Dont you just hate this.....?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JMishy
People are telling me that my kids will be too young to enjoy Disney World.

The are NEVER too young!!

We are going in April, and bringing our 3 month old, and our 5 year old. That said, we try to go every year. If you can only manage one trip, while the kids are growing up, you might want to wait until they will remember it.:)

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
This happened to me once. One kid I knew went to WDW for spring break, he came back and said it sucked. He said that there were alot of little kids there and that they "had no rollercoasters":rolleyes:. He knew I was a Disney-holic and kept saying to annoy me "Disney World Sucks!" "Brian, give it up, Disney World sucks!!!!" Man, I wanted to scream my lungs at him to shut up! :fork: :fork: :fork: He's now an official jerk in my book.:mad:


New Member
I know a ton of people who dont like Disney and would pass up a chance to get free Disney tickets. Although Islands of Adventure is my all time favorite theme park, I still like Disney


New Member
Thats a shame that these people don't like WDW.

Some of them sound pretty bitter and may have some issues beyond WDW.

I love rollercoasters but they have nothing on the variety of things to do at WDW.

I am going for our honeymoon in October.
It will be my fiance's first time and I am not vworried about her disliking WDW.


Well-Known Member
My husband is the culprit in our family. :( What're ya gonna do though. I do love roller coasters, but that itch gets scratched at Cedar Point in the summers. ;) I go to WDW for fun and magic, and I'll tell you for sure there is NO magic to be found at Cedar Point! (Mostly protein spills :lookaroun )


New Member
I have a three year old and she has been 9 times. She loves it more every trip. I also have two teenaged step-kids who mope around the park and complain they are bored. Then when we go without them they complain that they were left out. I am sorry, but I am not spending all that money on two people that say everything is boring and make the trip unbearable for the rest of us.


New Member
Originally posted by jcarriv
Thats a shame that these people don't like WDW.

Some of them sound pretty bitter and may have some issues beyond WDW.

I love rollercoasters but they have nothing on the variety of things to do at WDW.

I am going for our honeymoon in October.
It will be my fiance's first time and I am not vworried about her disliking WDW.

so just cause people dont like WDW they have issues? I'm really confused


New Member
I was not referring to people who don't like Disney. I was referring specifically to the person who kept saying "Disney Sucks" or people who mope around the park when money has been paid to be their. they just seemed fixated on being negative.

To each their own.


New Member
When I was a kid we would go as a family once a year for a day to Disneyland when we lived in So Cal. There were 7 kids so it was a big deal. My dad wouldn't take us to the Tiki Room because he thought it was a lounge or something. We recently took my Mom to Disneyland for my daughter's and her birthday and she told me that. Since I've been married we have been to Disneyland 4 times and WDW once, but we're going next month for the second time. I got my wife hooked as she loves the parks now. Our daughter is only 4, but she has been on all those trips. She went to Disneyland for the first time at 2. She loves the parks as much as we do and keeps measuring herself so she can ride the big rides. We love Disney as a family, but none of our other family members really care much about Disney.


New Member
I grew up being brought to WDW so I always have fond memories and that will always be part of why I am kind of a Disney nut.

I can see people not enjoying it.

Before I can remember my mom spilled hot coffee on me at WDW. Even with that traumatic experience in my sub-conscience I still love WDW.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
My parents are those kind of people! They hate being in a fantasy world! I have a hard time figuring out way, especialy since we live in Israel! :hammer: :brick: :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MouseMadness
My husband is the culprit in our family. :( What're ya gonna do though.

Christy, I am relieved to hear you say husband does not particularily enjoy WDW. He enjoyed our annual trips as a family when the kids were little because THEY loved it, not because HE did. I go by myself every summer for a week - with his blessing! - and I don't have to worry about him being bored.


Active Member
I can't comprehend how someone could be so unhappy in such a great place. Even if you don't like theme parks in general I would imagine that Disney could at least be appreciated for the imagination and detail that goes into the parks. I guess that's what makes the world go 'round.:)


Premium Member
I have the same problem as well. Many friends of mine know that I love Disney a lot, and a lot of them say "Disney is for babies" and things of the sort. But it's really only a few people, most of the people I know have no problem with Disney, though they do enjoy other thrill parks more. Even my teachers ask me about the Eisner issue, and sometimes some of my friends ask me about Disney stuff (every Monday they ask me at school if I had been to the parks over the weekend :lol: ). My girlfriend thankfully loves Disney a lot, not as much as I do, but a lot, and she loves all the animated movies (and PotC), and she enjoys the parks. My entire family loves Disney also (well, my dad's not a huge fan, but he'll go anyways). I'm just glad that a lot of people I know have no problems at all with anything Disney, because I mean, didn't we all grow up with Disney? Or own SOMETHING Disney that we loved at one point or another as small children? You can't just despise Disney.:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by blue_dragon_192
Coral Springs, FL. Just a few short (3-1/2) hours away.

I used to live in Coral Springs, but I live in Weston now.

and I have never been to Disney with anyone who didn't like it or thought it was too "childish". I know a lot of people like that though.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyFan 2000
My parents are those kind of people! They hate being in a fantasy world! I have a hard time figuring out way, especialy since we live in Israel! :hammer: :brick: :rolleyes:

My parents are sort of that way. They like WDW, but eventually have grown tired of it and don't like going every year. I, however, can't get enough of WDW!:D

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