Do you get mistaken for a CM when you visit WDW?

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I seem to have this "problem" lately whenever i visit the Parks.....there i am walking along and the next thing i know someone rushes up to me with a question! :lol:

No seriously....Guests think i work there and for the past few trips i have been trying to figure out WHY this is so! I don't purposely try to dress like one, and i can only guess that it might be because of these reasons:

A. I am always alone....with no kids!

B. I wear a pin lanyard ( yeah, i love pins!!)

C. I am not overloaded with bags, backpacks, cameras, etc.

D. I don't dress as a "tourist" ( no loud shirts or shorts...tee hee!)

I'm not complaining...please don't misunderstand this thread! I am just wondering if other fans here experience the same funny situation where Guests mistakingly think you are an employee!

On my last 2/3 trips this has really come to the fore....and it's so funny! I mean, i KNOW i need to get a job there but on, how suttle can you get! :lol:

My last trip in March i was mistaken several times. I was wearing my yellow "Orange Bird" t-shirt and baggy khaki shorts. I had a pin lanyard around my neck along with a ID holder. I had no bags with me or anything...and i was alone as always. Twice that day people came up to me, the funniest being during "Wishes". There is was just standing by the entrance under the Train Station watching the show and this woman with two kids in a one of the rental strollers comes up to me and wants to know if it's ok if she just ditches the stroller behind me. I'm all confused for a minute, why is she asking me....but then it dawns on me that she thinks i'm a CM! Ha ha ha!!!

Wacky stuff..

So who else has some good stories? WHo else has been a "CM for a second"?

So who here has been mistaken for a CM?


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I was intercepted a few times last trip. DS and I were both wearing Disney name tags [not CM tags, the ones you can buy]. I guess people assumed I worked there.

I was worried when a couple brought their two kids over to me to explain that if they got separated they should look for someone like this with a Name Tag... I quickly corrected that it should be people with a white tag, not any other colour. The parents looked at me like I was betraying them! I explained that coloured tags can be purchased by any guest and engraved with a name, staff at WDW wear only white ones and that's who their kids should look for.

If kids did ask me for help, I'd definitely help them find a CM, but who knows what someone else might do! :eek:

I did steer a CM towards a little boy whose parents had obviously got lost in the MK Town Square one evening near closing, he was wandering around, obviously distraught, by himself. She immediately went over and asked him if she could help him find his lost parents. The smile on his face made my night!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
autumndawn1006 said:
Never been mistaken for a CM, but a couple of times I've been asked for an autograph. They then ask me why Tweedle Dee isn't with me anymore.

That's funny ! :lol:

One time I was wearing Khaki shorts and a red shirt at the Studios and realized that what some of the CM were wearing also. Kinda made me feel like a CM for a moment,


New Member
I wish I was mistaken for a CM. That could be fun:
"Yes sir, I'm sure the 3:00 parade will be at 5:00 today."

"Really, the Orange version is the tamer Mission Space ride. Who are you going to believe a Cast Member or all the signs that have clearly never been on the ride?"

"No the Rock and Roller Coaster isn't fast. They just call it a coaster because they give you a place to set your drink when you're on the ride."

One Dream

New Member
I was mistaken for a cm on my last trip. I was standing near the entrance to Mickey`s PhilharMagic. I had a poncho on, a button(i dont know why), a pin landyard. About three or four people came up to me ask me if i knew where they could park there strollers. Also got mistaken when i was standing near Hall of Presidents. Again i was ask the same question.


Well-Known Member
I usually wear a nice Disney polo shirt and golf shorts when I'm in the parks. I always have folks asking for directions, advice, asking questions, etc. Even in the merchandise shops, folks ask me if I have something in their size.

I help when I can.


New Member
Other CM's ask my wife alot if she is a CM. She has a cool 'monorail' shirt that she wears occasionally, and everytime she gets bigtime compliments from CM's on it and they say:" Are you a CM too?". She's always like "no...hehe".


Active Member
My partner and I bought the same color red polo shirts with the Disney Letter D with diffrent colord shorts - we didn't want to match to much ( pluss we can find each other if we get lost in a crowd-LOL).

We were on the Ferri heading to the magic kingdom when people started to ask us qeastions..we told them pollitly that we were tourists ( not Tourons) visiting the park ,but we could answer some ?'s if we knew the answer.They got real nasty- saying we were faslely advertising ourselves as cm's. :eek: :hammer:


New Member
I was last trip in the Beach Clubs' store...I was wearing a golden yellow pin laynard like the CMs wear and a lady asked me if I worked their and where to find something...I acted as if I did and pointed here in the right direction of what she was looking for...I wasn't wearing a name tag or wearing anything that remotely looked like any of what the CM's wear, just shorts and of course a Disney T-shirt...:)


Well-Known Member
I get asked questions all the time when I am in the parks as a guest...

and behold I even surpise myself that I can answer questions in other lands and parks.

I know this place to well!


My best friend and I were actually asked by another CM if we worked in the store. Once we replied that we weren't, she asked us if we were on the Disney College Program. We're not even in college yet, heh. But it was a huge complitment, I wish I was mistaken for a CM more often. Especially since I'm always leading my group around the parks, maybe I'll get mistaken for a CM this trip, which is in only six more days!


New Member
I know I get mistaken. Usually I can always answer their questions though. It's not just at Disney though. I could be in Target or something and people will ask me questions. I am not even wearing clothes remotely close to theirs. :p


New Member
We've never been mistaken for a cast member, probably because we have our two little boys with us. Although, I do help people when they are standing around looking at their map in confusion. It's always nice to help other families get to a ride or tell them where a restaurant is. :wave:


I usually wear my Passporter pin with my name on it... so I've been confused for a CM sometimes. Always willing to point a guest in the right direction (with a 2-fingered point, of course!)


New Member
I have been stopped and asked directions several times. It only happens when I'm on my way somewhere by myself, and I guess it's because I am walking purposefully without a lot of bags or other obvious tourist stuff on me.

This thread reminds me of something that happened in a department store recently. I was stopped and asked if I worked there. When I said no, the woman who had asked said, "Oh. I guess you're just not carrying a purse." I guess poeple respond to different visual cues to to tell if you're a CM or a guest!


Well-Known Member
Constantly! I am always being asked for directions, enterance locations, etc.! Espically restrooms, people can never find them. I help whenever possible, and when I can't I explain that I am not a Cast Member and direct them to someone who can help. Having a limited edition CM only pin that looks like a CM nametag and reads "Walt" (from 100 yom) really throws them off!
disneygirl_wdw said:
I know I get mistaken. Usually I can always answer their questions though. It's not just at Disney though. I could be in Target or something and people will ask me questions. I am not even wearing clothes remotely close to theirs. :p

LOL! That happens to me a lot in the drug store, etc. I spent 10 years working in retail and I guess I just have that "helpful" look. I don't mind though, I like to help people.

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