Trip Report Double Double Dip Trip June 2017 (Completed!)

Hello all and welcome to my trip report. My husband, Brad, and I just got back from a WDW trip and a Disney cruise on the Dream. Why am I calling it a double double dip? Well, we checked in and out of WDW twice, our cruise was a double dip (2 stops at Castaway Cay), and we had 2 birthdays to celebrate. So sit back and relax and enjoy my trip report.

Dates of vacation: June 18 to July 1

Resort: Pop Century (both times)

Cruise: Disney Dream

Travelers: Me (Amy) and my husband (Brad)

I'm tagging a few people that have followed my past reports. If I missed you, sorry, but please follow anyway. If you are new, welcome. And if I tagged you and you don't want to read, no problem! :)

@figmentfan423 @MinnieM123 @Cesar R M @donaldtoo @MySmallWorldof4 @MOXOMUMD @JenniferS @PacNWTigger @Tuvalu @Gabe1 @betty rose @Songbird76 @sheriffwoody @bee @blgauger @BuddyThomas @fractal @93boomer @MouseDreaming @Wrangler-Rick @PUSH @Mr Ferret 88 @amjt660 @Minnesota disney fan

June 18: Our first day of vacation was not a Disney day. We live near Minneapolis (about 1 hour 15 min from the airport) and we decided to spend the night before at a hotel so we didn't have to get up so early. When my husband got home from work around noon we headed over to Minneapolis and went to one of our favorite spots, the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. We go here a lot and I was hoping to catch the peonies in full bloom but we missed the full bloom by about 4 days. That was disappointing as it is my favorite flower, but there were still some peonies and the roses were blooming nicely. We had a nice time walking around, and a local symphony was giving a concert so we listened to that for a bit. Hubby was pleased when they played a Star Wars medley. So here are some pictures.

The peony walk, as you can see not in full bloom.

Some of the roses.




The Arboretum often has changing botanical displays and so for these might be my favorite. It is a kaleidoscope and the bowl with the flowers spins, it is fun to look through.


After the Arboretum we headed to the Mall of America and did the Flying over America attraction since I had a 50% coupon. It is a take on Disney's Soarin. We had done the America version here before and they were running a limited showing of Flying over Canada so we opted for that. It was fine but no Disney. Although the seats at the Mall of America version are more comfortable.

Dinner that night was a the Hard Rock Cafe, we hadn't eaten at a Hard Rock in years. Neither of us could make a decision about where to eat so we settled on this since it was a few steps away from the exit of Flying over America. Now when I say settled, that soon changed when we started eating our burgers, hubs got a special Memphis burger and I had a Guinness burger. We both had herbed fries. And the meal was fantastic. Sorry no food pics of this, perhaps on another visit.


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Mini-golfing was fun and each hole has some fun gags and the views are very nice as well.







So who won? Brad says it was a tie. However, one of his shots bounced off the rim of the cup and didn't go in. He claimed it did or at least would have if the lip of the cup hadn't been raised and didn't count another stroke for himself. I didn't seem to have a problem with the lip being raised on that one. So, I claim that I really won because he should have actually got it in the hole. What do you guys think?

The kiddo pirate party was in full swing by the time we finished.


The show in the main theater was Cars 3. I don't think the seats in this theater were made for sitting for two hours, the rows are close together and it was difficult to stretch out my legs. So I was uncomfortable for most of the time. I did manage to fall asleep for about 10 minutes during the movie. I don't think I missed much though. Overall I did think Cars 3 is better than Cars 2 but I wasn't totally impressed with it either. Maybe I'll have a different opinion when I rewatch it in a comfortable recliner at home, and stay awake (maybe) for the whole thing.

We did get popcorn though. And I got a Perrier, I was pretty excited to have some bubbly water. I really don't drink a lot of soda and I was getting tired of Diet Coke as my only non-alcoholic bubbly.


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By the time we got out of Cars 3 it was getting close to the main Pirate event of the evening, the fireworks. By the time we got up on deck most of the good spots were taken and we had to settle. We also had a little disagreement over which side the fireworks would be on, both of us insisting we were right. I was correct actually, but agreed to stay where Brad said mostly because even though I knew he was wrong it was getting crowded and we would have an okay but obstructed view.

The fireworks don't start until after a little Captain Jack Sparrow show, it is a nice little show perhaps a couple minutes too long. But the real thrill is the fireworks, it isn't a bad show for being shot off of a ship and is set to the Pirates music. I guess I don't have pictures of the fireworks probably because it was an obstructed view (aquaduck was in the way) and I wanted to enjoy them. Here are a couple bad pictures from the show though.





After the fireworks we headed to our room to enjoy some time on the veranda. However we had to pass through the special pirate night buffet to get to our room. So we did have a snack. It was neat to see the pirate carvings. It was a very popular spot at that moment as well.

Up next: Our last full day, our at sea day.


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I love Chip & Dale in their pirate outfits!

I'm glad that even after your apps weren't that great, you still had good desserts (which to me is what really matters!)

You definitely won mini golf, sorry Brad! ;)

Thanks for siding with me! I love getting my picture taken with Chip and Dale, together they are always amusing. I remember one time at Epcot they were playing around and then unzipped my purse and looked around. I asked them if they were looking for snacks, and they shook their heads yes. They were very disappointed when I told them I had none in my purse. It was funny. :)


Well-Known Member
I apologize for all the likes today! I've really enjoyed your report and all your of your pics! The cruise and food look amazing.

I loved your Minnie dress and yes you should just wear it around the house for fun;)

You totally won at putt-putt!

Captain Mickey and Pirate Chip and Dale are just the cutest:inlove:

Looking forward to seeing your last day on the ship and the rest of your land trip!


Well-Known Member
Mini-golfing was fun and each hole has some fun gags and the views are very nice as well.
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So who won? Brad says it was a tie. However, one of his shots bounced off the rim of the cup and didn't go in. He claimed it did or at least would have if the lip of the cup hadn't been raised and didn't count another stroke for himself. I didn't seem to have a problem with the lip being raised on that one. So, I claim that I really won because he should have actually got it in the hole. What do you guys think?

The kiddo pirate party was in full swing by the time we finished.
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The show in the main theater was Cars 3. I don't think the seats in this theater were made for sitting for two hours, the rows are close together and it was difficult to stretch out my legs. So I was uncomfortable for most of the time. I did manage to fall asleep for about 10 minutes during the movie. I don't think I missed much though. Overall I did think Cars 3 is better than Cars 2 but I wasn't totally impressed with it either. Maybe I'll have a different opinion when I rewatch it in a comfortable recliner at home, and stay awake (maybe) for the whole thing.

We did get popcorn though. And I got a Perrier, I was pretty excited to have some bubbly water. I really don't drink a lot of soda and I was getting tired of Diet Coke as my only non-alcoholic bubbly.
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I think that because it was your birthday, his argument was moot, even if it was true. You won.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for siding with me! I love getting my picture taken with Chip and Dale, together they are always amusing. I remember one time at Epcot they were playing around and then unzipped my purse and looked around. I asked them if they were looking for snacks, and they shook their heads yes. They were very disappointed when I told them I had none in my purse. It was funny. :)
Maybe they had previously met @Tuvalu and she had some purse grapes, and thought that was standard purse content?


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We decided to try the Meridian lounge for a bit tonight instead of the Skyline. It was pretty dead up there and my creme brulee martini really just tasted of Bailey's and strong alcohol. We had a fun pair of swans on our bed though.
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As I mentioned we were part of a group cruise. One of the activities was to have a pajama party at 687 lounge and then at midnight we got to take the kids club for an hour and play. Here's some pictures of the kids club takeover.
I thought the floor was a disco dance floor, and I suppose it could be but it was an interactive video screen thing too.

Practicing my moves.
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To play the game there were foot pads around the edge. It was a lot of fun to play the games.
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Brad was excited to "pilot" the Millennium Falcon.
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Taking over the kids area??
Sign me up
Too cool!!
I want to fly the falcon too



Premium Member
First of all, you won the game of mini-golf.

Your TR update was so photo and content rich, that I wouldn't even know where to start (other than you won the game of mini-golf ;) ).

One thing that always catches my eye is the variety of t-shirts that you and Brad have. I'm thinking that when you go to WDW at certain times of the year, or go on a cruise, there must be some better merchandise to buy. I particularly liked Brad's blue, tie-dyed shirt.

The conch shell and starfish you two found in the water were amazing! :cool:

I'm glad you were a dork in the water on your birthday. Next time, remember, you really don't have to wait a year until your next birthday--do what I do--be a dork every day!! :p


Premium Member
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I apologize for all the likes today! I've really enjoyed your report and all your of your pics! The cruise and food look amazing.

I loved your Minnie dress and yes you should just wear it around the house for fun;)

You totally won at putt-putt!

Captain Mickey and Pirate Chip and Dale are just the cutest:inlove:

Looking forward to seeing your last day on the ship and the rest of your land trip!

No need for apologies, all the like make me feel special. :happy: And thanks for siding with me on the putt-putt!


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How fun that you both got to celebrate your birthdays and your anniversary on this trip!!

We usually go at the end of June on our big vacation so we can celebrate the birthdays and anniversary. The rule is we can never leave our vacation to go home on my birthday because that would just make me sad. Along the lines of sad, in 2018 we won't be able to vacation over our birthdays & anniversary, my husband is a pastor and there is a big youth convention (happens every 3 years) in Houston that he has to chaperone. I could chaperone too but chaperoning 20 teenagers among thousands of other teenagers doesn't sound like a good way to spend my birthday. I've chaperoned at these youth gatherings before and it can be fun but overall its a lot of work.


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I think that because it was your birthday, his argument was moot, even if it was true. You won.

Maybe they had previously met @Tuvalu and she had some purse grapes, and thought that was standard purse content?

Yay another person on my side of the putt-putt score. And good point about the purse grapes and Chip and Dale, that could be very true! :)


Premium Member
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First of all, you won the game of mini-golf.

Your TR update was so photo and content rich, that I wouldn't even know where to start (other than you won the game of mini-golf ;) ).

One thing that always catches my eye is the variety of t-shirts that you and Brad have. I'm thinking that when you go to WDW at certain times of the year, or go on a cruise, there must be some better merchandise to buy. I particularly liked Brad's blue, tie-dyed shirt.

The conch shell and starfish you two found in the water were amazing! :cool:

I'm glad you were a dork in the water on your birthday. Next time, remember, you really don't have to wait a year until your next birthday--do what I do--be a dork every day!! :p

Yes! Another person agrees with me about the mini-golf, so I must be the true winner. And don't worry, I am a dork every day! There just aren't as many pictures to document it! :cool:

The blue tie-dyed shirt of Brad's you mentioned is (if he is wearing it in the water) is his swim shirt. And we probably have way too many tee-shirts, we are suckers for cool tee-shirt designs. If have tried taking pictures of the designs I like instead of buying but a few always end up in my suitcase anyway. Oh, don't worry I do pay for them, I don't just stuff them in my suitcase!


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June 29 Our last full day and a day at sea

After our pre-breakfast veranda time and regular breakfast we just hung out on the adult deck for awhile.

The hot tub on deck.


I like how the bathrooms on the ship often have a Mickey theme.


Then we split up for awhile Brad went and did a free art of the ship tour. He really enjoyed the tour and from what he shared, I think I would have enjoyed it as well. I went to the Senses spa for a massage. It was good and disappointing/uncomfortable. My massage was well done, I often go for massages back home because I get a little back pain from time to time and it helps. The Senses spa was more upscale than I am used to . My massages are at a medical/physical therapy office and while the rooms for massages are pleasant it isn't the same vibe. Still that wasn't much of a problem.

The therapist here was nice but immediately made me uncomfortable in the room. I asked that unscented products be used, it is no problem back home, and I figured here it (especially on a Disney ship) it wouldn't be a problem. I eventually got the unscented, oh the reason I like unscented is that I'm sensitive to certain smells and some can cause headaches and make me nauseous. I told the therapist this and she said "Well this IS a spa and there are a lot of scents used and around in the rooms." I just said that I needed unscented, while in my head I was thinking, "Yeah lady I know it's a spa and scents are used that doesn't mean I want them on me."

Anyway, after that the massage was good but at the end she started to try to sell me on products. Products including scented oils! Another one was a brush she had used, she said it would get rid of some of my build up. I assumed at the time she was talking about fat build up and I thought, "gee if a brush would get rid of my build up I'd be brushing 24-7." But now I think she might have been referring to dry skin. She did get a little snooty as I kept turning her down. It again made me uncomfortable because I had been feeling really relaxed and mellow and now this was making me all uptight again and I don't like the pressure (even though she didn't keep pushing). It made me feel like I was being a cheapskate, and I was paying more than double for this massage than I do at home. So while the massage was good and left my back feeling great, I can't say that the spa experience was a highlight. If I ever choose to do a massage on the ship again I will again request the unscented lotion/oil and I will also tell them I have NO intention of buying anything after the massage. So maybe I should have taken the free tour with Brad.

Oh I did enjoy using the showers in the spa area. There were different products in there and full sized showers, the ones in the cabins are a little small. Plus anyone using the fitness center can use the showers and sauna in the locker room. So maybe I'll just do that next time.


After the massage I went back to the room to meet up with Brad and we went to Cabanas at lunch. That was a HUGE mistake. It was at sea day, everyone is on the ship and it was the start of prime lunch time! YIKES! Let's just say it was tough to get a table. I finally found one for us and as I was putting my plate down a guy who I guess was also going for the table too, although he only had a drink and no food (but was not there or very close when I was putting my plate down) stood next to my table and said, "Well, that's just great I don't mind at all if your sit there!" and stalked off. Not before I shot back, "I don't mind either." Probably not my best moment. But the table was clearly empty and I had gotten there first. Brad was miffed that I said something to the guy, but I was also a little miffed at Brad for letting a kid push him away from a table earlier. Story: Brad was putting his plate down on a table when a kid with his dad in tow (neither one of them had any food, unlike Brad who had a plate and a drink) slid into a chair and said "Its our table Dad," and the Dad looked at Brad and didn't say anything but sat in the chair next to where Brad was standing. So Brad just moved on, he said it wasn't worth the fight. He was probably right, but with it being so crowded and we had food it was annoying. So anyway, after the annoyances passed we had a decent lunch. Next time we will skip Cabanas and go to one of the table service restaurants, counters, or order lunch in our room. Lesson learned.






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Here are some pictures from Brad's Art of the Ship tour. He said a lot of time was spent in Remy, one of the extra charge restaurants on the ship. We have not eaten at Remy mostly because I'm kind of a picky eater, especially in terms of seafood/fish as I will not eat it. And Remy seems to have a lot on its menu. But it is pretty inside.





Lasseter wines that are reserved for John Lasseter, his family or his friends to drink on the ship. Hubs said that occasionally the staff of Remy is allowed to open one for a wine tasting.


Apparently the wine that the critic orders in the movie Ratatouille is a real wine, and kind of a big deal. It's cost is $25,000. Hubs was told that only two bottles have been opened on Disney ships. Once on the Fantasy and the guest shared the bottle with everyone that was in the restaurant at the time, and once on the Dream when a cast member dropped it. Can you imagine being that cast member!?!? I don't know if I could ever justify buying a $25,000 bottle of wine or of anything that easily consumable but I guess that might be why I'm not a millionaire.


Well-Known Member
Once on the Fantasy and the guest shared the bottle with everyone that was in the restaurant at the time, and once on the Dream when a cast member dropped it. Can you imagine being that cast member!?!? I don't know if I could ever justify buying a $25,000 bottle of wine or of anything that easily consumable but I guess that might be why I'm not a millionaire.

When I worked at Tim Hortons I dropped a bag of cream on the floor that probably cost the company $5 and I felt awful about it!! I cannot imagine $25,000!! That's my tuition!!!


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The rest of the day we spent hanging out on the adult pool decks, napping and frolicking in Satellite Falls. We also had a group meet up by the ice cream, an ice cream social. We brought Magic Shell to share with everyone and it was fun. Before dinner we also had a group farewell party.

Dinner that night was back at the Enchanted Garden and it was a different menu tonight. It was actually our last full meal on the ship. We weren't staying for breakfast in the morning, we were doing the early bird walk off.



I had the tomato mozzarella salad

And the Malaysian chicken satay. This was one of my favorite things that I ate on the ship.

Brad has some sort of tuna appetizer

I got the schnitzel. The breading was nice and crisp, but lacked flavor. The bread came with a sun dried tomato spread that night and since by the time the entree came everyone was done with the bread I put the leftover tomato spread on the schnitzel and that made it much better. Notice there was also an anchovy on top. Luckily it was on the lemon and not touching the meat, but it still creeped me out .

Brad got lamb

The dessert menu

We both got the chocolate dessert which was good.


Well-Known Member
Pirates party looks like a blast!

I hate the hard sales pitch, especially at the end of a high end experience. We had the same thing at a beautiful spa in Jamaica. Ruined it for us.

More rude people. It was a perfect opportunity for that Father to set a good example for his son. What a shame.

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