Trip Report *DONE!* Take a dash of Food & Wine, a 30th birthday, some crayons, a 10 mile run and what do ya get?

.. A Tower of Terror 10 miler trip report of course!!! :)

Aloha boys and girls and welcome to my fall 2012 trip report!! I’ve decided to stop the trend of losing my vacation pictures starting with this TR. If you read my last 2 trip reports (well, one and a half since my May TR still isn’t finished… oops!!) you know that my sister accidentally deleted the last day of pictures after our November 2011 trip which included our Crystal Palace character breakfast, meet and greets with Aladdin, Jasmine, Davy Crockett Donald as well as a couple others.. Then while in the process of writing my May 2012 TR I lost my memory card and only the first 2 days worth of photos were saved :( Obviously, I don’t have good luck with vacation photos. HOWEVER - When I got home this time, I immediately saved them to my sister’s external hard drive and put the memory card in a safe place. We also ordered the Photopass CD and I took over 1300 pictures so needless to say this will be a picture infused trip report for sure!

If you’d like to read my PTR, you can find it here:

At first it was just going to be a long weekend trip to run our first Disney race: The Tower of Terror 10 Miler. Yes, you read that right. 10 miles! And I’m not a runner by any means but my sister and I signed up for the race in February. Clearly we are just crazy. Or we were just cold up here in snowy, frigid Maine and the thought of getting out of Maine for any reason seemed appealing at the time, even if it meant running (or fast walking) 10 miles. Training didn’t go as well as we had hoped and there were times we thought of dropping out cause let’s be real here, 10 miles is no short distance. The longest run I put in before the race was 5 miles. My hip acted up here and there and it hurt me to run sometimes. But we decided to give it a shot. The worst that could happen? We get swept but at least we could say we tried it. Besides, my gal pals Jess, Courtney and Shelley (@PartOfYourWorld @enchanted_belle and @Fashionista007 respectively) were going to be running as well. So I had some motivational support right there. I’m sure by now you’re probably wondering… Did I finish the race? You’ll have to read all about it to find out!! So who’s with me? Alright then… let’s get this thing rolling!!

Monday September 24 – Arrival day and our trial of Fast Pass Plus!
My alarm went off bright and early on Monday morning. Actually, it was more like dark and early since it was 3:20am. Mom and my grandmother would be there at 4am sharp to pick me up for our 1 mile commute to the airport. Our flight was at 5:40am and after researching the outgoing flights that morning and finding that 6 flights were leaving within 30 minutes of each other at our small little jetport, I decided we should be there by 4:15. That would give us a solid hour and a half before our flight to check our bag, get through security and maybe grab some breakfast. A little before 4, I let my pup Luca out and gave him lots of kisses as I would miss dearly while I was gone. I mean who wouldn’t miss this face?!


Mom and Grams showed up and we loaded my stuff into the car and we were on our way (I should mention here that Ashley would not be flying in until Wednesday evening due to her not being able to get as much time off from work) I had already checked us in for our flight with AirTran so all we had to do was check our one bag, print our boarding pass and get through the security line…. Only there were no lines. No line to check the bag and maybe 3 people ahead of us at security. And here I thought the line would be huge with so many people traveling early. Oh well. Better safe than sorry. We had an hour and 15 minutes to kill so I grabbed a magazine and read.

It was still dark out when we took off and we made it to Baltimore without issues. We landed in BWI at 7:10 so we had about an hour or so before the next leg of the trip so I went and got us some Jamba Juice. Mmm….. yummy!!

When we went to board the plane to Orlando, the ticket lady scanned my ticket and then she told me that our seats had been changed. She handed me and my Mom new boarding passes and told us “Here sit in these 2 seats. They’re in business class” A free upgrade to business class? Heck yes!! The extra leg room was nice and we got some Milano cookies as opposed to mini pretzels. You didn’t get anything additional other than a little extra leg room and priority boarding. The extra leg room was DEFINITELY nice but the fact it was about $300 more each way than what we paid, it just didn’t seem worth it. The only thing separating business class and coach was a curtain behind the seats so it wasn’t like you were really secluded. Sorry but the additional $600 that business class cost could be better spent elsewhere… like a stay at the Polynesian :) It was nice though to try once, especially since it was free. Since we were close to the front of the plane, we were first to disembark when we landed in sunny Florida 14 minutes ahead of schedule. No waiting at the back of the plane. That was nice…

We headed straight for DME and there wasn’t really a long line. We hopped on the bus headed for the All Star Resort and at promptly 10:38am we were bound for the happiest place on earth!!!



Getting closer……

We’re here!!!!!

We stopped at Coronado Springs first and then All Star Sports. We were finally there and I was super excited. We walked right up to the online check in and checked in with a CM name Sena. At this point I realized I did not have my ID on me and it must have fallen off my lap on the bus. FAIL! Good thing I brought my old ID with me. At first the CM seemed ok. We had requested the football section, ground floor and our requests were met. But when I asked her about our 2 day base ticket that we had to purchase in order to get free dining, she started talking to me like I was a moron. Sorry lady, but I don’t understand how it all works. I DON’T WORK HERE! YOU DO! Which Is why I’m asking you. Basically I asked her if our tickets were on our Key to The World card and if I could get them taken off that and put on a separate ticket, like when you just buy your park pass from guest services. She told me “No, the tickets are on there. It’s a package!” with a very snarky attitude. I told her I figured that would be the case but told her we have annual passes. This was where she rudely interrupted me and said “Then just don’t use the room key to get into the parks!!” Ummmm, ok, but how would I use the tickets in the future? Just bring that same room key when I wanted to put it towards my annual pass next year? “You would save it! Just like you would any other ticket!” At that point I was sick of her attitude and I sharply said “OK! Thanks!” took my packet and walked away. She did NOT have the friendly attitude I would expect from a Disney employee. There was no need to talk to me like she did. I’ve never booked a package so I don’t know how it works. I understand you get asked the same questions every day probably but this is the first time I am asking it. No need to be nasty with me. I think they need to sprinkle her with some pixie dust or something, make her a little more friendly.

So after a not so nice first encounter, we took stopped in the food court to pick up our refillable mugs. We have 4 mugs already at our house and if they weren’t free with the dining plan, we probably wouldn’t have gotten them. Honestly, we probably would have brought our ones from May and used those. Don’t hate. I know you’re not supposed to use them past your stay but we just got them 4 months ago. And we don’t use them that often. At least we’re not using the old ones from like 5 years ago or even older ones back when they had resort specific mugs (both of which I saw being done.) We then took our stuff to the room.


We were room 121, a corner room. We were super close to the main building so that was awesome. I don’t think if we had booked a preferred room that we would have been much closer. We actually could have even been further away so I’m glad we saved our money, switched to a regular room and just requested the football section so thanks John @blackthidot for suggesting that. I’ll review our room and the resort in full at the end of the TR.



Of course I took a picture of the room. Just one. Because what trip report would be complete without at least one room picture! :)



After a quick change and a phone call from a CM at the front desk letting me know our DME driver had found my ID, we headed to the bus stop for our first park: Magic Kingdom! We had some Fast Pass Plus cards to trial!!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
For some reason, I do NOT get alerts when trip reports I'm following get updated, so I have a lot to catch up on! Grrr. So, miscellaneous comments on posts since last month.

Yay for meets with Jess & Diane. They ARE fab. I met up with them at Happy Haunted 5K...seems like a long time ago. Can it have been during this trip report? o_O :)

Your photos are just terrifically gorgeous, especially the one of the butter at Narcoosee's. :oops: And the Polynesian room is my favorite in IASW, too! There's just something about those drumbeats... ;)
But I did like your IASW photo of the British Isles, especially the Irish bit. ;) That's my second favorite part.

I am really looking forward to a Starring Rolls counting on sharing one with @plaz10 in September! We are all so going to have to starve ourselves before that cruise, just so we can come off of the boat at our normal sizes.


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Great report so far, and really good pictures. I love red velvet and have never had one of those, but this has just put on my must-do list for my next trip.

You won't regret it! It's quite possibly the best thing I have ever eaten!! :)

THIS IS MY FAVORITE AA TOO! I always picture him saying (0In a British accent...) "Mmm yes that is correct, sir"

Yep. I'm a weirdo.

Yes... you are a little weird. But that's totally fine. He does look a bit British!! lol You do realize I am now going to picture him saying this when I ride it next week, right? haha thanks!

For some reason, I do NOT get alerts when trip reports I'm following get updated, so I have a lot to catch up on! Grrr. So, miscellaneous comments on posts since last month.

Yay for meets with Jess & Diane. They ARE fab. I met up with them at Happy Haunted 5K...seems like a long time ago. Can it have been during this trip report? o_O :)

Your photos are just terrifically gorgeous, especially the one of the butter at Narcoosee's. :oops: And the Polynesian room is my favorite in IASW, too! There's just something about those drumbeats... ;)
But I did like your IASW photo of the British Isles, especially the Irish bit. ;) That's my second favorite part.

I am really looking forward to a Starring Rolls counting on sharing one with @plaz10 in September! We are all so going to have to starve ourselves before that cruise, just so we can come off of the boat at our normal sizes.

The 5k WAS during this trip. It definitely does seem like a long time ago even though it really wasn't.

I LOVE the drumbeats in the Poly room!! For some reason that music just screams Disney to me!! :)

And yes I do plan on not eating as much before the cruise so I can fit into my clothes to wear after the trip when we're at the world. Hmmm, maybe I should pack a size bigger, just in case!! ;)


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Some more pics from IASW

After IASW we got a text from Ashley saying she had checked in, thrown her bag in the room and was at the bus stop. We decided to head to Main Street to set up for Wishes!

We usually stand right by Casey's, in the middle of Main Street. There is a walkway they tape off and you can't stand in the walkway. We always stand right behind the tape line so no one is directly in front of us. Well an older gentleman and his family stopped in the middle of the walkway right in front of us and decided this is where he wanted to stand. I had set my tri-pod up and was standing behind it. A CM told him he had to move and couldn't stand there so rather than go behind everyone else who was already cddorwded into the area he proceeded to try and back his whole family up behind the line and push me back almost knocking my tri-pod and camera over in the process. This did NOT go over well and I explained he simply could not stand there as I was not moving. He did somehow manage to squeeze in beside me somehow. He must have pushed some other people out if the way. And as we waited he kept moving closer to me trying to push me over so he would have more room. Nope... not going to happen. I gave him a swift elbow to the ribs and told him to STOP PUSHING ME. At this point Wishes was about to start in like 3 minutes (thank goodness!) and Ashley appeared! YAY!! Life was right again!

After Wishes, we hung around and slowly took our time getting out of the park. I think it's funny Ashley came all the way over from All Star Sports, watched Wishes and now was going back to the resort with us. haha. Oh well, thank goodness for AP's right? Not wasting a day just for fireworks!!

Good night, Magic Kingdom!!



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Thursday September 27

It was up early as MK has EMH that morning so we hopped up, got dressed and headed for the park, arriving about 15 minutes after EMH started. LOVE me some MK in the morning :)

The trolley show was heading right down the middle of Main Street USA so, of course, we stopped to watch.

Another crooked castle pic! I swear I'll work on that this trip!!

Partners! :)

I love how Ashley is looking up at the castle in this picture!

For some reason I don't remember, Mom separated from us. Maybe she went to the restroom? I think that was it. Anywho, Ashley and I grabbed these little beauties...

New Fantasyland walls..

We met Mom over at Pooh and took a spin in a hunny pot! Ashley played like a kid in the queue..

A walk-on the carousel..

Then it was time to set sail with Peter Pan and fly over London and rescue Tiger Lily!

We didn't have a ton of time before we had to head to our ADr for brekkie, so we wandered into Liberty Square...

It was right after I took this picture and we started walking over the bridge into the hub that Carrie ( @mamamouse ) was crossing the bridge towards us with her daughter! I stopped to say hi! It was so awesome seeing her because we hadn;t been able to meet up earlier in the week! Her little one looked super cute in her white Princess dress :) We couldn't chat long because we were heading out of the park but it was SO GOOD to see her! Rewriting this makes me excited to see her again down in the world next week! :)

We headed to the front of the park... Oh hey Pluto!

This usually makes me sad to see, but not this time, since we would be back later that day!



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We headed out of MK and hopped on a boat!

After a stop at the Grand Floridian we headed here.... My favorite resort!

I'd love to be laying here right now....

Ashley was kind enough to pose for me in front of the waterfall....

We headed upstairs to check in for our ADR at Ohana!

Mmmm.... POG juice!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEE their breakfast potatoes!! SO GOOD!!!

Oh hiiiii Lilo!

Pluto wanted to shake his maracas!!!

The characters came by pretty quickly!

Pluto decide to whack my Mom in the face. Or suffocate her. I'm not sure which...

Ohana was really good. The food was delicious and the POG juice is, obviously so stinkin good! This is how Ashley felt about Ohana....

Just kidding!! She loved it too!!


Well-Known Member
awe ure so sweet!!! I needed something to make me smile today( not my day today) so thanks for that and I can't wait to see you either!!! BTW you n ashley look perfect in your O'hana pics!!


Well-Known Member
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Great 'Ohana pics. That is one of my favorite character breakfasts! I agree about the juice!

I could drink that juice all day long. So good! I bet it would also taste really good in a Mimosa! I usually make my Mimosa's with pineapple juice rather than orange juice so I bet the POG juice would be tasty!

awe ure so sweet!!! I needed something to make me smile today( not my day today) so thanks for that and I can't wait to see you either!!! BTW you n ashley look perfect in your O'hana pics!!

Yay, glad I could make you smile!! And just think in a few days we will all be back in the world together!! :)


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.. Well, that's my last update for awhile. Leaving tonight to drive down to RI to my family's house where 6 of us will be flying to Walt Disney World bright and early tomorrow! I seriously am so excited for this trip. We tried to make it really special for my cousins who are going with us :)

I promise to finish this one when I get back before I start on the next one!! See ya real soon!! :)
I love your pictures of IASW and Wishes! What lens/settings did you use. I suck at dark ride photos, I'm trying to figure out how to not get them so blurry :/

Ohana for breakfast looks fun! I've never done breakfast at Disney. We're doing one on our next trip in September, I'm sooo excited!


Well-Known Member
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I love your pictures of IASW and Wishes! What lens/settings did you use. I suck at dark ride photos, I'm trying to figure out how to not get them so blurry :/

Ohana for breakfast looks fun! I've never done breakfast at Disney. We're doing one on our next trip in September, I'm sooo excited!

Thank you!! I used my kit lens for Wishes and I think (I can't remember exactly) I used ISO 100 and bulb and used my remote to work the shutter. I got a little bit better at dark rides on my trip this past week.

Breakfast at Ohana is delish!! We didn't get to have breakfast there last week, but we did have dinner there which is always awesome!! :) Where are you doing a breakfast in September? I just checked out your signature and we will be at Port Orleans Riverside too, on the night of Sept 7 before our cruise :)
Thank you!! I used my kit lens for Wishes and I think (I can't remember exactly) I used ISO 100 and bulb and used my remote to work the shutter. I got a little bit better at dark rides on my trip this past week.

Breakfast at Ohana is delish!! We didn't get to have breakfast there last week, but we did have dinner there which is always awesome!! :) Where are you doing a breakfast in September? I just checked out your signature and we will be at Port Orleans Riverside too, on the night of Sept 7 before our cruise :)

Thanks, I'll have to try similar settings! I took a photography class after I got back from my last vacation, so I'm more familiar with what the different settings mean and what they do, but I am still such a rookie :/ Can't wait to see your pictures!

We're eating at the Crystal Palace so we can get in the park early! I'm so excited! We have an ADR at Ohana for dinner, definitely one of my favorites! Riverside looks beautiful, I can't wait to see it!


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Aaaaand my photobucket has exceeded it's bandwidth! UGH.... That's what I get for letting my subscription lapse! Probably won't be able to fix this until next Friday but don't worry, I WILL finish this report!!!


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FINALLY... another update! My photobucket is up and running again so I hope to finish this report soon and get to working on my May TR!!

OK, so, where did we leave off? Oh yes! We had just finished breakfast at Ohana!! It was super yummy as always. We made our way out to the Poly monorail station and headed back to MK.

We decided to take a spin over to Frontierland on the train.

At this point we grabbed a FP for Thunder Mtn and then went and rode Pirates. After Pirates, it was FP time! BTMRR was good fun as always.

We wandered over to Tomorrowland and grabbed FP for Space Mtn. We rode Carousel of Progress and the PeopleMover while we were in Tomorrowland. COP is one of our favorites. Honestly, if it were ever to be removed, I probably would shed a tear or two. It reminds me of my childhood.

We used the FP for Space Mtn and decided we would head to another park. I grabbed a Mickey bar on the way out and we stopped at the Main St Bakery for an Iced Mocha. YUMM!!

Still haven't had a chance to try these amazing looking cinnamon rolls. Maybe next trip!!

We hopped on the monorail for the TTC. Hello, Monorail Black!!

And then we hopped on the monorail to Epcot. I just love the monorail ride to Epcot. It's so nice and relaxing and it's cool to see Future World from up high! Hello, Monorail Peach!

We met Miss Daisy when we got to Epcot.

We headed over and grabbed some FPs for Soarin. Then we rode Living with the Land, Nemo and Spaceship Earth. All were walk ons.

Can never have too many SSE pics, right @plaz10 ?

We stopped into Club Cool to try out some of the sodas. I had tried the Beverly before, but Ashley and Mom had not. So I tricked them into trying it. Here is what they thought of it:

Ashley says.... "Gross!!!"

Mom says.... Mehhh.... Not good!



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We wandered over to Imagination and decided to take a spin with Figment.

After that, we decided to head into World Showcase because we had dinner reservations shortly. We also wanted to stop in the UK to pick out our Dad's Christmas gift at the Crown and Crest. We got him the Coat of Arms and the family crest. We thought it was something neat and different since he is really hard to shop for for gifts lol. He really liked it.

We headed further back into World Showcase, It was a beautiful night at Epcot.

I stopped at the France Food and Wine booth since they had previews going on. This is the part in the trip where Ashley almost lost her life. OK, not really but she almost got hurt. As we were entering the queue for the F&W booth, which is of course the black posts that all connect. Well, my mom and I entered the queue and then some woman in an ECV cut Ashley off. I was next in line to order as this woman decideds she either A - couldn't maneuver the ECV or B - wanted to cut everyone in line so she pressed gas and went under the rope thing and pretty much crashed into the stand. At that point Ashley was behind and her and she was kind of standing there looking at me and my Mom like "?" so she goes to step forward in line with us and the woman in the ECV starts backing up - and fast. Ashley had to literally dive out of the way and this woman took down like 3 poles that were making up the queue. She was flipping out because they don't make the queues ECV accessible. Let me point out in saying the queues are ECV accessible. We saw lots of people in ECV's waiting for food and drinks there. The only difference is they were not going a buck ninety into the queue and trying to cut under the ropes and then backing up like they were shot out of a cannon!

Anywho, it was funny. Ashley almost lost her life at the hands of an ECV. Or at the very least, almost lost a limb. But she made it out alive, which is good considering our ADR was for 3 people and all. haha

I wanted to get the Eiffel Sour Cosmo Slush but the slush machine was not working so I got the Pomegranate Kir. It was alright. Not something I would order again.

We walked through Morocco. We wanted to take Ashley up back and show her all the fun stuff we had discovered the other night.

We then made our way to Italy. The clouds were rolling in and it looked like it might rain.

Our ADR tonight was at:

Via Napoli is a must do for us! We absolutely LOVE the pizza here. And the waitstaff isn't too bad either. Lots of good looking Italian men! We were seated quickly and for the life of me I cannot remember our waiter's name. Or his assistant's. I do however remember the name of another assistant in the restaurant who decided he was going to be our assistant sometimes, even though the Sous Chef kept telling him to go back to his section.

We ordered some drinks. I tried to Cannoli Martini. It was pretty good.

Mom had the Espresso Martini. She liked it.

And Ashley went with our old favorite standby, the Bellini. Always good!

After we ordered, an assistant named Andrea came over to our table and started talking to us. He was not our normal assistant. But that was ok because he was very good looking. While he was socializing, Joe, the Sous Chef came over and asked if we were in his section. Andrea told him yes, we were. Joe said no, we weren't and told Andrea to go back to his own section. Andrea obliged but a little while later, he came back over. Clearly this kid was a flirt. Joe came over and handed Andrea a cell phone. Andrea looked confused and Joe said "It's your wife!" We all laughed and Andrea was like "no, no I am not married." When he went back to his section we talked with Joe a little about our trip and how much we loved the pizza. He asked if we liked Via Napoli on Facebook and we all said "Of course!!" At some point Jess ( @PartOfYourWorld ) texted me to ask if it was raining. She was over at MK and I guess there was a torrential downpour. I told her it was still sunny over at Epcot! (We could see out the window and it was sunny but shortly after that it did start to rain so I told her it had made its way over to us)

When we dine here, we normally get a large pizza and split it but since we were on the dining plan, we each got our own pizza. Ashley ordered the pepperoni, I ordered the Margherita and Mom got... I don't remember lol from the photos it looks like sausage and tomatoes on top.

Ashley and I traded up a couple pieces each. The pizza was delicious, as always! After the entree, our waiter brought over the dessert menus and said he would be right back to take our dessert order. Everything looked really good. A few minutes later, Andrea came over to take our dessert order. We thought it was strange since he wasn't assigned to us but we gave him our order anyway. A couple minutes later our waiter came back to take our order. We told him we had just given it to Andrea, who was standing over by the kitchen door smiling. Our waiter rolled his eyes and laughed and say to pay no attention to Andrea. He took our order for real this time. Mom and I ordered the tiramisu.

Ashley ordered the chocolate Gelato.

This was the BEST tiramisu I have ever had. SO GOOD!! Ashley enjoyed the chocolate gelato a lot. Via Napoli was amazing, as always. Andrea came over to say goodbye to us and we went on our way. The funny thing is, we ate at Via Napoli last month and Andrea was there. He had been promoted to waiter and he remembered us from before.

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