Interesting. Personally, to me, that seems a ton better than Mo'Rockin' and I appreciate the attempts to bring more culturally authentic acts to WS (even if the main motivation were budget reasons).
Morocco is one of my favorite pavilions, partially because of how distinct it is and how different from our typical "Western" world and this act would seem to enhance that aspect.
I have to admit that I am kind of in line with your opinion here.
Obviously, though, a lot of this comes down to each person's opinion as to the changes, with the underlying fact that the changes are rooted in budgetary considerations.
As I am not a local, I know none of the impacted performers personally, so I have no emotional ties to these changes but I am still completely sympathetic to them. The company I work for is currently in the process of cutting 20% of the workforce over a 2 year timeframe so I do understand.
That being said, I never once stopped to see Off Kilter or Mo Rockin'. The one act I will miss, however, is the fife and drum corp from the American Pavilion as it is more of a traditional experience (they should keep it and move that group to Liberty Square in MK). I think that is why I won't miss the other 2 acts as much as they were not as traditionally representative of the cultures (to me) in the pavilions where they performed. And again, that is just my opinion or expectation of how the different cultures should be represented in World Showcase. To me, Off Kilter and Mo Rockin' are more 'westernized' examples of Canada and Morocco.
Oddly enough, the cheaper alternatives being brought in seem to be more appropriate in terms of heritage or cultural history for the regions in question. I mean, I doubt that B'Net Houariyat has a cult following like Off Kilter does, but I personally don't find that to be the purpose of World Showcase either. I appreciate that there is still some shadow of edutainment that occurs in World Showcase, but acts like Mo Rockin' and Off Kilter never heightened that experience for me. I also don't know if lumberjacks juggling flaming chainsaws will accomplish that either, so in truth I am in a wait and see mode for the new acts. They could end up being culturally significant but just godawful in terms of live, daily performances. At that point I would say give it another try WDW! and just wait and see.
I will definitely be giving them all a chance, though.
It is interesting how different cultures feel about some of the acts in World Showcase. As an anecdote to this topic, I noticed that people generally seem to appreciate the Chinese acrobat team in the China Pavilion. I always thought that the act was pretty good so my family typically will standby and observe. The last time we were visiting the world, we were in EPCOT and stopped at the China Pavilion as the acrobats were just marching out to perform. We were standing back, more towards the outside of the ring of observers, and I happened to catch a young asian family (I am assuming they were one family) coming towards the group of people. When they got close enough to see what everyone was watching, the one girl turned towards her family with a horrified look on her face. She basically said 'oh god don't stop. Just keep walking.' It was funny how an act that was being admired by so many people was found distasteful by people with a more similar (or maybe the same) cultural background as the act that was performing at the time.
I guess we never will know what is truly representative or appropriate for the Pavilions in EPCOT. My only wish is that they would add more of them. Sigh.