Drinking Around The World


I like to start in mexico and make my way to canada, because face it, canada is only for lightweights (just beer and wine)


New Member
From that (hardly scientific article), "Sometimes if you mix the different types of drinks you may be more sick because of the combination of the congeners." Your (again, hardly scientific article from Purdue, ah hem) does not outright "prove" that statement as 100% false. There is no evidence to support it 100% but it does not provide any to nullify it completely, either. Showing that article as outright evidence that the rhyme is false would be like showing a photo from an episode of the Twilight Zone as evidence of life on Mars. I'm glad Purdue thinks they are experts on this issue, since we all know they aren't experts when it comes to college football, haha.

I would say it varies by individual. But many people drink liquor in a mixed beverage, often containing sugars and fruit flavors, which the very short blurb says "some data confirms." Since they don't actually provide this data.....well, again, not a great article. If we're talking just straight liquor and beer, then maybe you would be fine. But just as the article says, there's no scientific evidence. I play it safe and don't mix, because when I have mixed in the past, the results have been nothing short of catastrophic. The rhyme is around for a reason and for most people, following it will help prevent an upset tummy.

It isn't so much about the portion of alcohol but the types. Again, as the article points out, large amounts of any alcohol will make you sick. But I've had one beer and followed it with a mixed drink, only to have an upset stomach. My stomach is not your stomach and so on. That's more about what is in the drinks and less about the amount of alcohol involved.

I'm sorry, I'm still laughing at the fact that you think this article actually "proved" your point.

well after reading it the 2nd time i realized it sucked as an attempt at proving my point. it sounded a lot better in my head the first time i read in september so i didn't look at it when i attached it.

and yes our team sucks, we have gone downhill ever since kyle orton fumbled against wisconsin...but that doesn't matter anymore seeing how basketball started and we are experts in that (now).


Well-Known Member
I did it in February with two friends, we started at 3, and had a blast. We vowed not to leave the country that we bought the drink in until we finished said drink. I called it, "cultural immersion." :lol:

Here's my drink assortment

Mexico-Fiesta Margarita
Norway-Carlsburg Beer
China-Plum Wine
Germany-Spaten Optimater
Italy-Red Wine(Can't remember the kind, too long ago)
America-Sam Adams Boston Lagar
Morocco-Casa Beer
France-Red Wine(Same situation as Italy)
Canada-Labatt Blue Lt.

The mixing actually didn't have an effect on me. So unless you don't drink much, I doubt it would pose a problem to anyone.


Well-Known Member
I did it in February with two friends, we started at 3, and had a blast. We vowed not to leave the country that we bought the drink in until we finished said drink. I called it, "cultural immersion." :lol:

Here's my drink assortment

Mexico-Fiesta Margarita
Norway-Carlsburg Beer
China-Plum Wine
Germany-Spaten Optimater
Italy-Red Wine(Can't remember the kind, too long ago)
America-Sam Adams Boston Lagar
Morocco-Casa Beer
France-Red Wine(Same situation as Italy)
Canada-Labatt Blue Lt.

The mixing actually didn't have an effect on me. So unless you don't drink much, I doubt it would pose a problem to anyone.

Thats what I was thinking. While I have never 'drunk around the world", it's only 11 drinks. I mean I dont want to do it in an hour, or drive afterwards, but its not like I am going to fall into the lagoon. (AS opposed to wandering though the golf course back to SSR after the second to last night of the Adventurers Club :) )



Well-Known Member
I drank 6 or 7 half yards of Guiness and then had a 40oz Becks. I was so wrecked that it was an absolute struggle to get to the bus and back to Ft. Wilderness. While it wasnt a circumnavigation of booze, I did constantly go back to the UK to get anothe refill as we made our way around the countries. I probably walked about 5 miles as I kept going back.

And France has those frozen drinks of Grey Goose lemonade or Gran Marnier orange. They are sooooo good,but for the $8.50 a pop, it isnt something you want to drink a lot of to get drunk unless you got some deep pockets.

The only nightware to whole thing is that once you "break the seal", you best empty yourself just before you get on the bus or it can be one painful ride back. :lol:


Well-Known Member
YUCK BEER!!!go for the good stuff--liquor first!!!!1

What Packer fan would eschew beer in favor of liquor? You're a stronger man than I.

In any event, beering around the world is a wonderful, slow, fully flavored experience. Yes, picking a cooler day, and a minimum of 3 and half hours, would be much better. Frequent burping helps alot in this endeaver. Actually, frequent burping is almost always helpful in any endeaver.

After your final drink at the 11th country, be sure not to pick any fights, remove any clothing, drive, or otherwise attract the attention of our friends in blue. Getting to know the Department of Tourism officials at the local jail is not the way to close out your disney vacation, and it is certainly a mistake that I will not make . . . . again.

Finally, after beering around World Showcase, feel free to beer around the entire actual world. Start in Wisconsin and end in Minnesota, working your way eastward (always travel in the direction of the sunrise). I have known several Australians who have done this, and never had a bad time . . . that they can remember. Prost!


Well-Known Member
Thats what I was thinking. While I have never 'drunk around the world", it's only 11 drinks. I mean I dont want to do it in an hour, or drive afterwards, but its not like I am going to fall into the lagoon. (AS opposed to wandering though the golf course back to SSR after the second to last night of the Adventurers Club :) )


Yea, our regret is we did the first half WAY TOO slow, so we had to speed through the last half, which ultimately got us drunk. Now, I wasn't drunk enough that I made a scene, I tend to keep to myself when I'm in public while under the influence. But yea, it is only 11 drinks, but it all boils down to the pace at which you drink.


New Member
Well for my sister's 21st birthday, we went drinking around the world. I couldn't b/c I wasn't of age yet. We had the party when my dance studio went down to perform, so a lot of our friends and family went! It was so much fun. My friends and I decided to go "eating" around the world. lol. And yes, they did finish! We finished off the night by watching IllumiNations. Good night. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yea, you also gotta take as many pictures with a hat on in each country, and a drink in one hand. :lol:
lol, I like your style. I took a pic with the Moroccan Aladdin hat, but I should have gotten a hat from every country that I could find one in.

I've gotten a lot of good ideas from this thread for my next attempt.


Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
Great thread! The only time we made it - and we didn't do the real one - is when it was Food and Wine. We did Canada, skipped UK (where we had dinner later) and stopped at the Ireland and Australia stand, along with the US stand, and then did the pavilions for France, Japan, Norway, Germany, and Italy - started to make our way back and stopped at four more stands - I can't really remember - so it ended up being 14 stops. So more stops for drinks - but they are also smaller portions. I was :p :hammer::veryconfu then :snore:!! It was fun but I don't know if I could do the real version. we'll try again this year - as we do every year!! :sohappy: We usually get almost there - but never quite make it. When we try to hit each pavilion - we start at Mexico, go to each one - usually end up skipping Chine, Japan, and Morocco, and then to Canada before we stop at the UK. UK is always dinner on the first night so we always end up there. :sohappy:


New Member
Anyone try it? Anyone finish? What's your order? How was your experience?

I gave it a try last year, but it was ridiculously hot and we didn't eat dinner because we got there later than we had originally planned, so it wasn't good. My girlfriend was rushing me from country to country. I planned like half an hour in each country at least, she was moving on in 15-20 minutes because she didn't want to drink much and it was too hot and humid. I got half way through and I was full (6 beers in a couple hours makes you full). It was fun though, we were asking people to take pictures of us in random spots. In Morocco I put the Aladdin hat on and stuff.

I went from
Canada - Moosehead
UK - Guinness (should have went with Bass, not as heavy)
France - Kronenberg
Morocco - Heiniken (they didn't have the Moroccan beer, and I hate Heiniken:hurl:)
Japan - Tsing Tsao
United States - Sam Adams
Then I couldn't drink anymore because my stomach was about to explode and my girlfriend wanted to go even though it was an extra magic hours night and the park was open for another three or so hours.

Then I had a little bit of Margarita in Mexico which Tequila disgusts me, IDK why I did it.

All-in-all t'was terrible. I want to try again next year.

IDK if hitting Mexico first is better, although I'd prefer to have my British beer before everything tastes the same.

My wife and I did it with one of the bartenders from Rose and Crown in 2 1/2 hours 1 Drink in each country the only one that bothered us was Japans Saki. Then had dinner at Rose and Crown ( The Bartender reserved a front center table on the Lake and had dinner with us, when I asked for the check, they said we were all set) watched Illuminations. All in all a great night.

We are in our late 40's before the flameing starts.......

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
I'm not sure if they still have/do this or not...

When I turned 21 and went to WS on my birthday, I bought a child's 'passport' in the International Gateway gift shop. When I went around to each spot, I had the KidCOT representative from each country write the drink I had there and sign it. When I got home, though I may have no remembered what I exactly drank, I had proof in the form of an amazing souvenier.


Well-Known Member
Pace yourself. We did it several times at Food and Wine. But otherwise we are able to get both of us pretty schnockard with $50. And the money goes farther if you don't eat for several hours before you do it.

I've seen Illuminations a billion times but after Drinks Around the World they were the best ever! :animwink:

Here we are at the end of the night with our Glow Tini from Rose & Crown:


Well-Known Member
it sounds to me like the "first annual wdwmagic drink-it-your-way-ticket to beerfest". :D

could someone please take the lead in putting this together?:ROFLOL:


New Member
I'm not sure if they still have/do this or not...

When I turned 21 and went to WS on my birthday, I bought a child's 'passport' in the International Gateway gift shop. When I went around to each spot, I had the KidCOT representative from each country write the drink I had there and sign it. When I got home, though I may have no remembered what I exactly drank, I had proof in the form of an amazing souvenier.

Thats a great idea. Excellent Souvenier.

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