I see what you mean. That trackless ride system could be very complimentary to the notion of the mind "wandering". I think you are right in that those vehicles heading off in different directions feels right for that pavilion. Why should imagination be bound to a track? I always liked the turntable with the big dream machine, but I think they demo'ed it. They could do Dreamfinder better now with the new AA technology. Too bad you couldn't have the vehicles all gather as "dreams" inside the psychedelic "idea bag" (plaid sack attached to the dream machine), get "inspired" by Figment and after spinning and colliding in there like atoms, then "explode" out in different directions to explore the imagination and it's outcomes. Have several fun realms to explore like the "Mind's Eye", rescue ideas trapped on the "tip of your tongue", explore "nightmares", etc. Maybe in the end, your Imagination journey has led you somewhere even more fun, where Figment sadly waves goodbye as your "dreams" have bloomed into exciting "realities"! (we see images of ourselves in the show, etc) etc. Oh well. Too late now!
BTW- I have no knowledge of what if anything they are planning to do with that show in the near future. (I'm not really an "insider" like WDW1974). The last update was not very popular from what I hear, so we are probably overdue for a new experience. IMHO Figment is still the heart and soul of whatever they do there.