Epcot Fountian MUST GO!


Park History nut
Premium Member
For one... the fountain does not block the view of SSE. The `99 plaza canopies do - remove them instead.

For two - the fountain was rebuilt for 1994's Splashtacular. This isn`t the original one.

For three - the original one took up the same ammount of space, and since it was constant could be considered more of a visual intrusion, if you feel like this. The current one is an improvent in this respect.

For four - I`ve STILL to see the Innoventions fountain. This October I hope. It was dry in 2001 due to the drought.

If anything, put back some of the original grass and water from the original plaza instead of the concrete jungle it is today. And while at it, give us a significant icon again on the front plaza fountain too.

Oh, what`s a fountian? :D

Mansion Butler

Active Member
It's time to remove the Dancing Waters from Epcot. Sure, it had a good run, but everybody has these things now. Knotts has one. Every hotel on the Vegas Strip has one. It's not original, it's not inventive. :mad: :mad: It doesn't exactly fit the Epcot spirt either, or the EPCOT spirit even.

Plus, now that SSE is returned to it's wandless glory, do we need another SSE view obstruction? Half of the park can't have clear sites of SSE because of the fountian. :cry:

Besides, is there anything else left from the original Future World? Every other thing at Future World has changed except the fountian. It feels like you are walking in a beautifully clean and re-imagined park until you get to the fountian. Nothing new here in 25 years, but it does get in the way of walking lines behind the hub as well.

Club Cool could really need a direct line from the Electric Umbrella. What happens if somebody has finished their pop and needs a drink while eating. It can be a 10 minute wait in line again. Why obstruct the clean shot over to Club Cool for the Watermelon Pop? :cool:

I think Epcot is goinging in the right direction (FINALLY!!!), and this would be another step towards park perfection. :sohappy:

Here here!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
For one... the fountain does not block the view of SSE. The `99 plaza canopies do - remove them instead.

For two - the fountain was rebuilt for 1994's Splashtacular. This isn`t the original one.

For three - the original one took up the same ammount of space, and since it was constant could be considered more of a visual intrusion, if you feel like this. The current one is an improvent in this respect.

For four - I`ve STILL to see the Innoventions fountain. This October I hope. It was dry in 2001 due to the drought.

If anything, put back some of the original grass and water from the original plaza instead of the concrete jungle it is today. And while at it, give us a significant icon again on the front plaza fountain too.

Oh, what`s a fountian? :D



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
For one... the fountain does not block the view of SSE. The `99 plaza canopies do - remove them instead.

For two - the fountain was rebuilt for 1994's Splashtacular. This isn`t the original one.

For three - the original one took up the same ammount of space, and since it was constant could be considered more of a visual intrusion, if you feel like this. The current one is an improvent in this respect.

For four - I`ve STILL to see the Innoventions fountain. This October I hope. It was dry in 2001 due to the drought.

If anything, put back some of the original grass and water from the original plaza instead of the concrete jungle it is today. And while at it, give us a significant icon again on the front plaza fountain too.

Oh, what`s a fountian? :D
ok, i think we are done here. :D


Sure lets pull out the fountain, and then cram all of the leave a legacy tombstones in that very spot. We will put the Wand Star above these tombstones, dangling there for illumination effect. We can leave some of the fountain water behind and have it race over the tombstones facade. By doing this we will combine the 3 most noteable landmarks of Epcot into one condensed area, and all of them will never be forgotten. The new structure will become so popular that it will be the new signature icon of Epcot and SSE will simply become a ride. To be honest SSE was already headed in this direction due to the gargantuan palm trees dwarfing the geosphere and making it hardly noticeable..haha.......KEEP THE DANG FOUNTAIN!


Well-Known Member
I can't believe the fountain haters. If anything remove the monorail they block me from getting a suntan while walking in Epcot. LOL


Well-Known Member
if Disney is going to copy Vegas anyway, why not go with something good? Zumanity in the fountain. Coyote Ugly replaces the Fountainview.


hahah were you that bored this morning Jimbo that you just had to break stones

Although it would have been better is you said something like.... Communist China Pavillion MUST GO


Well-Known Member
So, you want to take away the fountain and replace it with either (1) Nothing but empty concrete, like a parking lot, or (2) A new unspecified, and probably mediocre due to space constraints, attraction of some kind which will crowd the area and lend little by way of beauty.

Personally, I like the fact that a water element breaks up the concrete. glass and steel of the buildings. As I recall, the original EPCOT drawings incorrupted a fountain somewhere as an aesthetic component, which makes sense as a break from the buildings.

Also, it would appear that you are not one of those people who is stuck waiting outside the gift shops while your wife, girlfriend or kids are wasting time spending more money than they should on "souvenirs". While out there, at least I have music and dancing waters to distract me from the anxiety of wasted vacation time spent at the front stoop of gift shop. It relaxes and entertains in a way that almost nothing else does. A parking lot like slab of concrete, another static botanic exhibit, or some less than stellar attraction in that relatively small area, would not be an improvement.

Finally, such fountains are not utterly unique in this world, but they are unique to most of us who do not frequent Vegas or other places that may have them. Personally, I have never seen a better fountain, and I have traveled more than the average person, and seen the famous fountains in Rome, Paris, Chicago, New York, and other cities. Granted, making the existing EPCOT fountain more "cutting edge" might be nice, but getting rid of it completely would take away in some small way the feeling that you are "somewhere" when you are there.


Active Member


This was either one of the first or the first fountain with these kinda capabilities. The person that designed this fountain went on to start his own company and designed the fountain at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. How can EPCOT get rid of it?

Its a part of their glorious history and its absolutely fantastic. If they take that away, how will that add to the experience? For me, it will take away from it.



Active Member
Sorry, I can't disagree more with removing the dancing waters. I could sit for hours listening to the music and watching the action. I agree with the statement that its more common now, but that's just incentive to 'kick it up a few notches' rather than remove it. Take the Bellagio's swivel jets and 'plus it up'. The technology was cutting edge when it went in, imagine what they could do now.



New Member
Isn't Mousermerf trying to 'Save the Fountain View Bakery'?
How can he do that without a fountain to view?

Maybe attack the amount of concrete in EPCOT rather than a fountain with refreshing and entertaining water.
Maybe EPCOT needs more shrubbery and greenery and less concrete?

Then again, one of the criticisms of Animal Kingdom is that is does Not have enough open space -- that it's claustrophobic with no room to breathe



New Member
The horror! :) It is one of my favorite things about EPCOT. I can just sit and watch the fountain for hours. I don't of course, too much to do, but I could if I had time :p


New Member
It's time to remove the Dancing Waters from Epcot. Sure, it had a good run, but everybody has these things now. Knotts has one. Every hotel on the Vegas Strip has one. It's not original, it's not inventive. :mad: :mad: It doesn't exactly fit the Epcot spirt either, or the EPCOT spirit even.

Plus, now that SSE is returned to it's wandless glory, do we need another SSE view obstruction? Half of the park can't have clear sites of SSE because of the fountian. :cry:

Besides, is there anything else left from the original Future World? Every other thing at Future World has changed except the fountian. It feels like you are walking in a beautifully clean and re-imagined park until you get to the fountian. Nothing new here in 25 years, but it does get in the way of walking lines behind the hub as well.

Club Cool could really need a direct line from the Electric Umbrella. What happens if somebody has finished their pop and needs a drink while eating. It can be a 10 minute wait in line again. Why obstruct the clean shot over to Club Cool for the Watermelon Pop? :cool:

I think Epcot is goinging in the right direction (FINALLY!!!), and this would be another step towards park perfection. :sohappy:

10/10, would read again

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