Epcot Fountian MUST GO!


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The truth is it will be removed sooner rather than later and "State of the Art" water features by Wetdesign with lighting will be added to the Entry Plaza as it is restored to exceed it's former timeless glory. Don't ask who my source is as obviously I can't say. Guess this means they will be moving the LAL to a more appropriate place too. This should be in the rumors section if you ask me. :rolleyes: Have a nice day:wave:
LAL I've heard will be accessible only by the new SNUBA tour in WS lagoon. They are also going to add freshwater marine life to the lagoon as well. So LAL would be -- as they say -- "Sleeping with the fishes".


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The truth is it will be removed sooner rather than later and "State of the Art" water features by Wetdesign with LIGHTING and inspiring MUSIC will be added to the Entry Plaza as it is restored to exceed it's former timeless glory. Don't ask who my source is as obviously I can't say. Guess this means they will be moving the LAL to a more appropriate place too. This should be in the rumors section if you ask me. :rolleyes: Have a nice day:wave:
We can't all hate palm trees ya know.


LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the fountain!!! Would absolutely hate to see it go. It catches me and mesmerizes me each and every time. My DH has to drag me away :)


Active Member
Furthermore, since we know all great Disney ideas come from DL anyways, I'd say the success of taking out the Dancing Waters show at the Disneyland Hotel would be a great arguement for doing the same here. This isn't Walt Disfree World or Disfreeland. People at Disney parks want their lines and payoffs for those lines. Public Entertainment??? That's just silly. Again, if people want a Las Vegas specticle they can go to LAS VEGAS.
Um not every hotel in Las Vegas has one (only Bellagio, Caesars Palace, and if it counts Mirage have them). The Fantasy Fountain show I think has been removed from the Disneyland Hotel so I hope your happy. I love the Fountain of Nations, Its adds motion and fun to Innoventions plaza, I don't see why Epcot can't have nice things. Instead of removing more stuff that people love why don't we try improving attractions like JII, SGE, and etc.
ahh now people have got what they want in removing the wand everyones got to find somting else to start threads on get rid of .... LOL,

personal I like the fountain, but I can see what you mean by it is vey outdated and the normal thing every has i wouldnt go the extreem in saying get rid of it i would say maybe disney could add a change to it like add a bit of disney special effects to make it uniqe e.g like add flames ect :)

personal with all the revamps epcot has got over the last year or so im still supprised to this day they haven sorted out wonders of life though maybe they might have a slight accident with the wand dropping onto wonders of life building LOL i can only hope


Well-Known Member
When they put the Christmas decorations up, going from the fountain to the dancing lights or vice-versa has lots of energy with the Christmas Music, with the lights and the fountain synchronized. With the addition of the candlelight processional, Epcot is one of the best places to be during Christmastime.

Capt. Salty

New Member
It's time to remove the Dancing Waters from Epcot. Sure, it had a good run, but everybody has these things now. Knotts has one. Every hotel on the Vegas Strip has one. It's not original, it's not inventive. :mad: :mad: It doesn't exactly fit the Epcot spirt either, or the EPCOT spirit even.

Plus, now that SSE is returned to it's wandless glory, do we need another SSE view obstruction? Half of the park can't have clear sites of SSE because of the fountian. :cry:

Besides, is there anything else left from the original Future World? Every other thing at Future World has changed except the fountian. It feels like you are walking in a beautifully clean and re-imagined park until you get to the fountian. Nothing new here in 25 years, but it does get in the way of walking lines behind the hub as well.

Club Cool could really need a direct line from the Electric Umbrella. What happens if somebody has finished their pop and needs a drink while eating. It can be a 10 minute wait in line again. Why obstruct the clean shot over to Club Cool for the Watermelon Pop? :cool:

I think Epcot is goinging in the right direction (FINALLY!!!), and this would be another step towards park perfection. :sohappy:

then what...we get rid of fast passes :brick: and extra magic hours :brick: and...:confused: hmmm maybe your on to something after all:rolleyes:


Active Member
The OP was funny. The number of people who actually believed it is even funnier!

At least it's not another thread about the wand........or is it?


Well-Known Member
Plus, now that SSE is returned to it's wandless glory, do we need another SSE view obstruction? Half of the park can't have clear sites of SSE because of the fountian. :cry:

Please let this be a joke... please!

I know lets tear out Innoventions too, since that's blocking the view of SSE!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The OP was funny. The number of people who actually believed it is even funnier!

At least it's not another thread about the wand........or is it?
And that my friend says it all. Thanks you all for playing. If you would like a copy of our home game -- you already have it. Play away!


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Now, I'm REALLY fired up about this one.
They extend the hours of Club Cool, meaning even MORE guests suffering in the "HUB" region of Epcot during the evening hours. I still can't believe this hazard exists, but when dusk sets in, tempuratures can drop as much as 10 degrees or more. I mean, GOOD GRAVY, that's sweater weather for a large part of the year, now there is even more risk of sickness to guests getting wet on a brisk evening.

Can't Disney understand that making guests sick like that would cost them even more money in the long run. Sure, they'll sell the $18 bottles of NyQuil in the gift shops, but it could cost them several sit down meals throughout the day/days they guests are recovering!!!

Don't they have any brains left in the think-tank?

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