Bad idea...
American Idol - is a completely guilty pleasure of mine.
I am a musician and I normally loath what this show promotes:
Singers who don't write their own songs - basically pop figure heads ala Britney Spears....(although over the last few years this seems to be changing and there seems to be more singer\songwriting rockers on the show)..but alas I digress -
All that being said - AI is GREAT TV - the popularity isn't going to wane anytime soon - it's been on for several seasons and formula works - it keeps breaking TV viewing I can see why Disney would hop on this and try to make something of it -
BUT I don't see how they plan on setting this up and who in the world wants to sit through a Karaoke concert...
I just don't get it - then again I never understood - Karaoke.
Could you imagine if I came to you all with this idea -
"Picture this everyone - I got this idea, we can all sit around and subject ourselves to listening to each other sing out of tune" "It'll be great people will line up to get snickered at by other people" Whaddya think? Million dollar idea right??
For whatever reason people love it...:brick:
So after all that jabbering -
My opinion = horrible idea and a waste of space in park that needs more RIDES - not shows
Bottom line -
My opinion apparently doesn't mean much,
and it will most likely be a huge hit for years to come!