Everyone's Best and Worst Dining Experiences?


Well-Known Member
Our worst was at The Brown Derby. We really enjoyed the meal and the service was excellent, but a party of 4 across from us played some type of 'trivia' game the entire time we were there. It was one of the MOST ANNOYING dining experiences we have ever had at Disney (or anywhere else for that matter). :arghh:


Well-Known Member
We always look for new places to eat, especially for dinner, but we eat at 'Ohana every trip. We love it! I can't think of any worst experiences and we've even eaten at Hollywood & Vine. I know lot's of people hate it and sure it's not gourmet by any means, but we still enjoyed it for what it was.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm the only one that like H&V. The lunch was pretty good to me, but I didn't like the Sunshine place at Epcot. They had absolutely nothing that neither I or my daughter found appetizing. Disney also ruins a lot of dishes (for us personally) by adding bacon or pork to almost everything. We don't eat pork.

We've eaten there once or twice and didn't think it was horrible. They certainly have a bad rap though, that's for sure.

Tom Shade

New Member
Going to the Worlds again his year but,

Best -
Chef Mickey Dinner (right when it starts...very good and fresh) Sci-Fi (awesome burgers and shakes!)

Worst -
Tusker House dinner definitely (cold unrecognizable slop to us and not much variety for our kiddos)

This year looking forward to Rose & Crown and Liberty Tree


Well-Known Member
Best - Akershus Lunch. 5 star character interaction and just overall amazing service from check in to check
Worst - 1900 Park Faire Dinner. I don't know if it was just a bad night but cold food, poor service, and poor selection. The only plus was getting to meet Prince Charming and that the interaction gave way to the best Cinderella I've ever met.


Active Member
In response to your feelings about 50s Prime Time, I wonder if that has to do with the fact that a lot of people get really irritated by the playful teasing thing. I have seen quite a bit of people say that they do not like when the waitstaff does that, even though that is the whole point of eating there. Personally, I like the playfulness but I do wonder if the staff has toned it down so that others who don't like it will not get as offended. They should really ask at the beginning of the meal whether or not you are interested in the playfulness or if you would prefer a quiet meal. That way everyone can have an experience tailored to them!
I had specifically ASKED at the hostess stand for a waiter who would do the whole playful banter thing- and had a neglectful waitress who had all the personality of a cold bowl of oatmeal.


Well-Known Member
Best: Narcoossee's
Incredible service, drinks, and food. Once the server learned that we were there that week for my birthday he made everything about me, which I'm not generally comfortable with that sort of attention, but he made it work. The cocktails I started with and the wine I ordered with dinner were fantastic, the dinner and desserts were incredible. This was overall one of the best dining experiences I've ever had and I was thrilled with virtually every moment of it.

Worst: Tony's Town Square
I visited before and had an incredible time with great food and friendly service. When I went in February 2015, however, it was HORRIBLE. To start, as we approached 5 minutes ahead of our reservation there was a CM out front getting in shouting arguments with guests over not allowing anyone in who's reservation time wasn't NOW, we waited without asking to avoid a situation. Once we were inside the reason was clear as the lobby was packed with people waiting, but you could clearly see through the windows that there were a few empty tables. The manager was walking through the lobby and dining rooms the entire time with her nose in the air with clear body language not to talk to her and the CMs at the host stand were bad mouthing the manager. We were finally seated around 45 minutes after our reservation and our server was clearly frazzled by the situation, though from what we could see she was only covering 4 tables total. After we ordered, our food was not very good and the majority of it stayed on the plate. When the server returned to collect the plates she commented on how great the food was and ignored that the majority of our plates were still full, we responded and let her know the problems we had and she basically ignored us. When dessert came, my creme brulee was burnt (not brulee, but black and tasting of char) when I complained she argued with me over that being how it was supposed to be. Finally we asked for the manager, who didn't come within 15 minutes so we paid (DDP) and for one of the few times in my life I didn't leave a tip for a server. We complained at city hall and went on with our night.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
  1. California Grill ( delicious food wise, the service from our waiter was kinda shaky on new years),
  2. Yak and Yeti (never had a bad service in all the times I've been there, best waiters I've ever seen and decent food)
  3. Tony's at MK ( not so good food, but excellent waiters as well)
  4. Rainforest cafe (Above average food, not so expensive, good waiters, food was hot and moved quickly)
  1. Cosmic Rays (Horrible dry and cold food, no space, slow, awful service, I've had better service from McDonalds employees)
  2. La Cantina de San Angel (Awful service, kinda rude staff, food is texmex not real mexican)
  3. Hollywood and Vine (pretty generic food, nothing special, average service, got assigned to a dirty table and they took a bit to clean it, many tables were empty and clean , we moved in the end and got our food. Most of the food was QS quality or worse)
  4. O'Hana during President's day weekend on 2015. First they couldn't find my reservation. The poor elderly dude also had lot of trouble trying to match my name. Ironically The system was using both my last names mixedup in a single one. Then they keep giving me completely crude food (no seriously, bloody chicken meat, still uncooked from inside. Happened 2 times for chicken 2 times for the other meats, had to return it again and again. the waiter was pretty embarrassed and finally managed to get me properly cooked food, pink from inside and soft, also I got the worst seat. Right next to the kitchen door. Which in turn thanks of the speed they get in and out..I was ignored a few times. And I was seated almost 30 minutes AFTER my reservation. I had to see the fireworks standing from the lobby )
Best Overall: YAK AND YETI
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Well-Known Member
This just proves the point that everyone will have an opinion, and there is usually no consensus. For the record, I've eaten lunch maybe 1/2 a dozen times at the Plaza, and have always had fine food and great service.
The food is just ok.... Service is ok.... Ratings give it about 3 out of 5 which is what I expect from a place like that...


Well-Known Member
Again, and I can only go by my own experience here, the food was excellent as was the service. I only had a reuben sandwich every time, but it was very tasty, hot and fresh.


Well-Known Member
Again, and I can only go by my own experience here, the food was excellent as was the service. I only had a reuben sandwich every time, but it was very tasty, hot and fresh.
Excellent.. Really.... Excellent is Victoria and Albert's... That is what excellent means... Plaza is ok food.... When you throw around "excellent" it loses all meaning


Well-Known Member
We are huge fans of Prime Time...well...we were up until January. My daughter and I went for lunch and the server was depressing lol...NO FUN at all...we were both so disappointed...I assumed if your table has kids they would def interact ...she did nothing...we were so bummed when we left..we prob won't go back....


Well-Known Member
Excellent.. Really.... Excellent is Victoria and Albert's... That is what excellent means... Plaza is ok food.... When you throw around "excellent" it loses all meaning

Really? You're going to challenge my use of the word "excellent"? While I would not compare the Plaza Restaurant to Victoria & Albert's, I had a very tasty reuben sandwich. It was fresh, it was hot, it was brought to me in a timely manner by a friendly and skilled waiter. And this happened on more than one occasion. So, for me, the experience and the sandwich were excellent - or as Webster puts it: "possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good." I never indicated that it was better than Victoria & Albert's - only that it was a great lunch.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Really? You're going to challenge my use of the word "excellent"? While I would not compare the Plaza Restaurant to Victoria & Albert's, I had a very tasty reuben sandwich. It was fresh, it was hot, it was brought to me in a timely manner by a friendly and skilled waiter. And this happened on more than one occasion. So, for me, the experience and the sandwich were excellent - or as Webster puts it: "possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good." I never indicated that it was better than Victoria & Albert's - only that it was a great lunch.
The issue here is, We're supposed to say what are OUR best and worst. You just went to reply to him like you wanted to prove him wrong.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Granted. my only purpose was to point out that what's crap for someone else is very tasty (and excellent???) for me.
I dont think they specifically ordered your Reuben.
We're not judging a restaurant just for a single dish. but for overall service.

How about if you add your "best and worst" and not try to change what others experienced?


Active Member
Oh! I forgot to mention Rose & Crown during Illuminations. We got there a little before our reservation time and asked for outdoor seating for the show. The hostess was awesome and said it might be a little wait. Within 10 minutes, we were seated. Now the kicker was that Illuminations wasn't starting for another 90 minutes. I asked our waitress if it was ok to slow-play it for that long, and she was very cool with it. She stretched our courses out so that when our dessert came out, the show was about to start. Awesome experience, and needless to say, she got a great tip. Lol.

Here is where we sat...


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