Embarrassing Disney moments!


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What is your most embarrassing WDW moment?

I'll start!

During my last trip, I was downtown shopping for my 5 year old niece-to-be. I asked a CM to help me locate a princess wallet that my fiance thought she would like. Now, let me go ahead and say that I have not watched The Princess and the Frog yet. I have seen Tangled, but I don't consider her a Disney princess. I am still holding to the original 8 and I haven't decided to accept the other two yet! :lookaroun

Anyway, I asked for help. This nice lady takes me to a cute little pink princess wallet. I think one side was Cinderella, Belle, and Ariel (or 3 of the originals, in any case). Then, I flipped it over, expecting Snow White, Aurora, and Jasmine (or one of the other two), but was met with Aurora, Tiana, and Rapunzel. My immediate response is, "what are they doing on this?!" The CM gives me this disgusted look! I could not figure out what her problem was. Then, at the same moment, my fiance and I look at the wallet to discover that my finger had fallen on Tiana. He immediately assures her that I am not racist but that I have not yet accepted these two as Disney princesses yet (apparently I have issues). She smiled a little and walked away. I don't think she believed me... I grabbed my stuff and checked out, leaving as quickly as I could! I was absolutely mortified!

Now that I think about it, it is kind of funny, but I am still embarrassed by it. I do find comfort in knowing that there is no way she would remember me!

So, what are your embarrassing Disney stories?


Well-Known Member
The day we we went to Animal Kingdom, we got out of the car and were on our way to get in line for the tram. A group of seagulls was flying overhead and all of a sudden I hear the people behind us start yelling "They're pooping!!!" Before I could even turn around to look, you guessed it- a warm greenish substance fell and landed all over my arm and shirt. THANK GOD it didn't get on my camera or in my hair. My hubby was able to run back to our vehicle and grab some Lysol wipes to clean me up; some other people near us weren't as lucky as me. LOL I was thoroughly disgusted but all I could do was laugh... My girls were cracking up laughing that Mommy got pooped on. :)


Active Member
Must of been the ripe old age of 8 and I sat down with the family for a refreshment break with the family. I started drinking my drink and pretty much finished it when my parents stood up and put their cup in the bin. They then went to ask my who's drink I was drinking and that they didn't buy me one, turns out I had been drinking one that had been left on the table by a previous guest. Pretty gross really.


Active Member
My husband is not into Disney that much but he's a good sport and goes with us anyway. During our last trip a CM asked him which one of the seven dwarfs was his favorite. His answer, Pluto. My daughter was mortified and pretended not to know him. The CM answered without even laughing, Sir, Pluto is not a dwarf. My husband still couldn't come up with even one! We still tease him about it.

Worse however was when I was younger and I went to Disney with my mom and sister. I'm guessing I was in 4th/5th grade and 20,000 leagues under the sea was still there. We were at the part with the squid or octopus or whatever it was wrapped it's tentacles around the sub. It was pretty quiet and my mother yells, "girls, look out the window! Do you see the (insert male part here that sounds like tentacles)". There was giggling all around us but my mother had no idea what had happened. A lady standing next to her finally told her and my sister (who was in high school) pretended not to know her.


Well-Known Member
The day we we went to Animal Kingdom, we got out of the car and were on our way to get in line for the tram. A group of seagulls was flying overhead and all of a sudden I hear the people behind us start yelling "They're pooping!!!" Before I could even turn around to look, you guessed it- a warm greenish substance fell and landed all over my arm and shirt. THANK GOD it didn't get on my camera or in my hair. My hubby was able to run back to our vehicle and grab some Lysol wipes to clean me up; some other people near us weren't as lucky as me. LOL I was thoroughly disgusted but all I could do was laugh... My girls were cracking up laughing that Mommy got pooped on. :)

Alas, I wasn't so lucky because I had a bird potty in my hair at MK by Buzz Lightyear. Fortunately, it was the very front part so I was able to wash it all out fairly easily, but I had bad hair for the rest of the day.

Probably the most embarrassing moment was when my daughter peed on me in Carousel of Progress. She had been potty trained for a few months without any accidents so I thought we were good to go. I had just taken her to the bathroom about 20 minutes before getting on CoP. About 5 minutes into the show, she tells me she has to go. I tell her that she really needs to hold it. She says she really, really, really has to go. I try to sneak out of CoP, but I get yelled at by the CM to "Sit Down!" so I sit at the end of the row. She is hysterical at this point and screaming. Everyone is staring at us so I pick her up and told her to try to calm her down. I then feel hot liquid seeping through my clothes - for what seemed like 5 minutes. When the ride is finally over, I have to go find a CM to let them know that there is a biohazard in aisle 5.

My daughter was so embarrassed because she never had accidents, and we were both drenched in urine. Unfortunately, in our excitement of leaving the hotel, I forgot to pack an extra set of clothes for her. The CM gave me a voucher to get her a set of clothes which was very nice. I had to leave the park in urine-soaked clothes so I could get a shower and change. Also, we were there celebrating said daughters 3rd birthday so it just made the whole thing worse. Definitely not our finest day at the Magic Kingdom!


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Original Poster
Alas, I wasn't so lucky because I had a bird potty in my hair at MK by Buzz Lightyear. Fortunately, it was the very front part so I was able to wash it all out fairly easily, but I had bad hair for the rest of the day.

Probably the most embarrassing moment was when my daughter peed on me in Carousel of Progress. She had been potty trained for a few months without any accidents so I thought we were good to go. I had just taken her to the bathroom about 20 minutes before getting on CoP. About 5 minutes into the show, she tells me she has to go. I tell her that she really needs to hold it. She says she really, really, really has to go. I try to sneak out of CoP, but I get yelled at by the CM to "Sit Down!" so I sit at the end of the row. She is hysterical at this point and screaming. Everyone is staring at us so I pick her up and told her to try to calm her down. I then feel hot liquid seeping through my clothes - for what seemed like 5 minutes. When the ride is finally over, I have to go find a CM to let them know that there is a biohazard in aisle 5.

My daughter was so embarrassed because she never had accidents, and we were both drenched in urine. Unfortunately, in our excitement of leaving the hotel, I forgot to pack an extra set of clothes for her. The CM gave me a voucher to get her a set of clothes which was very nice. I had to leave the park in urine-soaked clothes so I could get a shower and change. Also, we were there celebrating said daughters 3rd birthday so it just made the whole thing worse. Definitely not our finest day at the Magic Kingdom!

That is terrible! They don't let you leave that ride in an emergency situation? I would consider that an emergency! I bet he/she felt really dumb when you got up with a soaked lap.


Well-Known Member
I posted this in the past but I will again as my wife and I still laugh at it and my son cringes every time we mention it.

My son was about eight and we were walking through the lobby of the Grand Floridian, my son smelling food declared that he was hungry and asked if we could get something to eat. My wife and I said yes and my son following his nose said “I think we can get something here.” The next events happened in rapid sequence. My son with his crew cut hair, Patriots jersey, cargo shorts and sneakers and looking every inch the Pop Warner football player he was, walked right into My Disney Girls Perfect Princess Tea. The hostess looked at me, her eyes big as saucers, covered her mouth to keep from laughing and shock her head as if to say “No you don’t want to be here.” All talking stopped and everyone looked up at my son. All of the princesses gasped or said “oh look.” I will go to my grave swearing that one little princess battered her eyes at my son. My son realizing his mistake did a perfect parade ground about face and walked out red faced with his little fists clinched.

My son is a teen now and as tall as I am and when we walked through the Grand Floridian last visit he said to me “Dad please don’t mention it again.”


Alas, I wasn't so lucky because I had a bird potty in my hair at MK by Buzz Lightyear. Fortunately, it was the very front part so I was able to wash it all out fairly easily, but I had bad hair for the rest of the day.

Probably the most embarrassing moment was when my daughter peed on me in Carousel of Progress. She had been potty trained for a few months without any accidents so I thought we were good to go. I had just taken her to the bathroom about 20 minutes before getting on CoP. About 5 minutes into the show, she tells me she has to go. I tell her that she really needs to hold it. She says she really, really, really has to go. I try to sneak out of CoP, but I get yelled at by the CM to "Sit Down!" so I sit at the end of the row. She is hysterical at this point and screaming. Everyone is staring at us so I pick her up and told her to try to calm her down. I then feel hot liquid seeping through my clothes - for what seemed like 5 minutes. When the ride is finally over, I have to go find a CM to let them know that there is a biohazard in aisle 5.

My daughter was so embarrassed because she never had accidents, and we were both drenched in urine. Unfortunately, in our excitement of leaving the hotel, I forgot to pack an extra set of clothes for her. The CM gave me a voucher to get her a set of clothes which was very nice. I had to leave the park in urine-soaked clothes so I could get a shower and change. Also, we were there celebrating said daughters 3rd birthday so it just made the whole thing worse. Definitely not our finest day at the Magic Kingdom!

Same thing happened to my son, but we were stuck on Ellen's Waste of Energy...ugh...not only did he cry loudly, but we were stuck on that ride being even more uncomfortable than I already am on that ride.
Me and my family stopped for some drinks at Pecos Bills. We went out to the back patio so we could have a view of Splash Mountain and sip our drinks. I plopped down into one of the STOOLS at the table and proceeded to lean back, expecting a nice tall chair back to catch me. I was parallel to the ground when I figured out that wasn't going to happen and I toppled over backwards with my drink in my mouth, and it spilled onto my face. I just lay there for a minute with my family staring with open mouths before they busted out laughing. Luckily nobody else was there to see me be an idiot.

Also, this one time we were about to get into the "Clammobiles" at the Seas with Nemo, and my Dad stops on the moving walk way and says "Let me take your pictures!" Me and my sister are like "no Dad, don't do that." But he stands there while the walkway moves under him and takes a picture with a flash. A CM comes over and says "Sir, you cannot stand on the walkway like this it is very dangerous!" So he's like, oh sorry. My sister is saying "Dad, please just get in the clam." Then ANOTHER CM comes over and says that she saw him take a flash picture and that it could cause them to have to shut down the ride. My Dad proceeds to go "I could flash this camera in here all day and it wouldn't shut down this ride!" I was mortified. We called him Clammy the rest of the day.


Active Member
Well one time when River Country was still open, I was swinging on the rope and as I was in mid-air, yup, you guessed it, my top feel off. Thank God I was younger and skinnier, if that happened now, I would clear the park!


Well-Known Member
I can't remember a specific incident where I did something that caused me embarrassment but my dad certainly used to do something that caused my brothers and I to be embarrassed of him:ROFLOL: For some unexplainable reason, every time my dad enters a theme park he seems to need to go the bathroom a ton at the parks...it doesn't matter what rides he hasn't or has gone on, what he has eaten, drank, anything at all. Or at least it always felt that way to us. And Disney has just about the cleanest restrooms you'll ever see at a theme park so he was especially "exhilarated" :rolleyes: by them. He knew it embarrassed us and irritated us as we very much wanted to get to the next ride so he would loudly proclaim in that way only dads can that "Look! There was another restroom. Let's stop!" and we'd hide our faces. He claimed it was a special attraction for men with weak bladders (though he doesn't actually have a weak bladder). It's become a running joke in our family to ask if he has to go to restroom especially if we are in a theme park but really anywhere, he usually gets the random do you have to go to the bathroom.

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
Our family, consisting of my sister and her children, my husband and I and my parents had just joined the line for Splash Mountain. I noticed immediately that some one around us had horrible body odor. We started to talk about it and, yes, laugh about it when my sister pointed out the offender. It was my Dad!


Beta Return
Our family, consisting of my sister and her children, my husband and I and my parents had just joined the line for Splash Mountain. I noticed immediately that some one around us had horrible body odor. We started to talk about it and, yes, laugh about it when my sister pointed out the offender. It was my Dad!

I myself had a similar issue. Just flat out forgot to put on deodorant one morning. Living out of a hotel room messes up all the usual routines. Bad day...but at least we went back after lunch and I had my usual mid-day shower (this was when we used to go in June when it was scorching) and re-applied :lol:


New Member
We were in Tom Sawyer Island, and I was running ( for some odd reason nothing safe ever comes out of this) through one of the forts inside. I was hurrying down one of the spiral staircases but I completely missed a step and went tumbling down all of them and ended very awkwardly. Needless to say my friends never let me live that one down. :ROFLOL:


New Member
I was eight years old and in line for COP. I didnt lift my arms and got my arm stuck in the turnstyle...and it didn't come out. I had my mom and a cast member pulling and twisting my arm for a little while before they got it out. Didn't break the skin, but i had a giant bruise there for a while after.


Beta Return
I was eight years old and in line for COP. I didnt lift my arms and got my arm stuck in the turnstyle...and it didn't come out. I had my mom and a cast member pulling and twisting my arm for a little while before they got it out. Didn't break the skin, but i had a giant bruise there for a while after.

I'm trying to picture this and no matter how it plays out, it's hilarious! :ROFLOL:

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