I also want to thank
@Cliff for the ROE and Gavin Greenaway stories. I was fortunate to attend the 2000 NFFC convention, and the main banquet entertainment were presentations by Don Dorsey (MSEP), Steve Davison (doing his Believe human firework pitch), and the final speaker was Gavin presenting Reflections of Earth. I would usually take notes, and record on a mini tape recorder, unless we were told no recordings. So now I'm tempted to dig into my archives and see what I have. I wish I could remember all the details, can't believe that was 22 years ago, I just remember that we joked about having to follow Steve, but Gavin also had an amazing presentation. And like Cliff mentioned, so much depth in what they were trying to accomplish. This was about a month and a half before we got to see the show in person, so when we got to WDW in September, we were already invested in the show, and knew things like about the torches. It did not disappoint.