E:E is going to be changed/Fixed!!!


Active Member
I just recieved a letter in the mail today saying that E:E will finally be changed.
Though it's not completed, and none of us know what the experience will bring, good or bad, Disney has decided that it was obviously too big of a problem to ignore.
E:E construction will cease, as the mountain is tore down and trees are planted, as to resemble the other foliage visible from the roadways. The money previously earmarked for E:E has been divided among Disney's shareholders and other projects.
In addition, future attractions shall never try to hide, camouflage or attempt to decieve the public in any way. In the statement, Disney confessed that building half of a mountain facade was dishonest in nature to it's loyal fans.
As a result, all lighting and sound effects will be removed from WDW.
If a dog barks in a Disney attraction, they will promise it will be a living, breathing dog. Fireworks will no longer be represented with ingenius lighting set-ups, and the Hall of Presidents will be either a tomb for our real fallen founding fathers or be shutdown permanently.
They go on to state our patience with the issue had been exceedingly tested, as the attraction was doomed well before it cleared all its performance tests. Though no one in the general public had ever experienced the fruit of so many Imaginears dreams, a brisk drive-by of Animal Kingdom revealed flaws so blatant that all attempts to ellicit emotion and give entertainment to WDW guests would surely be useless.
WDW offers its sincerest apologies for attempting to add a major-scale attraction (not simply ported/cloned from another location), and encourages its supporters, if they indeed have any left, to please be quick to the pen in the future.


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Corrus, I'm sure that even you don't know what they are planning on doing to the building. My point was that they may have long planned to do something to hide the building.

A simple coat of paint would blend it in very easily.

the guy worte a letter to wdw and got a positive reply, but you just cant let a person enjoy the moment, can you?
Work with me here on a couple of points. I can understand maybe putting up some trees around the park berm area to help hide the building from the parking lot areas etc... But to be able to hide it from being seen from the other areas of the World, they would most likely have to do some kind of amazing paint work on the building itself...Now wouldnt it have made a little bit more sesnse to do this when the whole mountain and building were all covered in scaffolding? As opposed to having to come back in and put up more scaffold or some other alternative...


Well-Known Member
Brent said:
I'd rather have it fixed now by us nicely telling them than them forgeting about it latter.
I don't think there is anyway they could forget it about. In fact the subject most likely came up before they even started clearing trees for Everest in the first place.


Active Member
ballewclan said:
Poor Thrawn...everyone gets mad at him for telling the truth, however harsh it may be. :rolleyes:

As we were all taught as children (or at least should have been) it is not what you say but how you say it.


Active Member
Look! It is the back of the building. There are many ways of hiding it. Even if they do go ahead and build rockwork around the back (which I doubt) I think they still did the right thing. They can add that rockwork while the attraction is open and making money for the park. If they did the work now it would add months to the build time delaying the opening. And you know you would all moan about that too don't you?


Well-Known Member
djronnieb said:
I didnt write to complain, I wrote to point it out before all the construction guys had gone home and the ride was open, so they would save time and money down the road.

Because Lord knows they won't be able to figure that out on their own... :hammer:


Premium Member
While Thrawn makes a good point which I agree on, who knows whether spotting something like this while the attraction is currently under construction will be fixed now rather than after the ride is open.


New Member
Dare I say that if you're in Blizzard Beach, waiting for one of the world's tallest, steepest water slides, it'd do you well to pay attention to, oh, Blizzard Beach?

These are professionals, folks. It's not as if that wall came as some big surprise to anyone. They're not sitting in a pile of dirt back there scratching their heads, thinking, "Uh, I didn't know it was going to be that big." They'll do something to cover it -- or not -- and it'll all go as planned.

At Disneyland, you can see the Indiana Jones Adventure show building pretty easily but that does nothing to make the ride less incredible. The same will be true of Everest, though I doubt it'll be even that easy to see the show building. It simply makes no sense to go around throwing up trees everywhere when there's still equipment moving around on the ground.


Active Member
As long as we don't see it from AK, who cares? I mean the view of MK from Contemporary is all white roofs and a castle. Very kingdomlike, no? :rolleyes:
Maybe they can put up another large resort to block the view of E:E from Blizzard Beach. At least you wouldn't see a wall on a mountain then. :hammer:

Mission: SPACE

New Member
And from the top of LMA! (the rooftop of LMA is an even better view!)
CTXRover said:
Its not quite a separate showbuilding in the back as it is just the back of the mountain. Everest is built similar to all major Disney attractions in that it is more or less a facade on 3 sides and a blank wall in the back. The wall covers about 3/4 up the back side of Everest and can be seen from certain angles of AK's parking lot and from high vantage points on property (Mt Gushmore at Blizzard and I imagine the Contemporary roof if you squint or have binoculars)


Active Member
DisneyMissy said:
djronnieb: Thanks for the update. Glad to hear they gave you some type of response. Enjoy it!

I agree. Thank you for taking the time to address something you were concerned about with the people that it involves - rather than gripe and moan on a message board about why it should be fixed.


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Corrus, I'm sure that even you don't know what they are planning on doing to the building. My point was that they may have long planned to do something to hide the building.

A simple coat of paint would blend it in very easily.

no crap! why does everybody HATE on everything disney does on this site -- geez???


Active Member
djronnieb said:
Recently I wrote to WDW and told them how disappointed I was with the fact that you could see E:E's show building from the parking lot and also from They wrote me back today and here's a quote from the letter:<O:p</O:p

"Thank you for your thoughts and concerns with Expedition Everest. Although we can not go into detail about the project, please know that we have passed your thoughts onto the proper department and they have let us know that this issue will be resolved in the near future."

Dude, hate to be the bearer of bad news... but that is Disney's generic response. I have recieved that response three times now when commenting about several things, including the return of Dreamfinder and the condition that Imageworks upstairs is in. Disney also told me that my thoughts would reach the proper people and that they would get back to me. That was nearly 6 months ago...

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