Expedition Everest effects status watch


TSMM is not considered an E ticket. It has E ticket popularity, but the attraction is considered by most to be a D ticket attraction.

Not sure if Disney would agree. Here's what an e-ticket used to get you at the Magic Kingdom.

Do you really think WDW would have assigned a D-ticket to the ride with the longest lines in any of the parks?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Not sure if Disney would agree. Here's what an e-ticket used to get you at the Magic Kingdom.

Do you really think WDW would have assigned a D-ticket to the ride with the longest lines in any of the parks?

No. They most assuredly would have assigned it an E ticket classification. However, the popularity of an attraction is largely irrelevant in this day and age when it comes to classifying an attraction as A-E. The level of theaming in an attraction is what gives it A-E status. TSMM is really nothing more than screens. The only sets you see are in the queue. Based on that, it is a D.


Well-Known Member
This isn't just any old mistake though like a single stationary animatronic in Small World or some chipped paint, there's a good reason that people always bring up Everest when it comes to maintenance woes. Disney built the ride's few show elements up and continue to market these elements as the main focal point and purpose of the ride (they may even still have a video of the working yeti on the official website, the building of Everest episode also continued to and may still air on Discovery long after the ride's show elements failed). There are other maintenance issues of show elements everywhere at WDW of course, but not where the one main selling point they've instilled in people's mind has been non functional for many years.

I'd say MORE threads like this should to be stickied when there's rides with massive amounts of its show elements are non-functional. Splash Mountain certainly deserved it prior to its refurbishment (there was an active thread on it at least).

As I said, this sticky should remain as a shame thread if nothing else. Useful or not, letting it go is again essentially letting Disney know we don't care anymore and they've "won", not much better than drones. And letting this thread go off a sticky will probably kill it and make it disappear. So again I say no.

FP+ deserves plenty of hate, and it gets it. Might deserve a sticky and may end up getting one once it fully starts and begins to irritate larger numbers of people. Sadly there are inevitably going to be some people who will like (or pretend to like) these new things. Improper maintenance on the other hand is something no one with a brain will actually try to defend. And Disney is trying to market it as a good thing. The only thing Disney's social media drones can do when faced with things like a broken yeti is try to downplay it or just ignore it and pretend nothing is wrong. They have no argument that broken show elements are a GOOD thing though. And you're not about to hear Disney publicly acknowledge the issues either.

Other rides again didn't have the massive hype the broken show elements from Everest had. And in some cases, they were fixed in a more timely manner than Everest's show problems, even Splash Mountain. Or at least have a better chance of BEING fixed. If the issues are ever addressed, then and only then should this thread be taken off sticky.

I think maelstrom had some real broken hype for years with the broken rock which apparently has just recently been fixed, dinosaur has been missing several show effects for years and tiger river rapids no longer has a working fire scene. All things detrimental to the ride yet not stuck on the forum, I just don't see why everest has to be stuck up here we can update the forum when things happen sure but why this has to be sticked is what I am arguing.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
This thread should be un-stickied because:

- it downplays the massive amounts of show issues all over property in favor of just ONE of them.
- Yes, several other attractions are in bad show condition, not just Everest. Just because Everest has the most obvious broken thing doesn't mean its the only attraction with really bad show.
- Its pointless to have a "watch" thread stickied for Everest because for six years or so now there has been nothing to report besides "steam was on... steam was off." Who cares? You could do the exact same thing for every ride. (and we should! just not put priority on just ONE attraction).
- If the Yeti ever does move again or anything major happens, rest assured the community will light up with news, it won't just come from some random poster happening to post in this thread saying "hey guess what the Yeti was moving again today."

So either start regularly making these threads for other attractions (some have already been started) or drop this one, because on the surface it looks like "Everest is bad but all the other rides are okay."

Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
This thread should be un-stickied because:

- it downplays the massive amounts of show issues all over property in favor of just ONE of them.
- Yes, several other attractions are in bad show condition, not just Everest. Just because Everest has the most obvious broken thing doesn't mean its the only attraction with really bad show.
- Its pointless to have a "watch" thread stickied for Everest because for six years or so now there has been nothing to report besides "steam was on... steam was off." Who cares? You could do the exact same thing for every ride. (and we should! just not put priority on just ONE attraction).
- If the Yeti ever does move again or anything major happens, rest assured the community will light up with news, it won't just come from some random poster happening to post in this thread saying "hey guess what the Yeti was moving again today."

So either start regularly making these threads for other attractions (some have already been started) or drop this one, because on the surface it looks like "Everest is bad but all the other rides are okay."

Just my two cents.

I cannot agree more


Well-Known Member
It's really is a shame that the yeti hasn't been working for so long. I remember before EE opened, I would watch programs revolving around AK and the creation of the ride itself and how much emphasis they put on the massive yeti and the moving arm. Now I think of it as a joke. They made so much hype about how it's one of the most advanced AA's Disney has ever made. I'd think they'd have enough respect for it to fix it.

Black Pearl

Well-Known Member
Yeti doesn't work yes, but why does all the merch being sold depict the Yeti as snowball white, when the broken one is more of an Ewok brown? The continuity is even broken :(

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Yeti doesn't work yes, but why does all the merch being sold depict the Yeti as snowball white, when the broken one is more of an Ewok brown? The continuity is even broken :(

This has been explained by Disney before. The Yeti is a mythical creature and we don't really even know that it exists, let alone what it really looks like. The toys being made based are off of common, yet incorrect description of the mythical beast.

It also allows cross marketing with the Yeti in the Matterhorn.;)

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Could someone please tell me how having this or any other thread pinned is creating a problem for them? I have this forum up on my screen for about 8-9 hours per day. I rarely do anything other than check my subscribed threads, alerts and whats new and I seem to be getting along just fine. The only time I ever even go into the specific thread categories is when I am creating a new thread. Now I could understand there being a problem if there were a half page of pinned posts in every category, but there is a grand total of 1 in the general discussion thread. Maybe I am missing something, but complaining about the one and only pinned post in a single thread category seems just a tad absurd.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Because it is out of place, being the only one. Again, you could make one of these for every ride, and probably have more to report on than Everest, since the Yeti will not be moving any time soon, and there are like two special effects otherwise. That's why its irritating, seeing this at the top of the forum for years despite having nothing or real interest to report.

Also, the points I made in my last post. It downplays the rest of the mile long list of show/upkeep issues at WDW.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
That is a interesting point regarding merch related to EE's Yeti.

I have wondered in the past why Disney took the route to just do a generic white-furred Yeti when it comes to merchandise for DAK/EE.
Why not make some unique items obviously based on the Parks more realistic looking beast?

It would be cool to have character-accurate figures, plush, pins, you name it of the amber-furred fellow instead of the overused, white-furred 'abominable snowman' creature.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Because it is out of place, being the only one. Again, you could make one of these for every ride, and probably have more to report on than Everest, since the Yeti will not be moving any time soon, and there are like two special effects otherwise. That's why its irritating, seeing this at the top of the forum for years despite having nothing or real interest to report.

Also, the points I made in my last post. It downplays the rest of the mile long list of show/upkeep issues at WDW.

Which other attraction has a multi-million dollar, largest AA ever built, that was and currently is the focus of multiple promotional videos, which has not been working for nearly 7 years?

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
None, but how many other attractions have a huge list of show issues? Ehh.. like... ALL OF THEM? But if all you do is focus on the yeti, then all that other stuff gets ignored. And that other stuff at least has a chance of being fixed in the near future, the yeti does not.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
None, but how many other attractions have a huge list of show issues? Ehh.. like... ALL OF THEM? But if all you do is focus on the yeti, then all that other stuff gets ignored. And that other stuff at least has a chance of being fixed in the near future, the yeti does not.

Funny, I don't see the other issues getting ignored. I see at least a couple of threads a week pop up about other attractions and the 74 threads are nothing,but the "discussion" of other issues.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Funny, I don't see the other issues getting ignored. I see at least a couple of threads a week pop up about other attractions and the 74 threads are nothing,but the "discussion" of other issues.
Yeah, but they're not stickied so you see them every single time you visit the forum like this one is. For the last seven years. With nothing of note to report. I'm aware that I am caring too much about one thread on an internet messageboard, but I know I'm not the only one that finds this obnoxious.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Yeah, but they're not stickied so you see them every single time you visit the forum like this one is. For the last seven years. With nothing of note to report. I'm aware that I am caring too much about one thread on an internet messageboard, but I know I'm not the only one that finds this obnoxious.

This is obnoxious...


One pin, not so much.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
But having it as the ONLY pin screams "the yeti is the only thing this forum really strongly cares about!!!" Again, it downplays the importance of anything else brought up on here. There are so many other threads with things that could ACTUALLY BE REPORTED that deserve to be stickied MUCH more than "The steam was/wasn't working. The yeti wasn't. Man I wish it was." Repeat x 7 years.

Other have started threads for other attractions, and I even tried to start one for Test Track 2, you know, the attraction that has been open for 8 months with it's main feature still not fully working. But nobody cared, because it wasn't stickied.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
But having it as the ONLY pin screams "the yeti is the only thing this forum really strongly cares about!!!" Again, it downplays the importance of anything else brought up on here. There are so many other threads with things that could ACTUALLY BE REPORTED that deserve to be stickied MUCH more than "The steam was/wasn't working. The yeti wasn't. Man I wish it was." Repeat x 7 years.

Other have started threads for other attractions, and I even tried to start one for Test Track 2, you know, the attraction that has been open for 8 months with it's main feature still not fully working. But nobody cared, because it wasn't stickied.

You could always request that it be pinned, but make sure you use all caps, SO STEVE KNOWS ITS REALLY IMPORTANT!

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