I've never seen you post anything positive for WDW, so I don't understand why you post here...
Because the fanbois love me.:wave:

WDW1974, how is ours dumbed down to only little girls? BBB? Forgetting the Dream Along with Mickey show? What about Cinderella's Royal Table? Plus you have to remember children usually get payed attention to more than adults. And it just so happens that Cinderella appears more to girls than boys.
Well, for starters I used to be able to actually dine at King Stefan's Banquet Hall as a non-fey male and not feel out of place. It was a location that didn't pander to little girls and their mommies and daddies with overpriced character dining. It was nice, classy, uniquely Disney place to dine. I could then shop and buy all sorts of cool items, including real swords and high end crystal and, later, Disney art too. Now, there's a Jon Benet Boutique there. I don't think I'd look good as a princess.
I think you lack the perspective to get what I am saying because of your age.
I grew up with a Fantasyland that wasn't all about princesses. I grew up with one where I could fly to Never Land with Peter, Wendy and Bros, then take the Happiest Cruise that ever set sail, travel into Snow White's SCARY Adventures and, after I braved them, have a frozen grape juice bar before departing for Vulcania on one of Captain Nemo's submarines that took me 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. If I still had some energy then I could take a ride to nowhere in particular with Mr. Toad (and wind up in Hell if I wasn't careful:fork::goodnevil:drevil

... and after all that fun, I could have a slab of manly prime rib on pewter dinnerware inside Cindy's castle as the fireworks went off above. And when that was done, I might even buy some take home magic at Merlin's Magic Shop ... all without ever leaving Fantasyland.
If you don't understand how the land (much like all of MK) has been fundamentally altered and dumbed down, then I'd read, research and ask those of us who can 'splain it to you.
And I'm really trying to not come off condescending ... it really is all about perspective, and if you're a teen today you simply have no clue what MK used to be like.
I wouldn't necesarily say there three are "plussed significantly". I've seen P.O.V.s and haven't noticed anything significantly different. Our Snow White being dumbed down shouldn't make ours any less of a great ride. Just by you calling kids frightened by a popup brats just speaks for itself... you really want the park to have things YOU want. You just want what you want and don't think about how other people might feel (kids).
MK's SWA flat out $ucks compared with the versions in Anaheim, Tokyo and Paris. It has been neutered to the point of being laughable, so as to not scare anyone's kids. And it DOES make it a lesser experience. Snow White can be quite scary to children when they first view the film. I know that when I was seven, the scariest attraction at WDW for me was SW.
And young Scar, I want MK to have the best possible attractions for ALL guests, not simply myself ... and certainly not the stroller brigade.
I'll again ask, have you been to any parks not in FLA?
Their Mansion is our old mansion which is nothing to cheer about. Their PHH and Banquet Hall are there only truly unique attractions, but I still can't see them beating our Fantasyland.
Their Mansion while largely based on MK's isn't a carbon copy. And is a top quality attraction. They also add the wonderful NBC holiday overlay that TDO is too cheap and small-minded to do likewise.
But you miss some fundamental points when you enter into a __________________ contest as to what park is better. That you show with your next point.
Also, MK always has great show and upkeep. In fact, if anything is making Magic Kingdom better and better is their attention to show and upkeep.
No. It does not. You, in your limited perspective, might believe so. But as someone who has been going to MK since it was barely three years old, I can tell you that show and upkeep in 2009 pales to what it was in 1979, 1989 and 1999.
Are some things getting better now vs. 2007 or 2003 or 2001? Sure. But that really isn't saying much.
If you believe MK has 'great show and upkeep', then I'd advise you to visit Disney's other MKs around the globe and compare. You'll see MK coming up last or next to last in most every category.
Now ... go :snore: on that. (I wish we had a pixie dust smiley ... c'mon, there's gotta be a bored fanboi who's come up with one!)