Everest Concept Art and Press Info


Well-Known Member
wow great info. thanks! this gets me REALLY excited about this ride. if the ride runs backwards, is this gonna be one of those coasters that can only run one train at a time? i hope not.


New Member
Originally posted by mkepcotmgmak
wow great info. thanks! this gets me REALLY excited about this ride. if the ride runs backwards, is this gonna be one of those coasters that can only run one train at a time? i hope not.

You know, I doubt that. I'm thinking this may be a coaster where the individual Coaster Cars can move. Perhaps sideways to view show elements, then backward as well for thrills. Seems I heard tells of coasters that can do this (Mummy????), but it sounds definite that this coaster will do this. I like the fact that it sounds like it will be slow moving in spots and only fast in the moments that really count.


New Member
WHAT A DAY TODAY WAS! Not only do we get photos os MS, but concept art and a press release for Expedition Everest. Three cheers for wdwmagic!


New Member
This is why i love Disney so much....great THEME rides....doesn't this look like the most amazing ride...can't wait till 2006....just like whwn space was annonce i could'nt wait till 2003 ..and here we r.....hooray 4 disney! truly making dreams come trues....okey i'm getting carring away.....:hammer: :sohappy: :hammer: :sohappy: :lol:


New Member
Expedition EVEREST: The Legend of the Forbidden Mountain will be the newest, tallest and fastest attraction at Disney's Animal Kingdom, as announced at the theme park's fifth-anniversary press event on April 22.
Located in Asia, the new high-speed train adventure will explore the legend of the yeti (known to some as the abominable snowman), an enormous creature that's said to live in the Himalayan Mountains and guard the route to Mount Everest.

The adventure begins when guests board an old mountain railway destined for the foot of the towering Mount Everest. The train rolls through thick bamboo forests, past thundering waterfalls, along a shimmering glacier field and climbs higher and higher through the snow-capped peaks.

Suddenly, the track ends in a gnarled mass of twisted metal. The thrills intensify as the train races both forward and backward through mountain caverns and icy canyons, careening down the mountain slopes as guests head for an inevitable face-to-face showdown with the giant yeti.

At nearly 200 feet in height, Expedition EVEREST will be the tallest mountain in Florida.

Guests as short as 42 inches will be able to experience this adventure.


New Member
It really looks like disney put alot into this ride, coaster/dark ride. i am not to big on coasters, but it seems this is just what disney needed. looks awesome.
wow,this is great! ive been waiting forever for this! woo, hopefully three years will go by fast. ugh i cant believe ill be 17 when this comes out. just ignore by babbling cause im just too excited to make sense right now


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sherm00
It really looks like disney put alot into this ride, coaster/dark ride... looks awesome.

I would say so, at nearly 200 ft in height this thing is going to be huge. I wonder if this will be the tallest structure at Disney? (nearly 200ft, isn't 200 ft...lol)

Anyways, the concept art is really cool...this has been the best day, we got pics and dates on M:S and some official words about Everest!!!!!! See you at Mt. Everest 2006 for the best expedition ever!!!!!!:hammer: :wave:

BTW Where is it that they are going to build it again...between Asia and Africa (near conservation station) or by Asia and the river??????? With this mountain being huge maybe they should build it between Asia and Africa....so that you can see the mountain behind the tree of life as you walk into the park. This is really cool!!!!!! I can't wait!:lookaroun :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Amazing news. We know that Big Thunder Mountain is currently the tallest mountain, at 189 feet. So, this mountain will be between 190 and 200 feet in height. Such an amazing day for Disney, and I know the summer guests, like me, are thrilled to learn SPACE will be open to guests at least by July 4th. Incredible day...finally get to ride SPACE on August 1st...I'm going to go on a cheering spree!:sohappy: Go Disney! Go Disney! It's your (fourth wdw park's) birthday! YEAH!!!:sohappy:


New Member
okay.....but what is this old city......where the lift is? in the concept pic....
is it some kind of asian ruins...or something similar....and i just can't wait to ride in that thick bamboo forest.......


Well-Known Member
The new buildings will be part of Asia's newest town, adjacent to Anandapur. The story goes its villagers have fled due to the Yeti in the mountain towering over the village. The queue will snake through the ruins, and I am hoping there may be some animal exhibits down there, as well. For now, I'll call this new town "Rupadnana" (Anandapur backwards), which, strangely, sounds like a legitimate name for an Asian city. :)


New Member
Has there been any more info leaked on the ride system... after reading the press release I'm wonderind if this is going to be more like Journey to the Center of the Earth (test track's ride system) and not a rollercoaster

Journey starts out slow then there's a cave in or something and you're diverted deeper into the mountain where you move faster, run into this giant lava beast, and then get shot out of a volcano and down this VERY steep drop.

So if the ride is going back wards and forwards with multiple cars on the track at varried different speeds, wouldn't you need the cars to be self powered and stopable and restartable at any point of the ride, just like test track is.

Just curious if there's been any other info about the ride system


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Moustronaut
Has there been any more info leaked on the ride system... after reading the press release I'm wonderind if this is going to be more like Journey to the Center of the Earth (test track's ride system) and not a rollercoaster

Journey starts out slow then there's a cave in or something and you're diverted deeper into the mountain where you move faster, run into this giant lava beast, and then get shot out of a volcano and down this VERY steep drop.

So if the ride is going back wards and forwards with multiple cars on the track at varried different speeds, wouldn't you need the cars to be self powered and stopable and restartable at any point of the ride, just like test track is.

Just curious if there's been any other info about the ride system

If you look at the concept art, you can clearly see it's a roller coaster--just an EXTREMELY high tech one. The backwards motion will be like what we see on Maelstrom, so they will be able to have multiple trains on the track at once.

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