Not sure exactly where you are in northern NJ but, we live in Bergen County (approx. 6 miles from the GWB), we are right off of route 46. Anyway, we have done the drive a few times and will be doing it again at the end of June:sohappy

sorry, I get so excited when I think about it). We take I95 all the way.
We have tried a variety of departure times (very early a.m., mid day, late afternoon, dinnertime and midnight) and the time that is preferred by all is early evening-right after dinner. We also prefer to drive straight through but, we have stopped for the night in Santee, SC (it's approx. 12 hours from our house to Santee).
This is our usual plan: (keep in mind we usually leave after dinner)
-I try to sleep as much a possible the day we are leaving because I am the overnight driver.
-Tire the kids out for a few hours before you leave (running around the yard, riding bikes, kickball etc.)
-have the kids take warm bath or shower right before you leave, it relaxes them.
-avoid sugary snacks and drinks (or drinks with caffeine-soda, iced tea) the day you are leaving because you don't want the kids wired in the car.
-have each child pack a tote bag that they keep near them with things to entertain them. (nintendo DS, coloring books and colored pencils-avoid crayons because they melt in the hot car very quickly, books, travel games, notebook and pens for the license plate game, etc.)
-a portable DVD player in the car is wonderful. we have a dual screen model and the kids know they must take turns choosing the movies. (pack a couple of new ones and a few old favorites).
-each child brings a blanket and pillow.
-small water bottles
-juice boxes
-string cheese
-mini muffins
-granola bars
-goldfish crackers
-small boxes of cereal
-mini bagels
-m&m's (gotta have my chocolate)
-small garbage bags (excellent for emergency vomit bags, and for garbage)
-roll of paper towels
-baby wipes (for hands and faces)
*we pack a ball and a frisbee for the kids to toss around at the rest areas (10-15 minutes of running around is a big help)
*when the kids were little we would try to stop at a fast food place that had a playplace so the kids could run around for a half hour after they ate.
*for you little ones in car seats try placing a small suitcase or cooler on the floor in front of them to rest their feet on. When their feet aren't dangling for hours and hours it really does make a difference regarding their comfort level.
*I always make sure my I-pod is loaded with my favorite music so that when I drive during the night I don't disturb anyone with the radio.(I only drive with one ear bud in so I can hear any emergency vehicles etc.)
**Ear plugs are a must for the other driver, it allows them to get some rest even if the kids are awake.
*remember if you are tired pull over. napping at rest areas is very common. watch your speed and drive safe.
**sorry this is so long, I tried to remember everything. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.