Epcot 25th - what changes do you want/expect ?

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Mechanise the wand and hand so they move, and as the wand waves emit fireworks from SSE.

Also the word Epcot could be made bigger and out-lined in neon.

Move the tiles from the entrance and put them in a special island in the middle of the lagoon, linked with tree lined pathways festooned by guest photos.

A Snow White dark ride for Germany
A Scottish pavilion for the UK, demonstrating the art of Mars Bar frying, and a history of whiskey film followed by tasting.
A flume ride for Canada, Im a Lumberjack and I don’t care, with narration in French and all CMs are female, ensuring political correctness.
A Brazilian pavilion, featuring a soccer themed attraction, and an in depth study on the art of thong wearing.
A dark water ride themed on Pinocchio for Italy
Redo the US pavilion, themed to US icons, Coke, Harley, Disney, Kodak, Ford, Kellogg, McDs Preparation H, presented by an animatronic Walt,

Have a day time parade at the front of the park, with the characters in national costume.

Turn innovations West into a giga-pin shop and East into a Character meet n greet with all the characters Disney /Pixar has yet to create.


New Member
mkepcotmgmak said:
go spend a week and vista way, or chatham square, (wdwcp housing...)

you will change your mind QUICKLY! :cool:

Yeah, That's what I hear.

How about just adult family's that have cast members in them. That could work. ....not CP housing!


New Member
Realistic Ideas:

The Twenty-Five Collection- All Epcot rides get a special silver vehicle/seat. Similar to the Disneyland one.

Illuminations25- The smash hit from Walt Disney World's 25th Anniversary celebration returns with a show devoted to the history of Epcot.

Epcot: The First Twenty-Five Years- Illuminations East is cleared out for an entire exhibit devoted to the history behind the park. It is divided into two sections, Future World: A History of the Future, and World Showcase: Many Nations, One Park. After the celebration is over, the entire exhibit either goes off on a travelling exhibition, or permanently resides in Millenium Central (or both!).

Journey into Imagination- The pavillion's original name returns, with a brand new replacement for JIIWF, featuring Nigel Channing and the Dreamfinder, as well as an upgrade for HISTA (still unsure about complete replacement).

Semi-Realistic Ideas:

The Skies and The World Underground- Two new pavillions, based on geology and meteorology, open up with new, more scientific versions of TDS's StormRider and Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Wonders of Life Rehab- I'll try to post more about this the Imagineer thread.


- Spaceship Earth- a Small World type rehab with a new post show.
- Wonders of Life- Cosmetic improvements so that it can be open during the celebration.
-Living Seas- Complete teh Nemo overlay icluding teh sea cabs.
-Odyssey- Open up as a restaurant for the celebration.
- Imagination- Though I would like the original ride back I doubt it will happen, so instead a new 3-d move to replace HISTA which will star Dreamfinder and Figment.
-World Showcase- a ride in either Canada (log flume) or the UK (dark ride)
-Millenium Village- opened as the Epcot 25 years pavilion with walk throughs of some scenes from our favorite attractions from the past and information on Walt's dream for the park, soem really great interactive stuff. Inside would be a shop in which you could buy retro merchandise as well (Horizons t-shirts, etc.)
-Tapestry of Nations- returned.

I don't think that thsi would be too cost prohibitive, though the new ride in WS would be pricey to complete in 2 years I think it is what that area desperately needs.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
tk421-sw said:
How about making it the way Walt wanted it.....:lookaroun

I actually think it would be great to have an attraction that somehow simulated the Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow Walt originally envisioned. Use the episode of Disneyland that's on the Walt Disney Treasures: Tomorrowland DVD as the launching point, and create, with a combination of CGI & AA, an omni-mover type that would celebrate Walt's vision, even if it is ultimately a flawed vision. I think it could be interesting and thought-provoking, in other words "educational" (shhhh! Don't tell anyone!), but still with plenty of awe-and-ooh-factor. In fact, I wouldn't mind at all if that became what replaced Spaceship Earth. That, more than the travesty that is JII, could stimulate the idea that the world needs dreamers just as much as the techies and labor that make the dreams happen.

Speaking of JII, the ride component of that building is one of the lamest attractions I've ever experienced. It makes El Rio del Tiempo feel like Tower of Terror. I think what would be great was something that people toyed with in movie theaters 10 or so years ago but it never caught. A Choose Your Adventure film. Like the old books with multiple plot twists: "If you choose to take your raft down the canyon, turn to page 73." If they could incorporate that idea into JII, make a movie with various plot twists, and at a certain point in the ride, the car's passengers have to decide what will happen next, and then the car travels to the next staging area, where the story would continue. And of course, Dreamfinder could be there to narrate or comment on the action. And have enough alternate plot twists and/or endings that you could ride all day long and (possibly) never have the same adventure twice. That would be an interesting way to stimulate imagination, or rather, stimulate people's interest in using their imagination, seeing how a story can be told in so many different ways.

Wonders of Life I think could benefit from a Bill Nye or Beakman's World-esque attraction that asks the "important questions" kids want answers to, from "What exactly is snot?" to "Why does my heart beat faster when I see a pretty girl walk by?" to "How come all the food that's bad for me tastes so good?" It's something that could replace Cranium Command (I only ever saw this this past year, therefore I have no emotional attachment to it and all you nostalgia freaks can kiss my....juuuust kidding! But seriously, it's not just old, it's aged. It's dated. It's retro in an area designed to be cutting edge. Time to do something else with it). You could use the same multi-film/AA and special effects design, showing what happens to your body due to certain stimuli. Similar to what happens in Cranium Command now, but without the corny-eighties young boy getting through school storyline.

And just for fun, and to get the goats of people who want rollercoasters all over the place, I suggest one giant-humongo-roller coaster that covers ALL of World Showcase AND Future World! Around the World in 80 Seconds! Start it off in one are of the park, give it all the loops and turns thrill-seekers crave, and then give it a loop that gravity makes so fast, it literally propels you all around the World Showcase Lagoon and back again, though at that point, the trip is fairly serene. That's my "If You're Gonna Dream, Dream Big" ideas that's complete unfeasible. Something like that, they'd probably have to close all of WS down for the construction. :D

Other than that...I don't know...a "king arthur" type attraction in the UK? A "Brothers Grimm" attraction in Germany? And of course, a "Pink Lady and Jeff" attraction in Japan.


Well-Known Member
For the 25th anniversary, they should give guests giant mallets which they can use to bash Journey Into Your Imagination (With Figment) into oblivion.

I mean really, Imagination has the potential to be something sooooo cool and inspiring, but instead it's grounded by the lame idea of an Institute. I liked the old ride, too, but I was not against its closure if it meant an even more creative ride was taking its place. But no...

Other ideas:

1. At the minimum, all attractions and buildings should be given a fresh coat of paint, and made to look like it's opening day all over again.

2. The Odyssey Restaurant -- either re-open it or tear it down. Don't just leave it there so curious first-timers can walk up to it and wonder "How do we get in there?"

3. It's too late to get one up and running for 2007, but how about at least *announcing* plans for a new Omnimover attraction, a la World of Motion and Horizons? For me, Omnimovers were what Epcot was all about -- only getting to experience SSE and JIYI during my most recent trip was such a letdown.
I have a suggestion for the Leave A Legacy eyesore. Place all of the LAL 'monuments' and sales kiosks in and around the deserted Odyssey. Anyone enough to want to look at it can trek over there and do so and the rest of us don't have to deal with it! Maybe they can bring back the fountain and restore the attractiveness of the entrance. LAL is probably a big money maker for Disney and it gives people a chance to attach their names to the parks, but why ruin the appearance of Epcot to display it? The bricks at the MK are a much nicer idea...


Well-Known Member
I expect it to be as big as MGM's 15th, in which a coin was given to AP holders.

I doubt Epcot's 25th will be celebrated in the same way as DL's 50th or WDW's 20th or 25th.

First of all, the current marketing campain is an anniversary.....DL's 50th......would it really be smart to follow that with Epcto's 25th?....they really do not have the same impact.

Epcot's 25th may be a small part of a larger campaign.....but I think many here are overestimating what will be done for a celebration.


New Member
I wouldn't ask for a ton of different changes because of time but here are a couple of things I would like to see:

1) More street preformers around, it seems like every time I go to EPCOT there are less and less preformers.

2) A special fireworks display at the end of the day.

3) A retouching of paint and etc on some rides.

4) Parade of Nations or some type of parade.

5) Maybe the addition of a AA Dreamfinder or whatever his name is in JIYI.

6) The biggest thing, a raft ride for canada.

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