Do you know people who don't enjoy Disney World?


Well-Known Member
the people i work with. not one of them has been to disney and refuse to think that it is any good, and it's just a childs theme park.
WRONG. oh well, i like being the disney freak.


Well-Known Member
Oh god many people!! They don't understand how we can go to Disney every year sometimes twice ,if we're real lucky, and if we're wicked lucky, no kids one of those visits!..But those are the people who will go once in their life and consider it enough that one time! Either its the price , crowds or weather, that just turned them off. Not enough research , but then again We here at WDWmagic are a unique bunch!
They don't get how we can get so excited about it every year ( like its something new)even though we just went the previous year!! As one of my clients said to me today " it must be like going home" and yeah it kinda is. Its exactly like that! I walk into SSR and they say just that to us "Welcome Home"! Its our Happy Place, what can I say!
I do love when people say " but you have kids so I get why you go there"....Un no , I think, no I know we'd go there even if we had no kids!
I guess everyone does have their thing, to me its definatly Walt Disney World, I go there and I get to forget about reality for a week! The news yeah I may watch it but its not my hometown news so thats different! Driving, yeah disney has that covered as well! Cooking , all set there too! I like being totally emerged into the magic! I mean really, where else can I get my face painted, walk around with a pair of mickey ears while eating a giant turkey leg and not get stared at like I have two heads??
Only at WDW baby!
and in 3 days I will be doing just that!


Active Member
Yes, actually yesterday I came across someone who disliked it, and Disney overall really -- The topic somehow came up amongst some of my friends and the lady said "ugh..Disney..." A friend of mine said, "What? I love Disney movies!" And she responded, "No I was talking about Disney World...You go once, there's no need to go again..."(with a stern look on her face).

I was somewhat discouraged, but then I thought "What the heck? That's her problem, she's the one missing out on something that is so amazing.."

Many times it is associated with heat, expenses, and crowds. But sometimes, some people just don't get Disney...they are the weird people.


people I know that don't enjoy it are absolutely miserable oafs, so it doesn't come as any surprise to me.
And they are freaks.
Every one of them.
Exactly. It annoys me so much! :brick:
People who dont like Disney World, (or other Disney related things) usually
1) Tend to not have that "kid at heart" attitude.
I knew this old hag that didn't like Disney at all.
My jaw dropped. I've never met anyone who hasn't at least ENJOYED DisneySea
I could not imagine being compatable with a spouse that hated WDW. I think it reflects a lack of open-mindedness and imagination.
I knew some relatives that did not like it but I no longer associate with them.
I never understand how some of the people can hate Disney????:shrug:
the people i work with. not one of them has been to disney and refuse to think that it is any good.
^Agree with all of this. It makes my head spin that so many WDW haters are so closed-minded to the magic that they refuse to see past the negative. Sure, there will be crowds...the place is the #1 tourist destination in the WORLD. will be hot, as it sits in central Fla. Kids will get cranky at times, all kids do. But to turn that against WDW and say the place is no fun??? Or hate it alltogether? :shrug: Narrow-minded Disney haters (I'd like to call them something else, but would probably get banned ;)), have no imagination in their soul, and their minds are so closed that their brain is losing oxygen. But then again...let them be miserable haters. Afterall, if makes the lines much shorter for those of us here who appreciate quality and enjoy the magic that Disney brings.
a lot of Florida residents in general don't like Disney. But they're often ok with other theme parks. :shrug:
???? Ok with other parks? :mad::shrug:
Apparently some people wouldn't know true quality if it bit them in the you-know-where. lol


Well-Known Member
I know quite a few people that either hate it or just don't care for WDW.

Some of them are even my friends.

It gets to be like politics or religion...some things you just don't discuss with some people.


Active Member
I asked a few of my friends to come with me for a future trip to Disney but they refused and rather go to Universal.

My best friends are fans of retro EPCOT rides and hate how EPCOT has changed but they decided to go just for me. :D


Well-Known Member
That's ok because I don't enjoy hunting.. just means more money for me to spend at Disney!!!! Special times for me and my daughter.


I DONT UNDERSTAND how this is even possible?!?! Honestly, what's not to like?
I know, right? It's like these people are so close-minded, that they completely blind themselves to other's points of view.

But like I've said before...makes lines & wait times all the shorter for us: The people who have taste. :)


Well-Known Member
In my experience, most people who don't like Disney haven't actually been. (Or went once in like 1989 and had a bad time so now say it sucks.) There are A LOT of people who just have this idea that it's "just for kids" or they have a real sarcastic attitude towards anything Disney so automatically think the parks are awful. These kinds of people tend to be very vocal in their hatred of Disney and almost get mad at you for enjoying it.
My feelings exactly! My best friend would always say how she never liked Disney World and yet she had never been (until last year when she went to Disneyland) and even that she wasn't crazy about. I get that its not for everyone but it annoys me to no end when people go on about how its just for kids, or when people go and plan nothing at all about their trip and have no idea what there is to do and then complain that its boring. But I completely agree, sometimes it seems like the people who don't like it do get mad at you for enjoying it.


Well-Known Member
oh do i have a good one for this... little bit of back round i am 22 my fiance 23 we have been dating for 6 1/2 yrs in Sept. so last yr i told him i wanted me him and his parents to go on a nice vacation together bc his rents never been to disney ( they grew up pretty poor) we decided to take them there 1 week 4 days disney 2 universal 1 sea world cost us about 4 grand and did sig dining got them very nice dinner reservations so FF to x mas 2009 we give them a card .. you are going to disney in MARCH!!!! (neither have jobs they suck off the state and lie) so they didnt need a big notice AND his mom said why would i wanna go there this is a stupid gift.. i was like wow r u serious? so i canceled and they got nothing but seriously what butt munchers!!!


Well-Known Member
Many of the people I go to school with hate Disney with a passion. I think they only claim to hate it because cool hipster kids are suppose to hate it.

My boyfriend's parents hate Disney. His mother specifically can not stand the parks or staying in the resorts. She thinks it is over priced and tacky. She will only stay and the Grand Floridian because she can spend all day in the spa while the grandkids are at the parks. She loves watching the movies with her grandkids. They live in Bocca and never go. They only went one time and that was for the bf's nephew's 5th birthday.


Well-Known Member
When my daughter was younger, around 14, I took a friend of hers (I used to take a different friend every year). This friend didn't like it. I think she thought it was going to be all coasters like Cedar Pointe. It was also summer and hot. I couldn't understand why she had to keep going to the bathroom and I asked her if she had a problem (I am thinking bladder infection), when she said no, and then I realized it was because the bathrooms are airconditioned. :ROFLOL:

Also, my late husband never ever wanted to go. He said he hated commercialism like that. I finally got him to Disneyland when my daughter was 5, and guess what? He loved it Said it was so well put together and done so well. Sadly, he never made it to Disney World before he passed away.


I can understand that Disney isn't for everybody. Everybody has a right to decide what they are or aren't likely to enjoy, so that they can avoid experiences that they don't believe will be worth the effort. For example, I've never been to Death Valley, but I don't think that the experience would be one I'd relish, so I stay away.

I do NOT understand the people who say "I hate it" and seriously mean that -- when they've never been there. Maybe you don't think you like it, but hating it? Sounds like the kid yelling "I hate asparagus!" when they've never even seen it before, much less eaten any.

I do completely and intimately understand the people who may not dislike it, but don't go because of the cost. (Had you noticed that WDW is expensive?:() I mean, there's always that nagging thought "What if I spend all that money, get there, and it just doesn't thrill me? I can't afford to take that kind of chance."

So rather than just admit to ourselves and others that we can't afford it, nuking our self-esteem in the process, it can be less troubling to decide that we don't really want to go. So we tell other people that...

We don't like it.

For me, I think that if I can ever convince my tightwad past to shut up, I'll love the place.

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
A co-worker of mine was disgusted to an extent when he heard my wife and I were going to WDW. We didn't have kids yet and went alone. He didn't get it. Afterwards I posted some pictures on Facebook of the trip, nice ones. I guess he thought I'd be embarassed of some of those pictures but I wasn't. He attempted to smear all things Disney even to other people who had never been. It worked with some people but it didn't faze me. Some would come up with me and ask:

"Why do you go without kids?"
"Why didn't you like it last time you went?"
"Well, I've never been before."
"Okay, no offense but your opinion is baseless to me right now."

Then that same co-worker frustrated about how I didn't care that I was teased about going to Disney without kids copied a picture of my wife and I with Donald Duck and literally passed it to people at work hoping to discourage me. It didn't work. I stood by my claim that I had fun and that I was (gosh) smiling in the picture. I think it frustrated him even more.


Premium Member
This is a little off topic but I actually converted a WDW hater. My roomate in college would tease me about Disney and said it was awfull and that when she went with her family they stayed for an hour and it was hot and crowded and all they did was walk around. Well any a couple of years ago a mutual friend of ours had a conference in Orlando and suggested a girls weekend. So the Disney hater, our friend, & I met down there and the Disney hater actually suggested going to Epcot! I was stunned I hang even mentioned going to WDW because I was sure I would get shot down. So twist my arm...I agreed to go to Epcot and she loved it. She thought the holidays around the world was great, loved candlelight processional, lived the Biergarten and the polka band, loved it all! Her birthday was a day away so I got her a birthday button and I think the special attention and magic shared by cast members won her over. She hasn't been back since but she talks about going all the time and wants to take her son. She even borrowed some of my guide books.


Well-Known Member
I have a few thoughts on those who hate or dislike WDW…
The vast majority WDW haters I know, truly I don’t know that many haters of WDW, don’t like WDW or anything else. You like thingamajigs they will tell you for hours why they hate thingamajigs. They are haters of everything. I also know some people who had bad trips, mostly because of their poor planning. You know the type, show up July 4th weekend and be SHOCKED at the crowds, heat and cost. I also have a few friends who don’t have a lot of money and saved up to go for a few days and not have a great time because the cost of the trip got to them.
I call it the cost VS fun ratio… EXAMPLE: Mom is a teacher and Dad a police officer (two kids 7 and 9), could only travel 3rd week in July for about 4 days and only had about 1500 to spend total. Stayed off property 500-600.00 , 1 day MK, 1 EPCOT and 1 DT, tickets 500.00 (these are estimates). The other 500 was spent on food and gas and mouse ears for the kids. The entire time Mom and Dad keep thinking their 1500.00 could have been spent somewhere else that did not have lines and crowds, had steak dinners, and more A/C, etc..They just could not RELAX and ENJOY because of what they were getting vs the cost. I asked them if they enjoyed any part of the trip and they did come up with many things they enjoyed, riding Splash as a family, playing in Innovations. But somehow instead of coming back with a positive attitude they could not get their head out of their wallet. As I listened to what they were saying I remembered a trip to Destin that week took in 2008…over 40 members of my family were going, so we went with our 4, 3 and 6 week old kids. Our condo alone cost 1200.00, the weather was so-so and one of us was always in the condo with the baby. Over all we did have a good time and my family is a blast but DH and I commented many times that we could have been at WDW for what we were spending for a rainy beach trip. When I look back on that trip I my first memory is of the expense not the vacation memories. The ratio cost vs fun was not proportional in either of cases for the families in question… as opposed to my 2,500.00 7 day trip in October that was non-stop fun and we would have paid 5000 for because of the memories.

Which brings me to my next point, WDW vacations can be a once and done for some families as other destinations are for my family, I understand the go once and move on state of mind. I like to think of these people and luke warmers…not haters. For example in July DH and I went to Seattle for a conference. It was our first trip without children (we have 4 under 6 so you can understand my elation at a solo vacation). We had a GREAT time, saw the city, got to drive around and soak some of the Pacific Northwest stunning scenery and went home. Even though I had a great time I feel like I have seen the place and don’t need to go back. Another example I have been on two cruises, both were lovely times but I don’t really want to go on another one (Of course a DCL cruise would be awesome but not in our budget right now).
People who constantly ask us why we go so much to WDW so I tell them. It is a place where we all have fun. I don’t have to cook, do dishes or clean so I am on vacation (something I don’t get in a condo or vacation home); DH is on vacation, kids are in heaven don’t bicker and play so hard the crash leaving DH and I a great night sleep. We love the food and can still give our kids and ourselves healthy options. We are an active family so the pace is great for us. We always find new things to do and we still haven’t done everything but we have a familiarly with the place that makes touring and exploring fun not stressful. Most of all our kids LIVE THE MAGIC…they love the nooks and crannies the small and big things and seeing their joy makes my heart swell. I don’t know how much longer Tinkerbell flying in the fireworks will captivate them or how much longer Mickey will be the coolest guy ever so we want to enjoy the innocence and magic of their childhood now and WDW is a magnifying glass for that. In short WDW is the perfect destination for my family now…that may change as our kids get older but right now we are happy and excited to vacation there. Once my peace is said I don’t get much argument instead get people telling me what their perfect destination, their Happy Place is, the lake, the beach, camping, sightseeing whatever.
In conclusion the only haters I hate are those that have never been and won’t go…there isn’t much I won’t try and I won’t b*tch about anything without experience… I am with most of you don’t like it don’t’ go…like it then lets chat because WDW is one of my favorite subjects


Well-Known Member
The people that I know have been once. Bought some package with off-site condo, rental car and tickets to everything. Seaworld, Universal, WDW and maybe even more:shrug: They have roughly one week to do all they can and end up miserable. Kinda blaming it on Disney since that was the point of going to Orlando. Run, run, run..... no we cannot wait for EE... NO TIME! Sheesh.


Active Member
My husband didn't like it-- He's VERY frugal so I think the price turned him off. He also came down with strep throat the day we went, so I'm guessing that was probably most of the reason. ;) I'm determined to turn him into a disney-lover like myself.

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