Expectant Mothers: What rides are no-no's?


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Hey all,
My wife and I are finally going back to WDW the week before Christmas, ($85 a night at Dixie :D ) our first trip since 2001.

Anyway, she will be about 3 months pregnant. I've been to WDW about 15 times now, but never with a pregnant wife. We were wondering what thrill rides she would be able to go on if any at all.

I'm hoping for it to be a relaxing trip. My parents, my brother and his wife are coming with us. We also have a 17mo old.

Thanks in advance for your advice.


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New Member

I can't emphasize enough to you that this is a question that should be answered by your wife's OB-GYN. Although most of us here are extremely knowledgable of WDW and all its various rides, each woman and each pregnancy are different. Maybe your OB-GYN has been to WDW lately or knows what types of rides you should avoid. Feel free to take any advice you see posted here. But always err on the side of caution. Have a great trip and congrats on the bun in the oven.


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Oh yes, LZ, I will always err on the side of the doctor's caution. I'm hoping some of the ladies on here will be able to throw in their two cents about their experience.



Well-Known Member
I would think that most of the "thrill rides" would be off limits. The mountains at MK, probably even Goofy's too. M:S, TT at Epcot. RnR, ToT, Star Tours at MGM. Dinosaur and Primeval Whirl at AK. You probably need to either get your hands on some guidemaps or else buy a guidebook (my favorite is The Unofficial Guide) to really answer your question.

While your wife may very well think that some of the rides won't be that bad, I would encourage her to follow the posted guidelines. It's not worth it. I have a friend who rode Space Mountain when she was pregnant and had contractions for hours afterward. Disney will still be there.


Premium Member
I went to Disney when I was 3 months pregnant with my first baby. I avoided the obviously dangerous rides like space mountain, thunder mountain, etc. The signs in front of all the attractions say whether or not it's ok for expectant mothers to ride. I did, however, ignore the warnings of Splash mountain because it's one of my favorites and I knew that 1 big drop wasn't going to hurt my 3 inch long baby in my belly. :)


Well-Known Member
I dont think that we can stress enough that your wife should follow the advice of her OB-GYN to the letter. Some doctors prefer their patients dont even fly!!!! It may put a bit of crimp into your trip ( to the possibility of having to cancel it altogether) but better that than any unforseen health complications for Mother or baby!!!! Congrats again!!! Belle


Le Meh
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wannabeBelle said:
I dont think that we can stress enough that your wife should follow the advice of her OB-GYN to the letter. Some doctors prefer their patients dont even fly!!!! It may put a bit of crimp into your trip ( to the possibility of having to cancel it altogether) but better that than any unforseen health complications for Mother or baby!!!! Congrats again!!! Belle

I agree. We went last November and my wife was 5 1/2 months pregnant. I think she rode Splash Mountain but cant remember. Other than that, nothing rough, fast, or bouncy. Her favorite ride after about 4 days in the parks was the TTA (people mover). We rode it and rode it ..... and rode it.....and rode it......(gasp) and rode it, and enjoyed every minute of it.

Have a good trip and take care of that future Disney baby!!!!!! :animwink:


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NSCMC said:
I would think that most of the "thrill rides" would be off limits. The mountains at MK, probably even Goofy's too. M:S, TT at Epcot. RnR, ToT, Star Tours at MGM. Dinosaur and Primeval Whirl at AK. You probably need to either get your hands on some guidemaps or else buy a guidebook (my favorite is The Unofficial Guide) to really answer your question.

While your wife may very well think that some of the rides won't be that bad, I would encourage her to follow the posted guidelines. It's not worth it. I have a friend who rode Space Mountain when she was pregnant and had contractions for hours afterward. Disney will still be there.
Agreed, she would want to stay away from the big thrills, but she can still enjoy things like POTC and all of the dark rides. Anyways have a wonderful trip!


Well-Known Member
I went at 5 months and my OB said I could ride everything. He was a frequent visitor to WDW. I did ride Splash Mountain but as soon as it was over I had to sit a while as the baby must have not liked it. He was kicking and moving so much; for about 20 minutes I was kinda worried. I sat Tower of Terror out, as well as Space Mountain. I knew we were going to be back as soon as we could after the baby was born.
Definitely check with your OB..


New Member
I went to WDW when I was about 2 months pregnant. The problem was...I DIDN"T KNOW IT! So I rode everything!!! Space Mountain and all! I found out I was pregnant the week I got back. My ObGyn said everything should be fine. That early on, there should be very little, if any, problems unless she already has something to be concerned about. BUt like everyone else said, ask your doc, be careful. Better to be safe than sorry. And congrats on the baby!


Well-Known Member
As someone that worked in a theme park for 7 years I looked into this after getting into fights with people. You should not go on any attraction that moves if you are worried in the slightest. All attractions that move have a chance to E-Stop which is not a soft stop and could cause you to slid/move/slam forward into a safety belt or the vehicle itself. With that being said you should not ride in a car or infact leave the bed....so really it is up to you. I would say you should not go on any of the large rides but like I said everything can turn into a bad thing.

Really what it comes down to is you are taking responibility for your body going on anything, if something does happen you have been warned by every sign disney puts up.



Le Meh
Premium Member
hakunamatata said:
I agree. We went last November and my wife was 5 1/2 months pregnant. I think she rode Splash Mountain but cant remember. Other than that, nothing rough, fast, or bouncy. Her favorite ride after about 4 days in the parks was the TTA (people mover). We rode it and rode it ..... and rode it.....and rode it......(gasp) and rode it, and enjoyed every minute of it.

Have a good trip and take care of that future Disney baby!!!!!! :animwink:

I have been corrected. My wife did not ride splash mountain or any other ride that posted expectant mothers should not ride.........


Well-Known Member
Hi, I have been to WDW pregnant twice. The 1st time I was 36 weeks (start of the 8th month.) The biggest problem with Splash montain is the seats, they are very uncomfortable. I wouldn't dream of sitting in them pregnant. I didn't do anything questionable.

The 2nd trip I was only 8 weeks, (2 months.) My Dr. said I could ride anything I wanted to at that point. The baby was soooo small and soooo protrected. Only rides of question I did was Dinosouar, the safari ride and Mission space.

BTW water slides where you enter the water feet frist should be avoided. The reason is a rush of water can actually enter the women, causing problems. (water sides on rafts are ok before the women is showing, and the lazy river. )

Once again the recomended advice is listen to your Dr. and only do what you are comfortable with. Any ride that is safe for the tolder to ride, a pregnant women can.


New Member
There is a pretty comprehensive list in the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World. It was written by a woman who travelled to WDW when she was 5 months pregnant, and in addition to saying what rides to avoid, she explains why they are a problem. BTW, she says that the problem with Splash Mountain is that you sit with your knees higher than your rear, which compresses the abdomen. Essentially what DisneyPhD wrote.


Well-Known Member
Nora said:
There is a pretty comprehensive list in the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World. It was written by a woman who travelled to WDW when she was 5 months pregnant, and in addition to saying what rides to avoid, she explains why they are a problem. BTW, she says that the problem with Splash Mountain is that you sit with your knees higher than your rear, which compresses the abdomen. Essentially what DisneyPhD wrote.

I bought that book when I was prengnat the 1st time, since it was the only thing I could find on going to WDW pregnant at all. The funny thing is that book is how we found this web site. :sohappy: That was back in January 2001. Gosh that seems like a long time ago.

It is funny with your 1st child and pregnancy you are so careful, don't lift things etc.... Your second (or more) you are so busy running after the 1st that you forget all about it. This past May I went down a child slide with little PhD on my lap because she was scared. I forgot I was 6 months pregnant (how can you do that?) and landed with a bump on the bottom. I was fine and so was the baby (now 11 weeks old). I don't know what I was thinking! The baby did kick me something feirce for about 15 min.

The long and short of it is, there are many rides for young children at WDW, and if they can do it, so can a pregnant women (not goofys barnstromer.) Most rides with out a height restriction don't have restrictions for pregnant women.

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