Monday, con’t
We made it with 5 minutes to spare! (Thanks for sharing your experience
@plaz10. Duly noted for the future!)
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I was 100% certain I wouldn’t be riding but wanted to accompany Woody through the queue. We bypassed the museum artifacts and went straight into the preshow theater. (I guess when you have an early BG the Lightning Lane queue is used?) I was a little sad that Woody didn’t get the full experience but we did see this.
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Once we were in the theater Woody commented, “Still has that new attraction smell!”
Woody can be a cut-up.
On our way to the load zone.
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At this point we separated. I went through the chicken exit while Woody waited to board.
My waiting spot was at the top of these stairs. It’s fun to watch guest expressions as they climb. The majority come up with enthusiastic smiles!
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Guests walk through a short hallway before descending the second flight of stairs.
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There are a couple benches in-between the staircases for guests who might need a respite.
Meanwhile the upbeat retro soundtrack helps to pass the time!
Woody was not wearing a MagicBand (he uses his watch to tap in). I meant to give him mine before we separated but forgot. I really wanted the ride photo from his first time on Guardians and Bluetooth doesn’t always sync with the automated camera. I purposely zoomed in on this pic in case I needed to send it to PhotoPass recovery (time stamp and guest identification are required.)
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The first words out of Woody’s mouth?
“I don’t know how you rode this!”
Immediately I feared he didn’t like it, but that was not the case at all. He knows my struggle with screens and motion. He was in the back of the train, which really whips around and is more intense than the middle where I’d sat. Once I explained that to him, I was able to ask him his opinion.
To satisfy Em, of course.
She is excited for you to ride it! She wants to know the song that played: One Way Or Another
where you sat: in the last car of the train
what you thought of the experience: it was FANTASTIC!!
Woody added that RnR is still his favorite coaster but Guardians is a close second.
And I was right about the ride photo. It never appeared in MDE. We even stopped at the Photopass station in MK on another day and searched for it. No luck. The CM told us that the Guardians ride photo is the most likely NOT to show up in guest accounts.
But I was persistent. The day we got home I emailed
It took another month for it to appear in MDE, but at least I got it!
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(Looking to the right must be genetic, Em!