"Do you have quicktime installed at all?"
Yes I do I get the opening image, I look at the little bar moving acrooss the bottom, I pressed plag before it was finished loading (Impatient) and it froze. I tried it again waiting for it download completely before pressing play but it froze as it was just about done
"SMDLP - Imagineering book: great photo of track layout."
That would be this photo right?
(haven't got my book handy) I figured the first part of the ride, up to the second hill. But the lower portion of the track??
There is an other drawing of the track (done by a fan, just the track without the building) I think it's somewhere on this site
http://sm.dlpfan.org/ride.htm But I can't find it right now.
"I have a plan of the DL SM. I just need a good section...very accurate."
Can't help you then, I did all my dimensioning by eyeball
"Maybe I'll contact the guy who did the plan to see if he has the section."
Any chance I could get a plan too I collect and draw plans and layouts/ plans as you can tell from my photo album.