that the train is on slopes back to, say, a 40 degree angle? This would mean that Disney would not use a switch track but rather use a track on top of another, similar to the Ultra Twister rollercoaster? Just a thought, but I'm trying not to discredit anything that could somehow be true, even though it may sound unrealistic. What are your thoughts?


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Original Poster
here is what is going to happen: the roller coaster is going to get to a point unknown, and turn around backwards, and then back into that place where the track is sort of thick, and the yeti is going to be supposedly picking you up although its not, and drop you down the hill.


New Member
I thought that in a previous post that it was established that the entire train wouldn't turn around but rather that it would be shot backwards in the direction that it came from.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BrerFox28
Supposedly the "Yeti" (Abominable Snowman), is going to pick you up, and drop you down the track a substantial distance.

Please don't say "DUH" making it seem like we're all dense when this is a direct quote from you. Nowhere in your quote did you say anything about the track raising or it being on hydraulics...

Nobody said, "DUH" to you when you made the thread...Everyone here is logically trying to explain how this will happen or why it won't.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Re: Re: Expedition Everest "Secret"....

Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Please don't say "DUH" making it seem like we're all dense when this is a direct quote from you. Nowhere in your quote did you say anything about the track raising or it being on hydraulics...

Nobody said, "DUH" to you when you made the thread...Everyone here is logically trying to explain how this will happen or why it won't.

Pffffft... well DUH... thats what I was going to say! :lol: :lookaroun :p


Premium Member
The problem with threads like this, is that when this thing opens, people are going to be saying...

"UGH, so where was the scene where our train was thrown by the yeti? This ride sucks".

Just like when Space opened, we had the whole "Why wasn't I floating around my capsule in a weightless state for 30 minutes like I read online"

While there may be some hint of some interaction with the Yeti, don't expect too much :)


Premium Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Well, Kong "sorta" did... :D

Yeah Kong did this effect very well. But they were heavily assisted by the type of ride system, being suspended from a roof top with hydraulics, and a fairly short ride vehicle. Imagine trying to reproduce this with a long coaster train on a solid coaster track. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
Yeah Kong did this effect very well. But they were heavily assisted by the type of ride system, being suspended from a roof top with hydraulics, and a fairly short ride vehicle. Imagine trying to reproduce this with a long coaster train on a solid coaster track. :)

Completely agree. I still don't foresee this happening with Everest...much like yourself.

Why can't it just be a fantastic coaster with show elements, a reverse section, a really incredible (yet abominable) animatronic, and a completely immerse environment...and still be an unbelievable attraction?

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