Dont you just hate this.....?



I just don't understand how people can like rollercoasters.Lets see...wait in line forever, than we ride a ride that has no story whatsoever associated with the ride only to be over in what...2 minutes.No thank you,I'll take my slow dark rides with stories that actually work with the ride.Even Thunder Mountain has a story to it that works within the ride.Hard to see some of the animatronics but hey it's there.Unlike the hulk rollercoaster...lets paint it green that'll be good enough for a connection to the comic book.


Well-Known Member
One of my old best friends went to WDW durring spring break of his senior year in HS for one day. He hated it and said it was too crowded.

So imagine what he said to me when I started working for Disney. "That's such a childish company. Everything is based around kids." He said he would NEVER go back.

Um no. Disney was created from a dream a man had. He worked and worked to make his dream come true until it was the best. That to me, is very noble and astonishing for someone to complete in a lifetime.

NOW, my friend has a new "interest" in his life and that person LOVES Disney. So of corse, he pretends he loves Disney too and is even looking into being a CP, lol! I just hope if he does get into the program that he will learn to work better with people and keep an open mind about things.

Goes to show ya: If people would really look into what the Disney company is all about, they would see SO much more.


i know what its like to know people who dont like disney.. i work with someone who saw a disney background i had one time and was like what are you 5?

to me its just some people are afraid to have fun or enjoy drinkin more or something.. and some people just plain dont like disney. .

i will never stop being a kid lol... even at 21 i still enjoy disney everytime i go there.. if the parks didnt change for the next 10 yrs id probably still love it..


DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by imagineer boy
My parents are sort of that way. They like WDW, but eventually have grown tired of it and don't like going every year. I, however, can't get enough of WDW!:D

But the thing is, we've only been twice!!! (Me and my dad! The rest have been once). But my brother and sister have become huge Disney fans since our last visit (October 2003)! I'm not alone anymore!!! Yeyyyyyyyyyy! :D


New Member
Re: What?

Originally posted by orleans97
I just don't understand how people can like rollercoasters.Lets see...wait in line forever, than we ride a ride that has no story whatsoever associated with the ride only to be over in what...2 minutes.No thank you,I'll take my slow dark rides with stories that actually work with the ride.Even Thunder Mountain has a story to it that works within the ride.Hard to see some of the animatronics but hey it's there.Unlike the hulk rollercoaster...lets paint it green that'll be good enough for a connection to the comic book.

Rollercoasters give you a thrill that no "classic" Disney ride will ever give you!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Re: Re: What?

Originally posted by Michael72688
Rollercoasters give you a thrill that no "classic" Disney ride will ever give you!

They're thrilling alright, but no story. The story always makes it more thrilling.


Well-Known Member
my sister was allowed to take her best friend to WDW during her senior year of high school. since my senior year was last year, then i was allowed to take someone. for a while i stressed over who to take, and when i finally decided (over a year before the trip) i just KNEW i had made the right decision. well, as it came time for the trip, i started second guessing myself, but i wasn't going to bail on my friend. as it ended up, she wasn't the person i should've taken, but i took her anyway. all she could think about was how hot and tired she was, and laying by the pool all day.
the dark rides didn't seem to impress her much. and when we got off RnRC (our last day) she exclaimed "Now THIS is a ride! All those other ones weren't rides, but THIS was a ride!" that sort of disappointed me.
she did seem to like getting character autographs though...she's into princesses (which i'm not, at all) and she claimed that she wasn't leaving Florida until she got Princess Aurora's autograph. i don't think i've ever seen Aurora out anywhere, but one morning me and her were going into the MK to meet the rest of my family, and there was Aurora on Main St. so, my friend was pretty excited about that.
she claims she had fun, but she didn't seem to appreciate it as much as i had hoped *sigh* oh well...hopefully i'll have another chance to take a friend, and hopefully i'll take one that can appreciate the smaller things.


I wouldnt bring a friend there, its easier to show your feelings and stuff for disney with Family not friends they will just think you little kid


Re: Re: Re: Dont you just hate this.....?

Originally posted by Epcot is my fav
LOL shes my roommate i cant find another

kick her out. I will be your new roommate and we will go to wdw everyday! how much is the rent? will i have my own bathroom? i have a 50 lb beagle and he will have to come too.

seriously, i guess that it's good that there are some "non-disneyworld enthusiasts" out there so the parks aren't as overcrowded.

just think if EVERYBODY loved wdw as much as us (people who surf fansites, read disney boards, and search for the latest info, etc. all day) went to wdw all the time, we would never get in. they would have to set up some type of lottery system to see who gets in each day, and our chances of getting in would be like 1 day every 10 years. and we would have to pick just 1 park to get in on that one day. So it's better this way. More Disney World for us! yayyyyyy!:sohappy:


Originally posted by Epcot is my fav
When you bring someone to WDW for there first have been there a million times and apprecaite all the little things and they just think its so boring and for little kids!!!!!!!!!!

Last week i brought my roommate over for the day to Magic Kingdom and she hated it. She did not appreciate the story lines of the rides or the little sayings that i repeated to everyone does. She thought the rides were boring and all for little kids. This really ticked me off because she couldnt see the culture and beauty of WDW.....i mean i was not going to force her to like it....BUT come on........well i had a blast like i always do...but it mad my trip a little crappy........:mad:

I guess im better off going with people that appreacite Walt Disney and his imgination!! He created one hell of a place!!

Anyone else have a similiar expericence?:lookaroun

Um, yeah...I was dating someone a few years back and we were in Florida, so we went to the Magic Kingdom...he had never been, but knew how much it meant to me.
I was anxious to show the special little things that makes Disney stand up above every other park..
BUT...all he could do is say "This is just an amusement park" over and over again...
I had to argue "this is in no way like Worlds of Fun (our local amusement park"
And again he would say his little line "This is just an amusement park" like he had rehearsed the line...
I am no longer with him... for other reasons, but I still get miffed when I think about him dismissing Disney.


New Member
Reading this thread has been interesting. I know exactly how some of you feel about showing WDW to someone else, it's like sharing a part of yourself. The love I have for WDW is part of who I am, and to take someone there and have them not enjoy it would be like they basically said they don't like me... Extreme, I know, but it's encouraging to see other people feel the same. I took my girlfriend down there last October and we stayed at the All-Star Movie for a week and we had a BLAST. I don't know if we'd still be together if she had hated it.

As for roller coasters, well, most people don't have to go very far from home to rid a roller coaster. I've been in Denver for 6 years, and have been to WDW twice (not enough, in my opinion) in that time, but have yet to go to the local Six Flags... Roller coasters are ok, but if it's just a ride with no story, and there's no theme to the park itself, it's just a quick thrill... not very memorable.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest that you should have taken your friend to either Epcot or MGM Studios. It still has the magic of Disney, but a bit more "grown up."


Well-Known Member
Ya know what!?

Let 'em think it!...Keep them out of the parks! We don't need them.
If they're that shallow to not think beyond the Mickey ears at the front gate, then they'll never appreciate many other things in life.

"Instant pleasure-ists" I presume?

Let's just all stick together!

"No one understands us! We're such outcasts! Freaks, I tell you!...Freaks! Be quiet! No...YOU be quiet! Stop talking to me! But I wasn't!

'I see (Disney) people!'



Well-Known Member
We went one year with my aunt and cousin,and it was their first time there. They decided they didn't want to go to Epcot becaust it was "too educational" but they didn't tell us that. We waited for them at the bus stop for over two hours. Finally I rode the bus over to their hotel and found them lounging by the pool. :fork: They're never going with us again!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Dont you just hate this.....?

Originally posted by alice
i have a 50 lb beagle and he will have to come too.

OMG I looooove beagles, especially fat ones!!!!! I want one so bad but we live in the city and don't have enough room for one. You're so lucky!


Well-Known Member
Aww, you guys, I know just what you all are talking about. While my experience wasn't quite as depressing as some, I went with two of my friends a while back and while one of them had been there once before, they had done all four parks in ONE DAY and had only stopped on the "good rides." The other friend had never been. So here I am, all pumped to show them the "real" Disney and I'm pretty sure neither of them were that impressed, and they kept making faces at me like "Why were you so excited about THIS?". I just do not see how someone can not at least be INTERESTED in SEEING PotC at least ONE time in their lives! Like, what is THAT?

Fortunately my family are pretty big WDW fanatics so I've always got a small Disney posse to take with me. But still, ugh! It's just not right! (OK, OK, I'll get off my soapbox now...) :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, there's nothing like telling people you're heading down to the world twice in a year and then you get the inevitable speech. "There are so many places in the world. Why would you want to go there twice when you've already been last year??" So now I've decided to just keep my happy trip planning activities to myself. Pfffffft. Who needs you guys. I can't wait to head to the World. I'm going by myself in September and I cannot wait.

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