Epcot's Broken (and other Updates)


Well-Known Member
That's quite unfortunate you had an negative experience, I'm really hoping that some initiative is taken over at WoL to take it out of the sad current state that it is in.

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
Well.. A lot happened today at Epcot. (There will be pictures of SSE's postshow construction - I promise. )

Guest Relations CM's walking right past smokers not in smoking areas and ignoring them. That bothered me a lot.

This irked my hubby and I, so, when he saw people doing this he would sit down beside them and start picking his nose and wiping it on and around them (he did this twice). It was really funny. I have never seen people who were smoking in the wrong spots move so fast..... I have a picture of it, it was funny. I will have to find it.... When the people would freaked out on him (he is a really big guy in the military) he would tell them that "well, everyone has their bad habits, but if you are going to share yours with me, than I will share mine with you.....

Note, these were smokers smoking very close to people standing in line.


New Member
This irked my hubby and I, so, when he saw people doing this he would sit down beside them and start picking his nose and wiping it on and around them (he did this twice). It was really funny. I have never seen people who were smoking in the wrong spots move so fast..... I have a picture of it, it was funny. I will have to find it.... When the people would freaked out on him (he is a really big guy in the military) he would tell them that "well, everyone has their bad habits, but if you are going to share yours with me, than I will share mine with you.....

Note, these were smokers smoking very close to people standing in line.
Oh my gosh, thank heavens for people like you and your hubby! That made me laugh ^_^

See, I'm an asthmatic, and if there were someone obnoxiously spreading their disgusting smoking habit in my face when I'm trying to stand in line, and I can't move anywhere, I'd do something like that, too. I mean, there's nothing we can do but protest in our own little ways :)


Well-Known Member
The smoking issue seems to be not lack of "caring" but more fear from CMs. At least from my experience it is. I am the biggest a$$hole and I have no problem telling guests what they can't and can't do. People I work with always come to me with problems that are a tiny step below getting a manager (which is very rare). Smoking, wheelies, wearing bikini tops, etc. I'm the one who, for lack of better words, has the balls to tell the guests they can't do those things. Most of the CMs are scared because we have had some very very rude guests physically or verbally attack them for such little things as telling them to please not smoke there. What can be done to solve the problem I'm really not sure of.

If something horrible happens to you because of a guest, management will probably give the guest VIP or free ice cream for their "bad encounter" so of course CMs dont even bother with doing such things. I'm not saying theyre right in their choice of not following the rules, but it's a tough issue.
This took about 15-20 minutes, so not an entirely unreasonable amount of time, but not letting the parties which were halfway through even finish going though? That's just petty.

No, that's just tough cookies. When something like that happens, it's an enconvienence yes but not untill the system is back up, they can't just let anyone in no matter if your mom is right in front of you, if you show us papers, socials....that ticket needs to go through that turnstyle.

Just like during EMH hours...you're whole family needs to be there period. I don't care if they're on rides, or they're eating....they all need to be there to get their emh bands. You have from 7pm all the way to 11pm to get them so take a chill pill =D

Yes yes @ our new costumes.....I've been asked "Do you sell icecream?" "Where's your pot of gold?" :rolleyes: "Let's go bowling" and "the 70's are over"


I like the shirts, just not the colors.

This is the cart merf was talking about as well: I was doing emh wristbanding on friday when I saw this and freaked! I was like....why?? Why!!? WHY?!! Get that out of my west breezeway.


I do agree with some of the cast members not doing their jobs and whatnot. That irks me!! The smoking thing is seriously getting out of hand. I don't want to be smelling smoke and when I'm off or when I'm working, I always do my job. I usually get a cig get thrown at me, but I do my job. ROAR!! I hate cigs....I really do. x_x

Anyhow, sorry you had a bad day at Epcot. When I'm having a bad day, I listen to the winter lights. <3 So hope you feel better and hopefully epcot and all of Disney World will clean up to be more presentable for guest. I only try....I try everyday. Sadly I only have 2 more weeks till my program ends. =(

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
SSE sound like its in terrible condition. When's the rehab scheduled if there is one coming up? Because the ride needs a good rehab BADLY.


New Member
SSE is in no worse shape than its been in the past few years.... if anything the new sponorship has brought back a lot of cool effects... cant wait for the rehab, though!


New Member
Epcot's broken?

I just got back home on January 2nd and my family and I spent an entire two days in EPCOT. Honestly, I saw none of the things mentioned in this post. Spaceship Earth was running fine, the new Nemo ride was great and after dinner at Rose & Crown, our waitress directed to a special reserved area in front of the restuarant where we could wait for the fireworks. It rained on one of the nights, but the Beatles still showed up in England to play both of their shows, and the characters, including Alice in Wonderland, sat and played with my daughters in the toy store until it stopped raining. Sometimes, after a negative experience (like having to wait to get into the park) people might tend to look for all the negatives they can find. All I can say is that a bad day in EPCOT is better than a good day at work anyday. Try to keep things relative people!


Park History nut
Premium Member
Welcome to the boards! You`ll see a lot of comments like these; mainly from people who recall when it used to happen in other parks, but never a Disney one.

Regarding SSE, management had the option way back in EPCOT Centers early days to replace a few washers on each ride vehicle. It would have cost a couple of thousand. They declined. The rough, noisy ride of today is directly attributable to this reasoning. It`s gotten worse as time has passed. Now it`ll cost a few hundered thousand at the very least; and a major overhaul of the Omnimover ride system.


Account Suspended
Original Poster
No, that's just tough cookies. When something like that happens, it's an enconvienence yes but not untill the system is back up, they can't just let anyone in no matter if your mom is right in front of you, if you show us papers, socials....that ticket needs to go through that turnstyle.

I only sort of agree - Disney's turnstiles broke. It's not like someone was showing up without a ticket and asking to be let in because they had half their party in.

Disney's turnstile system failed. This is Disney's responsibility. If the ticket can't go through the turnstile because it's broken, that's not the guest's fault and having everyone literally trapped right there for an extended time period become ridiculous - and in the case of parties who were split in half - completely uncalled for.

The parties who were split should of been admitted. The others on the outside had the choice to leave, the split ones had no such choice to easily leave, lest they leave their children out of their sight. Disney should have accepted their own responsbility in the situation - not blamed the guest for their own mechanical failure - and risked the possible loss of revnues because THIER SYSTEM FAILED.

Not the guest's problem. Nothing against you v, I just am officially in the "stop blaming guests" camp. Disney needs to accept responsibility for their problems.
I only sort of agree - Disney's turnstiles broke. It's not like someone was showing up without a ticket and asking to be let in because they had half their party in.

Disney's turnstile system failed. This is Disney's responsibility. If the ticket can't go through the turnstile because it's broken, that's not the guest's fault and having everyone literally trapped right there for an extended time period become ridiculous - and in the case of parties who were split in half - completely uncalled for.

The parties who were split should of been admitted. The others on the outside had the choice to leave, the split ones had no such choice to easily leave, lest they leave their children out of their sight. Disney should have accepted their own responsbility in the situation - not blamed the guest for their own mechanical failure - and risked the possible loss of revnues because THIER SYSTEM FAILED.

Not the guest's problem. Nothing against you v, I just am officially in the "stop blaming guests" camp. Disney needs to accept responsibility for their problems.

*nods nods* no offense taken. I know you're right but moments like that, I don't think disney has a choice bit to do that till they find out what happens. I wouldn't know since I don't work MainGate....I should ask my friends about that though since now I'm curious as to why they just didn't let anyone go through.


Well-Known Member
Even though Red Lobster isn't Disney, haha, I work there, and when we have a slow day, I know almost everyone in the building is lazy. I, as a host, still do everything I need to do, and I seat guests with the same smile and attitude, but when I'm done, I go right back to the laziness of talking to the Servers and Seaters and Managers. I think it's just... I dunno, everyone feels that there's really no point in putting 100% into it when it's a slow day, and you don't know how many people are going to care.

Another issue that may have been going on with the turnstiles being broken for so long MAY have been because they didn't have as many technicians that day, that were set to fix them, so it (unfortunately) took a lot longer than it should have.

Whatever the case, I'm sure it was just a fluke that happened on a slow day.

Interesting post and I agree with your comments about 'laziness' or lethargy. Although this is not how things should be, human beings tend to act differently depending on the atmosphere. One of my hobbies is playing in a band at local clubs, and although we are paid to give the same show every time, it's a different vibe when the places are packed. It's harder to get into it and not be complacent. It takes discipline and professionalism, and one of the reasons I have that is simply because I'm old (over 40! :)) and learned this as I aged. This is not to make excuses for Epcot CM's, especially regarding the smoking issue, but I think that human nature explains some of the apathy.

A question for Merf and other frequent visitors: The only times we've been to WDW are during crowded times such as Christmas and summer and I've never seen disrepair such as this or these CM issues. Do you think that because of the crowds, the 'chaos' and the 'electric' atmosphere during peak times, the CM's act differently and the parks put on their best appearance?


Premium Member
I can see why they wouldn't let anyone through. It would essentially be giving certain members of people's groups a free day in the park, and soon you'd have many guests crying foul and wanting a free day as well.

And I feel I owe Mousermerf an apology. I was getting ready to go to work at Space and your post just rubbed me the wrong way. I know Epcot's not perfect, but I still think that the day you had was not typical. So, sorry for the rude comment, and I certainly hope you don't stop your updates.

Oh, and I stopped myself from leaning a couple times thanks to you... :)


I only sort of agree - Disney's turnstiles broke. It's not like someone was showing up without a ticket and asking to be let in because they had half their party in.

Disney's turnstile system failed. This is Disney's responsibility. If the ticket can't go through the turnstile because it's broken, that's not the guest's fault and having everyone literally trapped right there for an extended time period become ridiculous - and in the case of parties who were split in half - completely uncalled for.

The parties who were split should of been admitted. The others on the outside had the choice to leave, the split ones had no such choice to easily leave, lest they leave their children out of their sight. Disney should have accepted their own responsbility in the situation - not blamed the guest for their own mechanical failure - and risked the possible loss of revnues because THIER SYSTEM FAILED.

Not the guest's problem. Nothing against you v, I just am officially in the "stop blaming guests" camp. Disney needs to accept responsibility for their problems.

Obviously the CMs working turnstiles obviously aren't in authority to let people in without scanning a ticket, so don't blame them. And I'm sure there was a manager there who has that power, but look at it from another angle. If they let the remainder of the split up party in then everyone else who was waiting behind them would want to be let in without their tickets being scanned, and right there we've moved from fixing the anger of a few partys to having mass anger.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that today's showers and associated outages didn't help the turnstiles. I too hate how parking is handled at Epcot when they hit non-peak hours. But Epcot is still has a special place in my heart despite it's flaws. I have a picture somewhere from a rainy day in which one of the lowermost panels of Spaceship Earth is literally leaking on the bottom - I kid not - weather does some crazy things to a "weatherproof" structure.

Whenever it's slow at where I work, like tonight, everyone likes to cut corners. My favorite line that I receive when I ask why an associate is off-task is that "there's nothing to do." There's always something to do at anyone's place of work, it's just a matter of initiative to find it. Some CMs have to have their work served to them on a golden platter just like my co-workers. This tends to be the norm with those in my demographic though, the vets know how to BS very well to make normal tasks take forever. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I only sort of agree - Disney's turnstiles broke. It's not like someone was showing up without a ticket and asking to be let in because they had half their party in.

Disney's turnstile system failed. This is Disney's responsibility. If the ticket can't go through the turnstile because it's broken, that's not the guest's fault and having everyone literally trapped right there for an extended time period become ridiculous - and in the case of parties who were split in half - completely uncalled for.

The parties who were split should of been admitted. The others on the outside had the choice to leave, the split ones had no such choice to easily leave, lest they leave their children out of their sight. Disney should have accepted their own responsbility in the situation - not blamed the guest for their own mechanical failure - and risked the possible loss of revnues because THIER SYSTEM FAILED.

Not the guest's problem. Nothing against you v, I just am officially in the "stop blaming guests" camp. Disney needs to accept responsibility for their problems.

Now if the ticket isn't scanned it will not allow use of the Fastpass system. Somepeople may not care, but some would go nuts.

I remeber one time we had trouble one morning getting into MK at the turnstiles. My DD's AP was having troubles. The CM finally said to go through and at some point go the guest relations and have it replaced. We ended up back at the Splash FP machines and the ticket would not go through. I finally talked to the CM by the FP machines to get me the other FP and then I had to go back to the front of the park to straighten the whole mess out and waisted probably more than an hour of my day.

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