Trip Report *DONE!* Take a dash of Food & Wine, a 30th birthday, some crayons, a 10 mile run and what do ya get?

.. A Tower of Terror 10 miler trip report of course!!! :)

Aloha boys and girls and welcome to my fall 2012 trip report!! I’ve decided to stop the trend of losing my vacation pictures starting with this TR. If you read my last 2 trip reports (well, one and a half since my May TR still isn’t finished… oops!!) you know that my sister accidentally deleted the last day of pictures after our November 2011 trip which included our Crystal Palace character breakfast, meet and greets with Aladdin, Jasmine, Davy Crockett Donald as well as a couple others.. Then while in the process of writing my May 2012 TR I lost my memory card and only the first 2 days worth of photos were saved :( Obviously, I don’t have good luck with vacation photos. HOWEVER - When I got home this time, I immediately saved them to my sister’s external hard drive and put the memory card in a safe place. We also ordered the Photopass CD and I took over 1300 pictures so needless to say this will be a picture infused trip report for sure!

If you’d like to read my PTR, you can find it here:

At first it was just going to be a long weekend trip to run our first Disney race: The Tower of Terror 10 Miler. Yes, you read that right. 10 miles! And I’m not a runner by any means but my sister and I signed up for the race in February. Clearly we are just crazy. Or we were just cold up here in snowy, frigid Maine and the thought of getting out of Maine for any reason seemed appealing at the time, even if it meant running (or fast walking) 10 miles. Training didn’t go as well as we had hoped and there were times we thought of dropping out cause let’s be real here, 10 miles is no short distance. The longest run I put in before the race was 5 miles. My hip acted up here and there and it hurt me to run sometimes. But we decided to give it a shot. The worst that could happen? We get swept but at least we could say we tried it. Besides, my gal pals Jess, Courtney and Shelley (@PartOfYourWorld @enchanted_belle and @Fashionista007 respectively) were going to be running as well. So I had some motivational support right there. I’m sure by now you’re probably wondering… Did I finish the race? You’ll have to read all about it to find out!! So who’s with me? Alright then… let’s get this thing rolling!!

Monday September 24 – Arrival day and our trial of Fast Pass Plus!
My alarm went off bright and early on Monday morning. Actually, it was more like dark and early since it was 3:20am. Mom and my grandmother would be there at 4am sharp to pick me up for our 1 mile commute to the airport. Our flight was at 5:40am and after researching the outgoing flights that morning and finding that 6 flights were leaving within 30 minutes of each other at our small little jetport, I decided we should be there by 4:15. That would give us a solid hour and a half before our flight to check our bag, get through security and maybe grab some breakfast. A little before 4, I let my pup Luca out and gave him lots of kisses as I would miss dearly while I was gone. I mean who wouldn’t miss this face?!


Mom and Grams showed up and we loaded my stuff into the car and we were on our way (I should mention here that Ashley would not be flying in until Wednesday evening due to her not being able to get as much time off from work) I had already checked us in for our flight with AirTran so all we had to do was check our one bag, print our boarding pass and get through the security line…. Only there were no lines. No line to check the bag and maybe 3 people ahead of us at security. And here I thought the line would be huge with so many people traveling early. Oh well. Better safe than sorry. We had an hour and 15 minutes to kill so I grabbed a magazine and read.

It was still dark out when we took off and we made it to Baltimore without issues. We landed in BWI at 7:10 so we had about an hour or so before the next leg of the trip so I went and got us some Jamba Juice. Mmm….. yummy!!

When we went to board the plane to Orlando, the ticket lady scanned my ticket and then she told me that our seats had been changed. She handed me and my Mom new boarding passes and told us “Here sit in these 2 seats. They’re in business class” A free upgrade to business class? Heck yes!! The extra leg room was nice and we got some Milano cookies as opposed to mini pretzels. You didn’t get anything additional other than a little extra leg room and priority boarding. The extra leg room was DEFINITELY nice but the fact it was about $300 more each way than what we paid, it just didn’t seem worth it. The only thing separating business class and coach was a curtain behind the seats so it wasn’t like you were really secluded. Sorry but the additional $600 that business class cost could be better spent elsewhere… like a stay at the Polynesian :) It was nice though to try once, especially since it was free. Since we were close to the front of the plane, we were first to disembark when we landed in sunny Florida 14 minutes ahead of schedule. No waiting at the back of the plane. That was nice…

We headed straight for DME and there wasn’t really a long line. We hopped on the bus headed for the All Star Resort and at promptly 10:38am we were bound for the happiest place on earth!!!



Getting closer……

We’re here!!!!!

We stopped at Coronado Springs first and then All Star Sports. We were finally there and I was super excited. We walked right up to the online check in and checked in with a CM name Sena. At this point I realized I did not have my ID on me and it must have fallen off my lap on the bus. FAIL! Good thing I brought my old ID with me. At first the CM seemed ok. We had requested the football section, ground floor and our requests were met. But when I asked her about our 2 day base ticket that we had to purchase in order to get free dining, she started talking to me like I was a moron. Sorry lady, but I don’t understand how it all works. I DON’T WORK HERE! YOU DO! Which Is why I’m asking you. Basically I asked her if our tickets were on our Key to The World card and if I could get them taken off that and put on a separate ticket, like when you just buy your park pass from guest services. She told me “No, the tickets are on there. It’s a package!” with a very snarky attitude. I told her I figured that would be the case but told her we have annual passes. This was where she rudely interrupted me and said “Then just don’t use the room key to get into the parks!!” Ummmm, ok, but how would I use the tickets in the future? Just bring that same room key when I wanted to put it towards my annual pass next year? “You would save it! Just like you would any other ticket!” At that point I was sick of her attitude and I sharply said “OK! Thanks!” took my packet and walked away. She did NOT have the friendly attitude I would expect from a Disney employee. There was no need to talk to me like she did. I’ve never booked a package so I don’t know how it works. I understand you get asked the same questions every day probably but this is the first time I am asking it. No need to be nasty with me. I think they need to sprinkle her with some pixie dust or something, make her a little more friendly.

So after a not so nice first encounter, we took stopped in the food court to pick up our refillable mugs. We have 4 mugs already at our house and if they weren’t free with the dining plan, we probably wouldn’t have gotten them. Honestly, we probably would have brought our ones from May and used those. Don’t hate. I know you’re not supposed to use them past your stay but we just got them 4 months ago. And we don’t use them that often. At least we’re not using the old ones from like 5 years ago or even older ones back when they had resort specific mugs (both of which I saw being done.) We then took our stuff to the room.


We were room 121, a corner room. We were super close to the main building so that was awesome. I don’t think if we had booked a preferred room that we would have been much closer. We actually could have even been further away so I’m glad we saved our money, switched to a regular room and just requested the football section so thanks John @blackthidot for suggesting that. I’ll review our room and the resort in full at the end of the TR.



Of course I took a picture of the room. Just one. Because what trip report would be complete without at least one room picture! :)



After a quick change and a phone call from a CM at the front desk letting me know our DME driver had found my ID, we headed to the bus stop for our first park: Magic Kingdom! We had some Fast Pass Plus cards to trial!!


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We continued to wander around a bit.





After a few minutes we decided to take in Muppet Vision 3D. I just love this show!! :)


Awwwww.. a net full of Jello!! This is rather fitting considering the recent passing of Annette Funicello!! Loved watching her on the old Mickey Mouse Club reruns way back when I was a kid!




After the show, we headed back towards Sunset Blvd..






We enjoyed Sci Fi when we ate there last year. We gave our aunt and 2 cousins the choice between Sci Fi and 50s for our trip next month. They've been to 50s before, so they picked Sci Fi :)





Active Member
Can we just talk about how fantastic your pictures are! So bright and vivid, just beautiful! I too had an experience with a very rude woman during MVMCP who did something similar, some people are so sad! Loving the TR so far, keep it coming! :D


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Can we just talk about how fantastic your pictures are! So bright and vivid, just beautiful! I too had an experience with a very rude woman during MVMCP who did something similar, some people are so sad! Loving the TR so far, keep it coming! :D

Thanks Nicole! :) I just love my camera!! Still so much I can do with it that I have yet to learn!! Hopefully will get more posted tonight!


Well-Known Member
oh hey girl!!! i've been counting down the days woohooo we're getting closer!!! I love schi-fi too n funny enough Hailey used to like it alot n then after her 4th time when she actually paid attention she was afraid spo sadly we havent been in a while now :(


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oh hey girl!!! i've been counting down the days woohooo we're getting closer!!! I love schi-fi too n funny enough Hailey used to like it alot n then after her 4th time when she actually paid attention she was afraid spo sadly we havent been in a while now :(

Oh no :( Poor Hailey lol it really is an awesome atmosphere!! The food isn't the best but the atmosphere makes up for it! And yes, oh so close to our awesome WDW meet up!! :)


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After the show, we headed back down Sunset Blvd to see Beauty and the Beast. I must say I love this show! This is one of my favorite Disney movies. I was lucky enough to see the National Tour of BatB for my birthday back in January. It was sooo good!! :)

Me and Mom :) And some random guy behind us looking at the camera!! lol

We decided we were hungry so we headed back down Sunset to a little place called Starring Rolls. Since we had an early dinner again today at 5:30, we decided to split a counter service meal. We got the ham on focaccia and it was REALLY good. They put a honey mustard on it and it was really big, LOTS of ham.

And for dessert, my favorite thing is all of WDW... The red velvet cheesecake cupcake. This is a little piece of heaven. Sooooo good!!

I could probably just eat all the cream cheese frosting and not even have the cake part of it. I split it with Mom though cause its just too much for me to eat at once.

After lunch it was time to use our FPs!!!



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After lunch we decided to go on... A Fantastic Journey into the movies!!

Some people bash it, but I love GMR. Lots of people say they need to update it with more recent movies but I disagree. The movies are the best classics of ALL TIME, not the best movies out there now. People are always complaining that it's the same movies an d the same ride over and over again.... While that may be true, isn't every other ride in WDW? I may be a bit confused here, but isn't every ride on RNRC the same? Isn't every ride on Splash Mtn the same? Hmmmmmm....

This time, we actually had the cowboy scene. Woot woot!!!

Hello, Cheetah!

Ohhhh, Casablanca.. one of my all time favorite movies!! Here's lookin at you, kid!



Well-Known Member
That ham sandwich looks yummy!! I'm definitely trying that next time we are there! I hate to say it, but I wasn't able to eat my entire cupcake either. They are just too rich to eat the entire thing by myself! Can't wait to read more!


Well-Known Member
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That ham sandwich looks yummy!! I'm definitely trying that next time we are there! I hate to say it, but I wasn't able to eat my entire cupcake either. They are just too rich to eat the entire thing by myself! Can't wait to read more!

The sandwich was really good and really big! It was the perfect lunch to split with a QS credit :)


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After our journey into the movies, we decided to head over to MK. I had been texting with @PartOfYourWorld throughout the day. She had just arrived at the world and we wanted to FINALLY meet up!!

I love this picture...

We decided to head over to Tomorrowland. We grabbed some Space Mtn FP's and took a spin on the Peoplemover.

We then decided to battle Zurg with Buzz Lightyear. I crushed Mom as usual.

When we got off Buzz, Jess called me! She and her mom were heading over to Tomorrowland so we waited for them. It was so great to meet her in person!! She lives about 2 hours or so from me. Since this trip we have met up for lunch with her and her fiance in Providence. Both she and her mom Diane (and her fiance!) are AWESOME! :)

We all decided to take another spin on the Peoplemover and we chatted the whole time like we were long lost friends. She was also going to be running the race on Saturday so we talked about that a bit. Afterwards it was time for our Space FP's and my mom let Jess have her's so we went and blasted off into Space while our moms ride the Peoplemover again (I think?)

And what WDWmagic meet up would be complete without a picture?! :)

It was time for us to head to our ADR so we walked to the hub and the went our seperate ways. I knew I'd see Jess and Diane again later in the week though! We then hopped on the monorail and made our way to the Grand Floridian.

While it is a really pretty resort, it's just not for me. I prefer the South Seas theme next door at the Poly!


Well-Known Member
We then hopped on the monorail and made our way to the Grand Floridian.

While it is a really pretty resort, it's just not for me. I prefer the South Seas theme next door at the Poly!

I agree wholeheartedly! :D

It is absolutely beautiful and the themeing is exquisite. My grandparents used to stay there and love every minute of it. Nevertheless, I love to visit (especially when the Gingerbread House is in full effect!), but I also prefer the ambiance of Poly, Wilderness Lodge, etc. much more! ...More my pace, style, and level of "caj"!

Incredible photos - you definitely capture the essense of Disney in the details! (and I can't help but drool over your wonderful documentation of so much yummy food!)
Mom looks like a lot of fun! She must be a fun Disney travel buddy!

BTW, after following this TR for weeks (months?), I almost forgot that there's a race coming up sometime along the way! LOL!
Carry on! :cool:

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