Embarrassing Disney Stories!


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Original Poster
:wave:eek:kay, So there are always posts about stories of people doing weird things at the world, or people you are bothered by , But what about some embarrassing stories about things that have happened to you at the world? :p

ill go first. (i have two) Last Nov. I was walking down mainstreet with my dad, and the Mayor was out. My dad runs over and yells "wow, Its the mayor of disneyland!"
the mayor looked at me and corrected him, "Uhm, sir, this is certainly Disney World."

alright, that was wasent really about me, but this one is. My boyfriend and I were leaving my family early at AK, becuase we had a dinner date at DD to get too. We had to stop and change clothes out at our car. My boyfriend waited for me to finish, and right when i was trying to fix my skirt he jumped in the van and scared me. I fell out, face first right on to the ground laughing, my skirt around my knees.
Unfortunalty, a family was walking by, and the mom gave us a dirty look and said to her husband something about reporting two teenagers fooling around in the parking lot. (my bf and i are both 17).
I was mortified, :dazzle: :brick:

but i cant be the only one whos been embarressed at WDW!
*hope thread catches on*
Yeah, when cousin Jenny was sick because she'd taken bonine (the motion-sickness drug), I announced to the CM that she'd taken bowtox. Loudly. In front of many people.

Also, at about 2 a.m. friend Matt and cousin Jeffrey were protesting the length of the parking lot of the All Star Sports to get to All Star Music (best friend Kate and I convinced them it'd be fast to walk than wait on the bus), so they both dropped their pants and waddled back in their checkered boxers. We were sure there was no one around - until some drunken woman twice their age "Whoo hoo'd" them from the 3rd floor ;~)

And lastly, do you not HATE it when you see people at Disney but you have no clue WHERE you know them from because they're not in their natural habitat? Talked to a girl for like 10 min, so sure I knew her from church choir. Asking all these music questions, yadda yadda. A week and a half later, there she was in my Creative Writing class at college. Oops?:wave:

Adison Belle

New Member
My embarassing day at DW

Alright. I got one.

So last May my two bff's and I went to wdw for a week. My bff Kaylee had been once when she was like ten, Patrick had never been and I had just been that past December so I was most familiar with the park.
Because I was most familiar with the park, I knew the newer rides. Thus, I knew MP. I really wanted them to enjoy this show and have good seats while they watched it, so we're standing outside the gold doors in the lobby, first ones to go in, and since I've seen the show before, we agreed I'd run in and get us good seats on the front row. So the doors open and I go flying in and I'm almost to the front when I hear this cute little seven year old boy behind me, trying to run past me, screaming "FRONT ROW! FRONT ROW!" and me, being the mature woman of nineteen that I was, look down at the kid and screamed "FRONT ROW MY EYE!" and tried to run even faster so I'd really beat the kid and it happened....
I tripped, over my own two feet and, tumbling, crashed into the velvet ropes that block you from the stage! The whole room stops. And worst of all, the little boy I tried so hard to beat goes "ooooh". Embarassed, I stood up and slowly walked with as much pride as I could muster up into the first row. I looked up at Kaylee and Patrick and was like "I got our seats..."

So there. My most embarassing moment ever.


New Member
One time me and my parents were visiting WDW when I was around 12/13 and of course I was becoming boy crazy....well we went to eat at a sit down restaurant and we had a really cute waiter...I wispered to my mom that I thought he was really cute, but she didn't hear what I had said. Right as the waiter came back with our drinks she said "you have to poop??" At that age I was mortified and just sunk as low as I could in my seat:lol:
ive had several embaressing moments in disney world, most of which involve fights with my family. after days of the heat, long days, lack of sleep, we usually have at least one family blow up. one in particular involved my brother and i getting in an arguement over the ingredients of a burrito in the Mexican Pavillion... to the point where i was shouting profanity and threatening to punch him... yeah im usually not like that, so needless to say im embarressed about it now!


Well-Known Member
Our first trip to WDW was 93' and the a long break until we could afford to go back in 03'. Well we went to MK for the day and it must of been about 5 PM and we needed to go to Epcot for a dinner ressie. So out we go and head for the monorail station. We go walking up th resort side without looking at the signs about. Now in my mind I am thinking that there is a monorail to Epcot here. So the monorail comes and the doors open. We get in and I am now thinking I am on the wrong monorail ao i grab my 3YO DD and my wife and try to barge out of the monorail just as the doors close and run over to the express monorail which I again think is the Epcot and the doors close. A CM walks up to me and asks me if he can help me. I say I am tryingt to get on the Epcot monorail and he says there is none at MK. Well I tell him that I remember taking the monorail to Epcot in the past and he keeps remining me that there is no Epcot monorail at MK and that I would have to go to the TTC and switch. Well he had the Express monorail driver unlock the exit doors so we could get in and go to the TTC. On the ride over the only thing in my head was how much of an idiot this guy was because he didn't know that there used to be a Epcot monorail at MK. As soon as we get out of the monorail and I look around I felt like a heel. :eek: I then finally remembered that it wasn't MK it was in fact the TTC.

Memory is a terrible thing to lose! :lol:


One time me and my parents were visiting WDW when I was around 12/13 and of course I was becoming boy crazy....well we went to eat at a sit down restaurant and we had a really cute waiter...I wispered to my mom that I thought he was really cute, but she didn't hear what I had said. Right as the waiter came back with our drinks she said "you have to poop??" At that age I was mortified and just sunk as low as I could in my seat:lol:

Now that is funny!:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
My wife and I were having dinner at whispering canyon. As usual I had a lot of sweets and whatnot in the room so I decided that I would not order dessert. When the server asked me if I was interested in dessert I said "no, I will have my dessert back at the room". I did not realize the way that it sounded and the server just laughed and said "okay I am not going to touch that one". My wife's face turned red and we all just started cracking up.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Alright. I got one.

So last May my two bff's and I went to wdw for a week. My bff Kaylee had been once when she was like ten, Patrick had never been and I had just been that past December so I was most familiar with the park.
Because I was most familiar with the park, I knew the newer rides. Thus, I knew MP. I really wanted them to enjoy this show and have good seats while they watched it, so we're standing outside the gold doors in the lobby, first ones to go in, and since I've seen the show before, we agreed I'd run in and get us good seats on the front row. So the doors open and I go flying in and I'm almost to the front when I hear this cute little seven year old boy behind me, trying to run past me, screaming "FRONT ROW! FRONT ROW!" and me, being the mature woman of nineteen that I was, look down at the kid and screamed "FRONT ROW MY EYE!" and tried to run even faster so I'd really beat the kid and it happened....
I tripped, over my own two feet and, tumbling, crashed into the velvet ropes that block you from the stage! The whole room stops. And worst of all, the little boy I tried so hard to beat goes "ooooh". Embarassed, I stood up and slowly walked with as much pride as I could muster up into the first row. I looked up at Kaylee and Patrick and was like "I got our seats..."

So there. My most embarassing moment ever.

Ooohh. You shaould have said: "You tripped me you little monster, its just a seat!"

He would have learned a valuable lesson.


Well-Known Member
I conduct much business and thus am usually very professional. Laast year we ran smack into Mickey Minnie Donald and Goofy all alone. So the wife runs up and I am taking pix and the CM sayd "I'll get both of your pix go meet Minnie." So like a good businessman I extended my hand and said "Minnie, Pleased to meet you." Man right as i did it I felt like such an uptight doofus and couldn't think of a way to save the situation. :brick: Oh yeah thinking back on it I could have kissed her hand or funnier yet broke into a tango. Wonder what the friend of Minnie would've thought if I broke into a tango with her..taking it real serious like we were on dancing with the stars.:ROFLOL:


New Member
I conduct much business and thus am usually very professional. Laast year we ran smack into Mickey Minnie Donald and Goofy all alone. So the wife runs up and I am taking pix and the CM sayd "I'll get both of your pix go meet Minnie." So like a good businessman I extended my hand and said "Minnie, Pleased to meet you." Man right as i did it I felt like such an uptight doofus and couldn't think of a way to save the situation. :brick: Oh yeah thinking back on it I could have kissed her hand or funnier yet broke into a tango. Wonder what the friend of Minnie would've thought if I broke into a tango with her..taking it real serious like we were on dancing with the stars.:ROFLOL:

LOL. I love this story...my dad used to do the same thing with the characters when I was a kid. We actually have him on tape calling Mickey "Sir". :ROFLOL:


New Member
Here's my embarrassing story:

Last year a friend and I were at the Conservation Station at AK. We were listening to one of the CMs giving a presentation on feeding/cleaning the animals, and I told my friend that the presenter looked a lot like another friend of ours back home: he had the same hair color, build, height.

My friend agreed and turned to me-- just as the presentation went silent for a moment-- and said "but I think he's shorter than that." The presenter had made eye contact with us in that split second right before that, too. I'm sure he heard that single line out of context and thought we were saying something negative about him-- and we felt horrible. There was a large crowd, plus another ten minutes to go in the presentation, so we couldn't even explain right then what we were talking about-- or apologize.

I'm shorter than both the people we were talking about, so hopefully he realized that I wouldn't be criticizing anyone because of his height.


Well-Known Member
On our honeymoon we attended the first MVMCP of the season (Nov 12, 07).

The day before we went, DH and I were walking down Main Street at MK and he pointed out how dangerous the tracks for the Main Street Vehicles were. He said how people can trip on them if they don't pay attention. And of course, being the frequent Disney traveler I said "Well they should be paying attention now shouldn't they?". It was more sarcastic than anything, but I still shouldn't have said it, because the very next night at MVMCP, I proved my husband to be correct, and fell flat on my face, because my foot got caught in the tracks. I swear no one would have noticed if about a half dozen CM's didn't come running out lol. It was like they appeared out of nowhere, but I have to say thanks for doing their job.

Luckily I wasn't hurt bad, I had just 1 week before twisted my ankle and it was sore, so I kind of aggrivated it a bit when I fell, and I ended up with some very scraped up hands, which a very nice lady at First Aid sprayed with some anti bacterial (STINGING) stuff and gave me some bandaids to put on them. I felt silly, but they were hurting bad and I didn't want an infection. I also think I have a piece of Main Street permanently embedded in my hand. Talk about a unique souveneir!!!


Well-Known Member
One time me and my parents were visiting WDW when I was around 12/13 and of course I was becoming boy crazy....well we went to eat at a sit down restaurant and we had a really cute waiter...I wispered to my mom that I thought he was really cute, but she didn't hear what I had said. Right as the waiter came back with our drinks she said "you have to poop??" At that age I was mortified and just sunk as low as I could in my seat:lol:

Oh, this one is priceless!! Thank you for the laugh.:ROFLOL:
Hopefully, this doesn't cause offence.

It's all about the difference in our language: I'm from England.

Back in 2001 my daughter was 8 years old. Platinum blonde and "butter wouldn't melt in her mouth".

In the US you call them "erasers".

Anyway, we're in the Shamu shop in Seaworld and my daughter loves to collect "erasers". I'm over one side of the shop and suddenly at the top of her voice my daughter shouts "Dad! Dad! they sell rubbers in here and there's one big enough for Shamu!" I've never seen so many Americans turn and stare in disbelief at such a "sweet" girl in my life.:lol:


Active Member
Alright. I got one.

So last May my two bff's and I went to wdw for a week. My bff Kaylee had been once when she was like ten, Patrick had never been and I had just been that past December so I was most familiar with the park.
Because I was most familiar with the park, I knew the newer rides. Thus, I knew MP. I really wanted them to enjoy this show and have good seats while they watched it, so we're standing outside the gold doors in the lobby, first ones to go in, and since I've seen the show before, we agreed I'd run in and get us good seats on the front row. So the doors open and I go flying in and I'm almost to the front when I hear this cute little seven year old boy behind me, trying to run past me, screaming "FRONT ROW! FRONT ROW!" and me, being the mature woman of nineteen that I was, look down at the kid and screamed "FRONT ROW MY EYE!" and tried to run even faster so I'd really beat the kid and it happened....
I tripped, over my own two feet and, tumbling, crashed into the velvet ropes that block you from the stage! The whole room stops. And worst of all, the little boy I tried so hard to beat goes "ooooh". Embarassed, I stood up and slowly walked with as much pride as I could muster up into the first row. I looked up at Kaylee and Patrick and was like "I got our seats..."

So there. My most embarassing moment ever.

Pardon my Ignorance but what is MP?

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