does anyone get this alot?


New Member
Original Poster
Is it just me or does it seem like every time you tell someone that your going to Disney they say," Again, golly you go way too much!" Ugh. None of my friends are Disney fans! Sometimes I just feel alone... But, they are getting alittle better at excepting it. Now when I say," I'm going back to Disney," they just say," Okay." Am I alone or do others have to put up with this also?:confused:
I understand. I told my father that we were going on a vacation to WDW. His reply was, "didn't you just go there?" Yeah, right. It was 7 years ago! And just because I dream about going everyday; doesn't mean that I actually get to go.


Well-Known Member
Pongo said:
I feel dumb, but what does that mean?

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Well-Known Member
I have this same problem. People don't understand that Disney (and Orlando for that matter) has so much to offer for those that need constant entertainment or relaxation alike. They don't understand that it's not just for kids - we adults can marvel at the engineering and technology as well

You are not alone! I've been to over 25 countries around the world and while fun, I have found no other place that satisfies my vacation appetite like Disney.


Active Member
I know. My grandma will say something like: "What? Disney again?!? You have already been there! What else is there to see?" And then I just have to tell her that it is just too much fun not to go.


I get that all the time I figure if they don't get it well that sad for them. I would go every week if I lived nearby.


Active Member
I get that all the time! People can't appreciate the Magic!

They all need to learn to appreciate Walt and his creations!

When I tell people I am going to WDW, they say, "weren't you just there?" I say, "Yes, and I'm going back because it's fun!"

I then ask them what they're doing and they say nothing... They can't explain sitting on their backsides over WDW.

Nothing beats the magic of the world!


New Member
Alot of people just don't understand the magic of Walt Disney World! I've got 1 friend that is a disney fan like I am, we talk about going all the time. I grew up going to disney, I feel like Disney is in my blood!! Maybe we all need to start telling the non-disney believers that they need to go, and get in the spirit! If everybody LOVED disney as much as I do (as we do here on these boards), the world would be a much HAPPIER and better place!!!!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
crazymatrix_gal said:
Is it just me or does it seem like every time you tell someone that your going to Disney they say," Again, golly you go way too much!" Ugh. None of my friends are Disney fans! Sometimes I just feel alone... But, they are getting alittle better at excepting it. Now when I say," I'm going back to Disney," they just say," Okay." Am I alone or do others have to put up with this also?:confused:

Holy boldness, Batman! That font is killin' m' eyes! :dazzle:


I get so annoyed with people when I hear them asking why I'm going again. They roll their eyes when they hear I'm going back. I get it from my parents, friends, co-workers, etc. Of course everyone is asking where I'm going for my honeymoon and when I tell them Disney, they ask why don't I go somewhere like Hawaii? My response: when they get married, they can go to Hawaii.
I hear things like I'm spending too much money on vacations there, when really, its probably just as expensive to spend a week at the shore. Some people just don't get it, but I'm glad there are other out there like all of you that do get it. I'm also glad that I found someone who loves to go back as often as I do :)

Miss Bell

New Member
I used to get that all the time--now pretty much everyone understands that it is just a given that WDW is where we will be going for vacation. People have even started asking me every fall, if I've made my reservations yet.

My in-laws finally went to see what the big fuss was about, and now they can't wait to go back. :)


New Member
Some yes, some no---the ones who don't get it haven't been to Disney(or havent since they were 5)

A very random question--back to the reputation points. I understand the little messages, but what's the point of the points? When you have more of them, is it good? Bad?? :confused:



Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness do I get that all the time! And, just like someone else mentioned here, we're going for our honeymoon as well - and people are like, "Oh. You're going to Disney World. Again?" Granted we're also going on the cruise (which we have never done before and is taking us to places we've never visited either,) but when they find out that we're starting the trip in WDW - a little over a year since our last visit - they're like, "there's so many places in the world, you want to go there again?"

First I tell them it's because my fiancee' and I both love WDW and have a lot of good memories there, both in our childhoods and as adults, but the other thing I always try to point out to people is that (at least for us, travelling from where we live) WDW is not the insane money pit that a lot of people make it out to be. We can do a few days in WDW for less than it would cost for us to fly to Europe or Hawaii or whatever and pay for lodging/food/etc.

Does that mean I'm *never* going to travel anywhere other than WDW? Of course not. I have been lots of other places and there's many that I would like to see or go back to. But when I'm looking for a fairly reasonable, *guaranteed* fun/clean/safe vacation, I'm going to go with WDW. I know people that go to Mexico multiple times a year and I don't say "Oh, Mexico. AGAIN?" I think people think that once you're an adult you should only go a couple of times once you have kids to appease them or something.

Thus ends my rant. :p


Well-Known Member
I used to get that all the time and it *used* to bother me.

Now they say "When are you going to Disney World next?" and when I say I am going away they asume it is to there (even though it isn't always, mostly half the time.)

So really the people who know me and hubby have just come to accept it and tend to keep snide remarks to themselves now a days.

Really most people have their favorite vacations spots anyway. This is ours.

I must admit it is nice to have online friends who understand. :)


New Member
Yes, no one understands why my family goes so much. It is neat because most of my friends at least like Disney movies... but people my mom works with tell her that after you go once it is no longer impressive... needless to say my mother was so shocked that someone though that she was speechless!!!!

I just went back in January and already can't wait till our next trip! Though sadly we only go about every 2 years!


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