Electric Umbrella Reopens, so does final Seas module


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The Electric Umbrella reopened today. Not much has changed inside, although I was expecting carpets to be replaced. They were not, however they were deep cleaned, including the wall carpets. Most of the changes occurred in the kitchen for the Cast members. Otherwise, there are new Beverage Stations, although they are not open yet. They will be soon. I wonder how they will be keep people from refilling the same cup over and over. Time will tell. No pics because nothing looks different.

The final room where the old turtle talk used to be is once again open. There are some little aquariums in there from the original nemo module and the Turtle Talk Screen is still in there with just water and fish swimming by.


Is it 5:00 yet?
The Electric Umbrella reopened today. Not much has changed inside, although I was expecting carpets to be replaced. They were not, however they were deep cleaned, including the wall carpets. Most of the changes occurred in the kitchen for the Cast members. Otherwise, there are new Beverage Stations, although they are not open yet. They will be soon. I wonder how they will be keep people from refilling the same cup over and over. Time will tell. No pics because nothing looks different.

The final room where the old turtle talk used to be is once again open. There are some little aquariums in there from the original nemo module and the Turtle Talk Screen is still in there with just water and fish swimming by.
Maybe they will switch to free refills..:shrug:


New Member
Maybe they will switch to free refills..:shrug:
That is what I was thinking. Most places where you have to get your own drinks know that there is no way to stop people from refilling, so they just have free refills. It's about time Disney did that! Everyone else does it and they allow it in the food courts at the resorts (POR, AS, POP.....and I'm assuming every other resort with a food court.


New Member
I just ate at Electric Umbrella, Now that you mention it, it did look a whole lot cleaner, but I just thought it was because the park was pretty empty and no one had destroyed the place yet. Also I noticed that 3 of the cashiers had a manager behind them, so they were obviously being trained.


New Member
Also I did not see the fountain drinks you mentioned. I do have one complaint however, it may sound ridiculous. After i finished eating yesterday, my gf had to use the restroom.... so you kind of have wrap around the left corner to get to them... well i stood there and when i got tired (cause girls take so long) I leaned up against the wall.... PAIN. big mistake, there are like these hairs that stick straight of the carpeted wall, and go go like straight into your skin, Im not joking... it hurt for an hour... it felt irritated for the better half of the day, I even had her feel it when she came out, with her hand, I wouldnt do that to her back haha. And OMG i saw talking turtle with crush yesterday also.... and my gf and i relaized there use to be a line to get into the room where it was... now u have to go through a room to get to another room where it is.... SO we were thinking it was that first room you go through that was the original room.... but later on we went to that other room and they still have the screen up in the back of the room and there are about 5-6 cylinder aquariums... And if u look that the one on the back right it is awesome!!!! they have this fish that looks exactly like coral, and u can see his little eyes, its so cool.


New Member
So to turn it into 3 posts, but I forgot to add on the free refills, Im curious as well what they will do, hopefully free refills.... anyhow If im hard on cash my gf and I would just go fill our cups up with the sodas from around the world, they arent half bad.


Well-Known Member
They'll probably raise the price of the drink by a small amount and allow free refills. I hear Disney gets the drinks for free anyway so it's not a big deal for them to give up a little.


New Member
Free refills

In DL they have a similar CS that offers free refills.It has pasta and pizza and my DH loved to eat there so he could refill his drink as much as he wants We also have been to several other parks (like sea world)that let you buy a refillable cup and then fill it for a buck or two. Hopefully disney will catch on cuz the cups cost around 12$ and pop probably cost 10 cents for them.Disney should do the math.


In DL they have a similar CS that offers free refills.It has pasta and pizza and my DH loved to eat there so he could refill his drink as much as he wants We also have been to several other parks (like sea world)that let you buy a refillable cup and then fill it for a buck or two. Hopefully disney will catch on cuz the cups cost around 12$ and pop probably cost 10 cents for them.Disney should do the math.

That's Redd Rocket's Pizza Port, we ate there a lot when we were at DL, and the free refills were great, even better cause the cup didn't cost $12!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the self serve drinks have a lot to do with cutting payroll down. No more need to pay people to fill drink cups. I'm sure the saved payroll will more than cover the lost revenue and/or more soda dispensed.

If they wanted to really get crazy (and I think they tested a system like this) they could barcode the cups and have a reader at the machine that enables the fill and only allows one fill per cup. The cost of the computer equipment to do it probably isn't worth it.


Active Member
I'm sure the self serve drinks have a lot to do with cutting payroll down. No more need to pay people to fill drink cups. I'm sure the saved payroll will more than cover the lost revenue and/or more soda dispensed.

If they wanted to really get crazy (and I think they tested a system like this) they could barcode the cups and have a reader at the machine that enables the fill and only allows one fill per cup. The cost of the computer equipment to do it probably isn't worth it.

I totally agree that it's to cut payroll. It will also hopefully cut down on the time you wait for your food. Not to mention that I bet lots of people end up dropping the cups of soda on the way to the tables and go back to the counter explain what happened and get a free sodas. The average person probably doesn't drink more than a cup and a half.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'd rather get my own soda. Some days, the CMs working are really slopping and all the cups are overflowing and sticky on the outside and the CMs are getting their hands all over everything. I'll be more than happy to fill my own cup and get a free refill out of it. Honestly, soda is so cheap that even if people cheat the system (keep the same cup for a day or two, for example), Disney doesn't really lose any money. If you are really that cheap, though, what are you doing at WDW?


Active Member
If they wanted to really get crazy (and I think they tested a system like this) they could barcode the cups and have a reader at the machine that enables the fill and only allows one fill per cup. The cost of the computer equipment to do it probably isn't worth it.
You are right..

This barcode system was used at Blizzard Beach (never been to TL but I guess it will be the same).


Well-Known Member
You are right..

This barcode system was used at Blizzard Beach (never been to TL but I guess it will be the same).
the problem with the barcode system is that it wouldn't work too well with the incredible crowds seen at the theme park counter service locations. Can you imagine? You scan your cup and then some bratty 6-year old comes up and fills up his cup. Then it's off to the CMs to complain...absolute madness around 12 noon every day...crowds at the water parks can certainly get bad, but nothing like you see in the theme parks at lunch time.


Well-Known Member
I think Coca-Cola provides Disney with all the soft drink syrups for free! Or at least the flagship soda syrup... :lookaroun


Active Member

Disney probably makes a killing on the soda.

I used to bartend for my local kofc.

Trust me a cup of soda is extremely cheap for the place. it cost us something like 25 cents a cup (could have actually been cheaper) for each soda. You charge $1 for a cup of soda and thats 75 cents profit.

If disney raises the prices just to add free refils then they are cheapskates .

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