Does any one find test track to be boring

Glen Quagmire

New Member
Original Poster
exactly ive gone 135 and the feeling of doing it in 10 seconds its what the ride should shoot for....would put a smile on everyones face


Active Member

I Am biased due to havinga rolelr coaster park practically next door.

Compaired to all the disney attractions I do think this is one of the more boring ones.

I will go on it if there is not a huge wait or huge wiat for fastpass.

I honestly think it tries to hard to be a thrill ride and have a theme.

Disney would not do a ride that goes 135. Look at all the problems six flags is having with kk. That goes 130 in 3.2 seconds and is ALWAYS down.

Glen Quagmire

New Member
Original Poster
im not saying go 130 but maybe 90.....go from a roll of 10mph and go to 90 in 4-5seconds...the technology is deffinately there


New Member
Specificly anyone who is in to motorsports or drives in competition or maybe just own a fast car. I know its a ride and it cant be too wild but it just not go fast enough nor does it enduce the same lateral G's that driving a finely tuned automobile does. Is this just me.

Ok, first of all... i LOVE your name!! You just mught be my idol on wdwmagic

Ok got that out of my system

Now, as for TT being a "boring ride." I truly believe that TT is the way it is because the attraction can't be pushed any higher. Remember how long it took to open TT due to all the problems they were having with the cars going off the track? Honestly, I think Disney did the best they could with the technology that was available at the time.

Also, TT is perfect because it's "tame" enough for people above the age of 50 and small kids and yet still offers thrill seakers some satisfaction. Remember, when Disney designs a ride they must have MULTIPLE age groups in mind.
This is a common complaint regarding the "thrill" factor of TT. I remember the rumors which spread prior to the attraction's opening (at least in the real world, NOT the Disneyana internet globe), that the vehicle would reach Nascar-like (180-200 mph) speeds. Many people felt that if anyone could pull this dangerous yet ultra-exciting feat into a daily, family-friendly reality, it would be the genius Imagineers at Disney. Cut to the ride's actual opening where you have guests zooming to a whopping 64 mph (most of the guests drove down World Drive at a faster, more "thrilling" pace on their way to the park that morning), and for some reason, the whole "element of danger and thrill" has been removed).

I personally enjoy the attraction (I am more for story and imagination rather than thrill...hence my WDW adoration), but I know plenty who feel the 2 mph pace of ol' World of Motion gave them a better buzz. Anyhoo, I am glad the allure of TT has remained all these years, I know many more people who LOVE TT better than just about anything offered on property, though even they hope something more "juiced up" may come its way in the future (a la' ToT's different drop styles....though this was a far simpler feat).

Does anyone with technical knowledge of the attraction know if an increase in the finale's speed factor would someday be a possible revival/refurb of the popular vehicle test center?

Glen Quagmire

New Member
Original Poster
Ok, first of all... i LOVE your name!! You just mught be my idol on wdwmagic


Park History nut
Premium Member
im not saying go 130 but maybe 90.....go from a roll of 10mph and go to 90 in 4-5seconds...the technology is deffinately there

A) Test Track is purposely limited to your national speed limit (ooh - 4mph above the legal limit)

B) The cars were designed for 90mph+, however this would mean having a steeper bank on the loops. A steeper bank would be too uncomfortable for strapped in guests to withstand should they be stopped there.

Guests wanting the option of super fast acceleration have RnRC to try.


Active Member

I thought i read on this site that the test track cars are basically electric cars .

SO i Think it would be quite dangerous to make them any faster.

Rides like kk and ttd have launching systems and have no engines on them.

I would think it would be hard to control the car at high speeds with how the ride is set up.(with each car being an electric car with an engine in it)

Ps I could be wrong but i am going by how I thought the ride worked.

Glen Quagmire

New Member
Original Poster
that bank has to be steep enough for 90+ is almost nascar steepness plus the fact that I think(maybe) they are held to the track by more than just the 4 wheels. as for electric motors being able to take the car to 90+ mph, its all in the gearing, eectric motors can easily give you the power you need.....i understand its not as easy as turning a switch to make the ride faster. I'm not saying they could make these changes im just saying it should have been that way from the begining...or that should have just updated world of motion


Well-Known Member
I'm sure 90 is possible in those vehicles... but its probably outside of their safety specs for the suspended track and the ride system. The would have to do a bit more reinforcement to handle that speed and increase the track length to accomodate more than just a burst.

65 with the top down and only a computer driving gives just enough thrill to make it a fun ride and one that people will come back to. (want evidence... check out the 160+ minute wait on busy afternoons.)

Also... c'mon... all of you writing in about how TT is boring, will go on the ride the next time you spend a day at Epcot.
I wouldn't spend more than an hour since I can find other things to do than just stand in lines all day.


Active Member

What I am saying is that with the cars basically being an electric car and basically a computer driver car would going 90mph be safe with how the ride is set up?

Say if there was water on the track , how does the ride handle that?

Does the car brake with normal brakes or does it stop more likea lim or lsm coaster?


Park History nut
Premium Member
The bank is angled just enough to take a car going at full speed (best case scenario, at the speed the RCS will allow before a cascade) - 48 degrees. 95mph would have needed a bank of 69 degrees and so on.
Remember, this is still one of the most advanced theme park attractions anywhere when it comes to ride control. The ammount of 101s are testemant to this, as was the 18 month delay before it opened whilst WDI tried to get the software to work and keep working.

Glen Quagmire

New Member
Original Poster
so any faster and the car flies off the track, im not buying that. Isnt the car anchored to the track in some way, from under the track? I just don't see that its impossible, I understand that its not gonna happen but still, impossible


Premium Member
TT was never meant to be a showcase of the fastest car available. There are production road cars that travel 210mph +. TT is supposed to be a thrill attraction that the whole family can ride together. Remember it also has to operate with ZERO chance of a catastrpphic problem. You can't say "well, it will only fail one in every million rides". By that score, you could end up with fatalities every month.


Premium Member
so any faster and the car flies off the track, im not buying that. Isnt the car anchored to the track in some way, from under the track? I just don't see that its impossible, I understand that its not gonna happen but still, impossible

It may allow higher speeds, but the designed limit and tested limit is 65mph.


Premium Member
Remember, this is still one of the most advanced theme park attractions anywhere when it comes to ride control. The ammount of 101s are testemant to this, as was the 18 month delay before it opened whilst WDI tried to get the software to work and keep working.

And a mighty fine ride system it is too! Quite an amazing achievement they pulled off with that one.

Glen Quagmire

New Member
Original Poster
Oh i understand that, what I'm saying is that the ride is trying to be half thrill ride half slow show ride and it is a bit week on both ends, in my opinion

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