Trip Report Double Double Dip Trip June 2017 (Completed!)

Hello all and welcome to my trip report. My husband, Brad, and I just got back from a WDW trip and a Disney cruise on the Dream. Why am I calling it a double double dip? Well, we checked in and out of WDW twice, our cruise was a double dip (2 stops at Castaway Cay), and we had 2 birthdays to celebrate. So sit back and relax and enjoy my trip report.

Dates of vacation: June 18 to July 1

Resort: Pop Century (both times)

Cruise: Disney Dream

Travelers: Me (Amy) and my husband (Brad)

I'm tagging a few people that have followed my past reports. If I missed you, sorry, but please follow anyway. If you are new, welcome. And if I tagged you and you don't want to read, no problem! :)

@figmentfan423 @MinnieM123 @Cesar R M @donaldtoo @MySmallWorldof4 @MOXOMUMD @JenniferS @PacNWTigger @Tuvalu @Gabe1 @betty rose @Songbird76 @sheriffwoody @bee @blgauger @BuddyThomas @fractal @93boomer @MouseDreaming @Wrangler-Rick @PUSH @Mr Ferret 88 @amjt660 @Minnesota disney fan

June 18: Our first day of vacation was not a Disney day. We live near Minneapolis (about 1 hour 15 min from the airport) and we decided to spend the night before at a hotel so we didn't have to get up so early. When my husband got home from work around noon we headed over to Minneapolis and went to one of our favorite spots, the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. We go here a lot and I was hoping to catch the peonies in full bloom but we missed the full bloom by about 4 days. That was disappointing as it is my favorite flower, but there were still some peonies and the roses were blooming nicely. We had a nice time walking around, and a local symphony was giving a concert so we listened to that for a bit. Hubby was pleased when they played a Star Wars medley. So here are some pictures.

The peony walk, as you can see not in full bloom.

Some of the roses.




The Arboretum often has changing botanical displays and so for these might be my favorite. It is a kaleidoscope and the bowl with the flowers spins, it is fun to look through.


After the Arboretum we headed to the Mall of America and did the Flying over America attraction since I had a 50% coupon. It is a take on Disney's Soarin. We had done the America version here before and they were running a limited showing of Flying over Canada so we opted for that. It was fine but no Disney. Although the seats at the Mall of America version are more comfortable.

Dinner that night was a the Hard Rock Cafe, we hadn't eaten at a Hard Rock in years. Neither of us could make a decision about where to eat so we settled on this since it was a few steps away from the exit of Flying over America. Now when I say settled, that soon changed when we started eating our burgers, hubs got a special Memphis burger and I had a Guinness burger. We both had herbed fries. And the meal was fantastic. Sorry no food pics of this, perhaps on another visit.

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Ahhh! Sorry for all the likes you got from me today. Catching up and wanted to comment on some things as well :)

We really like the Rivers of Light show, and I enjoy the music. Which much to my delight was available this trip on CD (I found it at a cart near Tough to Be a Bug).

I'm so happy you said this! I have been searching for the music and couldn't find anything on iTunes. I will have to look for the CD next time I'm in Disney!

Brad got some sushi (none for me, fish are friends not food).

Agreed :p I despise most seafood! haha

I do think they wanted most of the people to be crying through the first part of the show, the scenes from Toy Story 3 and Up made me a mess for a little bit.

OMG right?! I balled my eyes out for the whole first part of the show and then again at the end! And everyone was crying!

that they were moved to tears (literally) and that it was so emotional for them. I did not feel that way, no tears were shed by me.

Guilty....I cried and I have no idea why. I don't even really like the movie :joyfull:

Yep, this veranda will do nicely!

Thats amazing! The cabana too :)
I really want to go on a Disney cruise I just can't seem to convince anyone to go with me/I worry I will get motion sickness :)

Anyway sorry for all the comments, I was trying to catch up :)


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Ahhh! Sorry for all the likes you got from me today. Catching up and wanted to comment on some things as well :)

I'm so happy you said this! I have been searching for the music and couldn't find anything on iTunes. I will have to look for the CD next time I'm in Disney!

Agreed :p I despise most seafood! haha

OMG right?! I balled my eyes out for the whole first part of the show and then again at the end! And everyone was crying!

Guilty....I cried and I have no idea why. I don't even really like the movie :joyfull:

Thats amazing! The cabana too :)
I really want to go on a Disney cruise I just can't seem to convince anyone to go with me/I worry I will get motion sickness :)

Anyway sorry for all the comments, I was trying to catch up :)

No problem for the likes and comments. That's the fun part about the trip reports!:)

As for the cd, I was really surprised to see it. Before we first saw Rivers of Light in March I saw the cd pop up on the Shop Parks App and I was going to order it when I saw it and I decided to wait. I went back on to the app a couple days later to order it and it was gone, poof! No biggie, I thought as I was going to be in Animal Kingdom in a couple weeks. So then we were in AK and I went into one of the main shops by the tree and saw all the ROL merchandise and no cd. So I asked and the cast member asked around, finally a cast member said that all the ROL cds were in the back in boxes but they weren't allowed to sell them yet and didn't know when they would be able to. So I kept watching the Parks App again, at least twice a week (probably more) and it never came up. So when I saw it out of the corner of my eye at that little cart I was shocked, surprised, and happy. And of course practically sprinted over to buy it. I hope you are able to get it. I find it relaxing to listen to, in fact next time I go in for a massage I might ask the technician to play it, her music sounds very AK/ROL-like anyway.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that cried at the Toy Story and Up part of the Pixar show. And I won't judge you about crying at FOP, maybe you got some of the Banshee hair in your eye.;)

If you are worried about motion sickness I would suggest trying a short cruise first. Our first was a 4 nighter. My husband was very concerned about getting sick because he gets motion sick on lots of rides. He took Dramamine the first day (when we boarded) and then never again. Our first cruise had super calm water though, even the cruise director said it was one of the smoothest seas he had ever experienced. When we cruised in November the sea was a little rougher but even then he was fine. This cruise again it was smooth water, so maybe June provides good water. Hopefully you will get to try it some day.


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June 27: Nassau day, or as we called it an at sea day while docked
We woke up to our pre-breakfast and enjoyed watching us come into port in Nassau. It was cool watching as we turned around and backed into the dock slot.

Eventually we made our way to breakfast and because that was so much work, we rested here on these comfy loungers by the adult only pool.

So we swam a little, did the hot tub (adults only), rode the Aqua-duck twice in a row and relaxed. We had a group activity at 11am and Palo brunch reservations at noon so around 10:15 we headed to the room to get properly attired. That is when it started to rain. I was glad we had indoor activities planned for awhile. It did clear off later.


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Our group activity was a game in Evolution but by the time we left at noon it hadn't started yet. Bummer, we like games. Anyway, on to Palo brunch. This was our second time doing the Palo brunch. We weren't going to do it, but when I booked the cabana I decided we should do this again. I have heard of people spending 3-4 hours at the brunch, yikes! The first time we were there an hour and a half, this time an hour. We thought we ate a lot here but not nearly as much as the first time, yet we just rolled ourselves into our stateroom after. So full, so good!

Even though it was raining at the start of our meal we still enjoyed the view. Last time our view was of a Carnival ship. This was lots better.

Ironically our dinner table mates also had a Palo brunch that day, and had arrived at 11, but guess who was at the table next to us. Yep our dinner table mates!

Some treats from the appetizer buffet, below the meat was probably one of my favorite things (actually one thing I remembered from the last time that made me book this brunch) of the meal it was eggplant wrapped feta. And normally I don't even like eggplant! The sticky buns were pretty good.

Brad's appetizer plate

My first entree was the lasagna, good but needed a little salt and garlic.

Hubs started with a ham and cheese frittata

Then I got the chicken parm. Again good just needed a little extra something like salt or garlic.

Brad's fish, I think it was red snapper.

Probably one of my least favorite parts of the meal was our waiter. He started out okay, and he was attentive enough but I didn't care for him personally. He kept asking me why I was so serious. Really?! I didn't think I was being serious or needed to be a comedienne to eat at a restaurant. I asked Brad if I was being any different than normal and he said no. I was my normal self talking and joking around with Brad and polite to the server. I wasn't being demanding or anything, I smiled when he asked how things were. He actually made me pretty uncomfortable, like I was doing something out of the ordinary. After he asked why I was so serious the 3rd time I thought about asking for a manager because it was upsetting and making me feel self-conscious when this was supposed to be a nice meal. Brad told me to let it go but now I wish I had said something. I just don't know what was up that waiter's a$$.


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Some more of Palo.

See I wasn't that serious, we even took silly pictures (it is fairly normal for us to do silly pictures with food or drinks, I just don't often post them anywhere).

Time for dessert, my plate

Brad's plate

Our waiter did bring out some nice celebration plates.

So we left Palo very full, feeling mostly happy (I was still a little peeved but the food coma made that abate a little.). And the next stop....our stateroom. I napped on the bed and Brad napped on the couch. We did put on Hunchback of Notre Dame, and I fell asleep shortly after Quasi sings Out There and woke up at the end.


Premium Member
Probably one of my least favorite parts of the meal was our waiter. He started out okay, and he was attentive enough but I didn't care for him personally. He kept asking me why I was so serious. Really?! I didn't think I was being serious or needed to be a comedienne to eat at a restaurant. I asked Brad if I was being any different than normal and he said no. I was my normal self talking and joking around with Brad and polite to the server. I wasn't being demanding or anything, I smiled when he asked how things were. He actually made me pretty uncomfortable, like I was doing something out of the ordinary. After he asked why I was so serious the 3rd time I thought about asking for a manager because it was upsetting and making me feel self-conscious when this was supposed to be a nice meal. Brad told me to let it go but now I wish I had said something. I just don't know what was up that waiter's a$$.

The waiter asking the question once, was kinda odd to begin with, unless he was just joking around and trying to get you to smile. (Sometimes people say things like that to get a reaction--personally, I can't stand it when someone does that. :rolleyes: If I wanna smile, I'll smile--not if someone wants me to.)

Agreed--he was a bit of strange duck. Once was inappropriate for his comment; three times crossed the line, IMO.

This is also one of those situations where you think about it after the fact, and ponder different courses of action. Happens to all of us. And, I wouldn't have blamed you if you did call over a manager. In the big picture, this may have not been anything major (and the food, itself, was wonderful), but I think that anything that made you, the customer, feel uncomfortable perhaps should have been addressed at the time. (Yet--I also realize that sometimes we back off, as we don't want to make anyone else at our table to feel uncomfortable--so we suck it up.) There's probably no good answer here. Sorry to hear that you experienced a lesser experience, because of this guy.


Premium Member
Our group activity was a game in Evolution but by the time we left at noon it hadn't started yet. Bummer, we like games. Anyway, on to Palo brunch. This was our second time doing the Palo brunch. We weren't going to do it, but when I booked the cabana I decided we should do this again. I have heard of people spending 3-4 hours at the brunch, yikes! The first time we were there an hour and a half, this time an hour. We thought we ate a lot here but not nearly as much as the first time, yet we just rolled ourselves into our stateroom after. So full, so good!
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Even though it was raining at the start of our meal we still enjoyed the view. Last time our view was of a Carnival ship. This was lots better.
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Ironically our dinner table mates also had a Palo brunch that day, and had arrived at 11, but guess who was at the table next to us. Yep our dinner table mates!
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Some treats from the appetizer buffet, below the meat was probably one of my favorite things (actually one thing I remembered from the last time that made me book this brunch) of the meal it was eggplant wrapped feta. And normally I don't even like eggplant! The sticky buns were pretty good.
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Brad's appetizer plate
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My first entree was the lasagna, good but needed a little salt and garlic.
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Hubs started with a ham and cheese frittata
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Then I got the chicken parm. Again good just needed a little extra something like salt or garlic.
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Brad's fish, I think it was red snapper.
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Probably one of my least favorite parts of the meal was our waiter. He started out okay, and he was attentive enough but I didn't care for him personally. He kept asking me why I was so serious. Really?! I didn't think I was being serious or needed to be a comedienne to eat at a restaurant. I asked Brad if I was being any different than normal and he said no. I was my normal self talking and joking around with Brad and polite to the server. I wasn't being demanding or anything, I smiled when he asked how things were. He actually made me pretty uncomfortable, like I was doing something out of the ordinary. After he asked why I was so serious the 3rd time I thought about asking for a manager because it was upsetting and making me feel self-conscious when this was supposed to be a nice meal. Brad told me to let it go but now I wish I had said something. I just don't know what was up that waiter's a$$.

That is so incredibly off putting!!


Well-Known Member
Some more of Palo.

See I wasn't that serious, we even took silly pictures (it is fairly normal for us to do silly pictures with food or drinks, I just don't often post them anywhere).
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Time for dessert, my plate
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Brad's plate
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Our waiter did bring out some nice celebration plates.
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So we left Palo very full, feeling mostly happy (I was still a little peeved but the food coma made that abate a little.). And the next stop....our stateroom. I napped on the bed and Brad napped on the couch. We did put on Hunchback of Notre Dame, and I fell asleep shortly after Quasi sings Out There and woke up at the end.
Could you maybe contact them now? Not to get anything out of it, but to let them know that that CM might need some guidance in dealing with guests? I probably would not have said anything at the meal, but talked to the manager later. You never know how a server will react if they have to serve you for the duration of your dinner after you've complained, so I wouldn't want to do it at the table unless it was just really inexcusable like calling you a nasty name or something. But that CM must not realize how uncomfortable he was making you, and how many other people did he do the same thing to? They need to know there's a problem to address so someone else doesn't have the same experience you did. It's too late to fix the situation for YOU, but perhaps for the next person?

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
If you are worried about motion sickness I would suggest trying a short cruise first. Our first was a 4 nighter. My husband was very concerned about getting sick because he gets motion sick on lots of rides. He took Dramamine the first day (when we boarded) and then never again. Our first cruise had super calm water though, even the cruise director said it was one of the smoothest seas he had ever experienced. When we cruised in November the sea was a little rougher but even then he was fine. This cruise again it was smooth water, so maybe June provides good water. Hopefully you will get to try it some day.

This is great to hear! I've never had problems on boats before but I do get some motion sickness on rides. I will have to convince my Mom to do a short cruise with me :) Also that waiter sounds obnoxious. I would have been so irritated!

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Once back in our room we hung out on the veranda for awhile. It was nice being at the back of the ship to get some of these cool photos of the island.
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And as we were sailing away we could hear the ships horn sound again, it is so fun to hear the Disney tunes played on the ships horn.
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I want your ship and dale shirt D:


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Original Poster
The waiter asking the question once, was kinda odd to begin with, unless he was just joking around and trying to get you to smile. (Sometimes people say things like that to get a reaction--personally, I can't stand it when someone does that. :rolleyes: If I wanna smile, I'll smile--not if someone wants me to.)

Agreed--he was a bit of strange duck. Once was inappropriate for his comment; three times crossed the line, IMO.

This is also one of those situations where you think about it after the fact, and ponder different courses of action. Happens to all of us. And, I wouldn't have blamed you if you did call over a manager. In the big picture, this may have not been anything major (and the food, itself, was wonderful), but I think that anything that made you, the customer, feel uncomfortable perhaps should have been addressed at the time. (Yet--I also realize that sometimes we back off, as we don't want to make anyone else at our table to feel uncomfortable--so we suck it up.) There's probably no good answer here. Sorry to hear that you experienced a lesser experience, because of this guy.

That is so incredibly off putting!!

Could you maybe contact them now? Not to get anything out of it, but to let them know that that CM might need some guidance in dealing with guests? I probably would not have said anything at the meal, but talked to the manager later. You never know how a server will react if they have to serve you for the duration of your dinner after you've complained, so I wouldn't want to do it at the table unless it was just really inexcusable like calling you a nasty name or something. But that CM must not realize how uncomfortable he was making you, and how many other people did he do the same thing to? They need to know there's a problem to address so someone else doesn't have the same experience you did. It's too late to fix the situation for YOU, but perhaps for the next person?

The waiter was irritating, and I thought about emailing DCL but I don't even remember what his name was. I'm sure the next time I go he won't be there, although even though I don't remember his name I would recognize him so I wouldn't have him by my waiter again. I'll just try to forget about him and remember the food.


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Original Poster
This is great to hear! I've never had problems on boats before but I do get some motion sickness on rides. I will have to convince my Mom to do a short cruise with me :) Also that waiter sounds obnoxious. I would have been so irritated!

If you have been on smaller boats before and haven't had a problem you'd probably do well on a large ship with all the stabilizers they have. Good luck convincing your mom!


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Tonights dinner was at the Royal Palace. Our tablemates had a dinner scheduled at Palo tonight (yes they also had brunch there too) so we had the table to ourselves.


the bread basket was super cute.

Duck confit appetizer

french onion soup

Brad's lamb

crispy duck

an extra side of potatoes, since my duck came with a side of cabbage things and I can't stand cooked cabbage.


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Time for Royal desserts
Grand Marnier souffle

Opera cake

creme brulee

this was taken on the fly on the way out, sorry for the blurr

Done with dinner now what to do, there was a fun character scheduled to do a meet and greet in the atrium so we decided to go get in line.


While we were waiting they had a princess parade, any little girl that had done bibbity boppity boutique could parade down the stairs at this time like a princess. It was fun to watch for a little bit, and then I was like hurry up already so our character can come out. They had to wait until the upper area by the stairs was clear.

While I waited I amused myself with looking at the details of the ship.



Premium Member
Really like the individual photos of you and Brad out on the ship's deck. Maybe it was the late day lighting, and/or the blue ocean and sky backdrop, but you both photographed well in that setting. :)

The presentation photos of the food are amazing!! (I just had a microwaved, Bob's Red Mill oatmeal with flax and chia cup for dinner here. So your REAL :hungry: food photos are killing me!! :p )

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