Drinking Water Quality

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
There IS no quality in N FL's water.Thank God I live in the south where it's not so bad.

On the plus side,the crappy tasting water is what gives rides like POTC and IASW it's unique "Disney Smell":lol:


Well-Known Member
UK guests will probably find Fla water disgusting. Its not as cool as what we're used to! And it has a funny taste imo!Bottled water all the way!


Well-Known Member
I'm a Florida resident and I hate the water. Many - if not most - of us who live here do. It's very, VERY hard, it leaves orange stains in your tub and sink and it leaves a ton of white crusty stains on everything else. It clogs up shower heads and it feels nasty on your skin when you shower. A water softener is the way to go as are drinking filters.

You'll find most people dislike the water here. It's very noxious and can have a strong scent. It's pretty easy to get a filter - like a filter pitcher for your motel room or a filtered water bottle for walking around the parks - if you fall into the "yuck" category.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
If you LIVE in Florida you dont know the difference I have a few friends that live in Fla and think the water is just dandy, when they come up and visit me, they always joke about how good their hair looks.....but if you do not LIVE there, the water sucks. LOL. My father does water filtration for a living and always says to us "Dont drink that water, it will give you a stomach ache" (because of all the minerals that have to be added) Fla is a big run off, that means the good water AND the bad water runs down into Fla.....which is why so many chemicals and minerals need to be used to get it to human consumption.


Water filtration for a living? So he sells bottled water? Those guys will tell you anything to get you to use their product. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
For some reason, the water in WDW tastes pretty much like swamp water to me. I have been to many other places in Florida, I used to live in Jax, and never seem to have the problem. I can't even have ice in my soda when I am in Orlando, it tastes so bad. I spend the few etra bucks a trip and get the bottled water, which is cheaper than the bottled water I can get where I live.


Well-Known Member
If you LIVE in Florida you dont know the difference I have a few friends that live in Fla and think the water is just dandy, when they come up and visit me, they always joke about how good their hair looks.....but if you do not LIVE there, the water sucks. LOL. My father does water filtration for a living and always says to us "Dont drink that water, it will give you a stomach ache" (because of all the minerals that have to be added) Fla is a big run off, that means the good water AND the bad water runs down into Fla.....which is why so many chemicals and minerals need to be used to get it to human consumption.

The reason Florida water is harder is b/c it is filtered though clay and sandy soil naturally. I am not saying they don't add minerals to it, but the soil acts as a natural filter for the water which mostly comes from rain. When it runs though the sand and clay it picks up extra minerals lake water or river water doesn't hence the "hard" taste it has to many of you.

Personally knowing the water comes from the ground instead of a lake or river makes me more likely to drink it. It doesn't have to be filtered and cleaned as extremely as water from the surface.

Oh, yeah, I learned all this in the several Geology classes I took in college from a professor who is water expert. He basically teaches college and studies water for the state of Georgia for a living.


Active Member
Contrary to what has been said in this thread - drinking FL tap water will not give you a stomach ache. That being said - the water in Orlando seems different to me than here in South Florida. We do not have the strong sulfur-like smell that Orlando has, but rest assured, it is safe to drink. Depending on where you are in the state, or if you happen to be on well-water (which leaves the afore-mentioned rust stains on everything) the water taste/smell differs.


Well-Known Member
We will drink it in a pinch from the water fountains, but prefer bottled water when there. Don't even like brushing our teeth with the stuff.
It smells and tastes different than we are used to.


New Member
Contrary to what has been said in this thread - drinking FL tap water will not give you a stomach ache.

Ummm I beg to differ, It gives me the worst heartburn.

Water filtration for a living? So he sells bottled water? Those guys will tell you anything to get you to use their product.

Uhhh no.... he was a well driller for 30 years, I dont know how it works anywhere else but here on Long Island most of our water comes from underground wells, our water is pipped up from under the ground using artesian wells. Now with city water and reservoirs coming out to the Island the company has gone to filtrations, they add filtration tanks to the homes water supply to filter out minerals and and sort of chemicals that are used in city water to make it drinkable. He does not work for a bottled water company.


Well-Known Member
I was going to say I don't have a problem with it and then I realized that I very seldom drink water at WDW.

I have no problem brushing my teeth with it. I have noticed it's hard water when it comes to using soap/shampoo etc.

But I find it better than the water at say, Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Again, nothing to get excited about, but not too bad.


New Member
:hurl: Ew! Blech! It's terrible!
well, I mean, it's great if you like the taste of chemicals in your water.
If you don't, take some crystal light packets with you. It won't kill you. It just tastes like acid.


I'm not sure if this has been said before or not is the water in Florida hard water or soft water? sorry if this has already been said.


New Member
I travel alot for my job. No water taste like the water you have at home. Plain and simple.

I tend to drink more bottle water in general when I travel only because it helps my .......how to say this nicely.......bathroom functions stay regular!

I will take hard water over soft water any day. Soft water makes everything feel slick and grimmy. Never feels like you have the soap off you.

I still use the ice and bursh my teeth with it. It's all in what you are used to.


Well-Known Member
For those of you comparing it to swamp water, I ask if you have ever refreshed yourself with a frothy draft of swamp water. I tell you there's nothing like it in that annual Swamp Hike And Ice Cream Social that we go on every August.

In any event, we hate the water, but it is different every time we come to Disney. Sometimes it's amazingly awful, and sometimes it's just plain bad. It's also warmer than we're used to for obvious reasons. But why is the milk also warmer? My son hates ordering milk at disney because it's too warm. Maybe that's another thread entirely.

Thanks for the filtration tips.


Well-Known Member
How good is the water in Orlando? I heard it's good. I want your opinions!

Opinion, and its just opinion - it's just fine. I have no problems with it.

I come from Northern NJ, and supposedly we have some pretty good water. It's pretty soft, I know if I am brewing beer styles that originated in England I have to add either gypsum or Burton Salts to get the profile right.

Again, it's all opinion. I have had water from all over the US and from all sorts of sources. Wells through a municipal system, resivoir fed systems, and local driven wells. About the only water that I would even call unpleasant was the water from my grandparents house in New Hampshire which had very high levels of sulphur compounds in it. The water smelled like eggs :) Not undrinkable, but not something to look foward to either.



New Member
I don't like the water in WDW at all. It smells funny to me. I tell my husband all the time it reminds me of the gorilla smell in Animal Kingdom (YUCK):hurl:

I have found that using the Crystal Light packets or the Protien powder from Special K make it drinkable so we are not spending a small fortune in water.

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