I'm sorry you're having such a tough time. I'm hoping that things will brighten for your birthday and upcoming trip! I feel your pain though, I feel like a dark cloud has been following me since the summer started!
Good luck!
Thanks! All I can hope right now is that the body shop can get me towed in quickly tomorrow and get this handled super fast. Fingers crossed!
Our April 2010 trip was our son's first trip and I was really starting to think we weren't meant to go on that trip. My wife had some strep throat issues in February, then started having one issue after another from that point on. Chest pains, pains in her arms, etc, and various visits to the doctor and one or two ER visits. She had issues for several months after the trip, before it was concluded she had anxiety and she still takes meds for it. And our son had some kind of bronchial issue around the same time my wife had her strep throat. But about a month before the trip, our infant daughter caught croup and was in the ER. So I was freaking out that this was getting uncomfortably close to our trip for everyone to be in and out of the doctor. And to top it all off, on my last day of work before the trip, and two days before we were supposed to leave, my wife was in Walmart getting her new contact lense prescription before our trip and got a call from the sitter that our daughter had fallen out of the high chair and had a black eye. So my wife had to rush home and take her to the ER to have her checked out. With all those visits to the ER, I was starting to feel like the theme song of "Cheers" about having a place where everyone knows your name, and yes, I was really getting scared to death that we just weren't meant to go on that trip!
But fortunately, my wife's issues calmed down long enough to go on the trip (and then started up again after we got home), my daughter was fine, and we took our trip and had a great time.
Wow! That sounds like a perfect storm of medical nightmares!

I'm glad everything settled enough for you to get in the trip. Still - that sounds like the medical version of everything going on over here lately. Just one yucky thing after another. Hopefully getting to go on your trip was therapeutic for everyone. I'm so sorry that you guys had to endure that and that your wife still has some issues... but it was helpful for me in that it did put something into perspective. Days before our Dec. trip DD2 got a cold and a nasty ear infection. We were flying for that trip and I was having flashbacks to DD4's constant ear infections - and being grounded for air travel multiple times. So, the revelation- which became more clear as I started to calm down- was thankfully nobody was sick. I just need a series of contingency plans in case my car isn't finished before our departure date.
Sending some pixie dust your way!
I hope it will all look better in the morning. We all make silly mistakes, especially those of us who are busy moms. Sometimes I am just so mad at myself after I make a mistake, but then I wake up the next morning and think 'You know what? It's not the end of the world and this is all going to work out.'
Maybe priceline some airline tickets??? Maybe flying would be even less stressful than driving and this will all work our better in the end??? (Just trying to find a silver lining!

Thanks! I really need it.
Yeah- I keep replaying it in my head and thinking how this never would have happened if I did this or that. It started driving me nuts, so I just threw myself into cake work. I guess at least Mr. Potato Head and the Alien are finished ahead of schedule.
I checked Priceline and a variety of discounters + Southwest, but everything is around $2200

It's probably better if we drive at this stage since I have a little over $300 invested in lodging along the way...including DH's Father's Day night in Biloxi on the way back. Sooooo, if my vehicle isn't ready- we'll either be renting or I'll be convincing DH we can make this work with his car- which he's certain won't be a solution. Then again, he's also the one who said I'd never fit the stroller in my Jeep with all of our bags- yet it worked in my mock packing.

I just have to start thinking positively and convincing myself that we have a variety of solutions/options- even though it won't be easy.
I'll add some pixie dust too!! :animwink: Firstly, take a deep breath and know you are at the point we all get to, this close to going on vacation. There aren't enough hours in a day. With all that is going on, your DH has to realize, it could have been worse, car doors can be fixed. If he's anything like my DH, he's just worried about the cost aspect. Once you all hop in the car, and start your magical journey, things will be fine. Try to think positive.... you WILL get your DD's bithday cake to school, the car WILL be fixed, your birthday WILL be a happy one, and you all WILL have a great vacation!! There will come a time, you can look at this all, and laugh. Have a very Happy Birthday and enjoy your vacation. :sohappy:
He probably was looking at the cost aspects...and that the side of his car got scraped in this as well. You are so right- I just need to stop dwelling on a few stupid seconds and the damage and just look at fixing the problem. I kept trying to tell myself last night that it doesn't help anything to beat myself up over this. Thanks!
Keep your chin up! You're going to Disney World soon!! How lucky you are! Everyone has bad luck sometimes, but your just getting your year's worth out of the way now! It will be nothing but smooth sailing from now on!!
That's kind of what my parents were saying. i.e. maybe I'm just getting all of my bad luck out of the way pre-trip. They reminded me of a series of car issues that happened when I was expecting DD4. Within a month of my due date, the master cylinder on my brake system went and then shortly after that was fixed, something happened with the computer and radiator causing the car to think it was overheating and stop running. So hopefully that's it and by Friday we'll be on the road. Thanks!
Personally, I think it's your DH that shouldn't go on the trip. Making an "ugly comment" about being parked on the grass is what started the whole chain of events. Continuing to make you feel stupid about an accident that would not have happened if he wasn't so worried about a few blades of grass is just childish.
Taking your children to WDW should be a happy event. Even so, there is enough stress in family vacations without him adding more. Hopefully he will come to his senses and calm down before the trip.
His bad attitude certainly didn't help the situation, but I'm sure some of it stems from me swiping his car in the process. He was relatively quiet most of the night - so hopefully this is him mellowing out before the trip.
Yes, I feel ya & can commiserate. First, let's start with a big ol' bear-hug for you & a tssk-tssk-tssk & a smile for your DH. We're all human & have our out-of-brain moments. The important thing is that you're all well. I mean, imagine if the car had been rolling with a kid behind it. There's certainly worse things. Right? I clipped the tail light on DH's Tahoe with my mirror backing into the driveway & closed the garage door on the hood of my car. (2 seperate occasions of course) My old man gave me all kinds of crap with his smarty-pants comments. Then, low & behold, guess what smoothy caught the bottom of the garage door with the satellite fin on top of the car when they were whippin' it into the garage before the door was up far enough? Sweet justice! I haven't heard a word since. Lol!
We're still holding our breath hoping beyond hope we have resolved ourYacht Club curse. Every time we book at YC something happens & the trip gets canceled. With everything that happened this week with the dip in the stock market we certainly have been skittish. When oil company stocks dip the first thing they do is start shelving projects & pulling work from engineering firms. With the 2 months the hubby was out of work last summer (1st time in 17 years :lookaroun ) we start looking at things, questioning the expenditures on a vacation, and wonder if we should keep that $$ in the bank. Ya know? Hubby went in & talked to the big boss lady and took one of the big shots fishing Friday evening. Things look okay so we're trying to relax. Stil, I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop on the YC curse! :lookaroun
Thanks! Yeah- I kept running through my head all the what ifs. The girls were still strapped into their carseats, and my brain was on them and not the car door. I realized last night that the car hit me as it rolled backwards. Of course it wasn't going very fast, but enough for bruising on my arm and hips. Thankfully I didn't get knocked down or I probably would have gone under one of the wheels. You bring up clipping the tail light and I think that's part of why DH was so bitter- I swiped the side of his car. I'd just like it to be post trip if DH does his own silly thing with the vehicles. He seems to be better this morning and good with discussing contingency plans- so, it's progress.
I soooooooo hope the YC curse doesn't surface for your trip. I REALLY wanted to see your cake! Everything with the markets and credit rating change for the US had me wondering if it would be better to scrap the trip, but I heard Kendall last night gushing to my parents about this mystery bday vacation adventure she's going on and how she's getting an amazing Belle cake. I guess the plus side is that I'll be spending much of my day in a collision repair center tomorrow. Doesn't sound great until you think about dealing with the flood of trades from the markets reacting to the credit downgrade. The oil and gas market sensitivity reminds me of DH's 8 yr break from the financial industry to work in mortgages/real estate. Very different businesses, but both have outside factors that can make things turn south like that.
Well- hopefully both of us will get a good dose of pixie dust and our trips will not only happen, but be beyond AWESOME!!!
all the stuff thats happening before your trip just means your trip is going to be amazing! everything should be balanced so get the bad stuff out now so you can have a great trip! [:
I soooo hope so!!! Thanks! :wave: