Eddie Sotto
Premium Member
Have you ever returned to a park project you designed a year or two later and the Operations group has stopped performing a required task designed in to the project? Is there any sort of recourse for that sort of thing, or is Imagineering powerless to prevent Operations from cutting corners or getting lazy with the details?
Yes. This is the most common thing that drives you nuts. The queue in Indy had effects down for months. There are things that are turned off to this day in DLP. There is nothing to force anyone to keep the effects working other than in a manual there is a rule that says if a certain amount or critical show elements are down you must close the ride. They usually don't.
That is why it's important to design effects into shows that CAN be reasonably maintained.
The Ice Machine in Indiana Jones was an effect that was very important to giving the impression of "falling debris" in the temple scene. It was a fight with the engineers to get it into the show, but in the end, was shut off most of the time because it was too hard to maintain. It may have been removed eventually. A good lesson.